Tesla’s Mexico Plans Face Setbacks, Recognizing Women’s Economic Contribution

Simply Economics, from Mexico

04-05-2024 • 6 mins

Tesla's plans in Mexico deflate (but don't die) as the company faces setbacks. Plus, the need to recognize and remunerate women's contribution to the economy in Mexico. Stay informed about the challenges Tesla is facing and the importance of gender equality in the economy. Sources: https://elpais.com/mexico/economia/2024-05-04/los-planes-de-tesla-en-mexico-se-desinflan.html https://hgrupoeditorial.com/aporte-de-las-mujeres-a-la-economia-debe-ser-reconocido-y-remunerado-ccme-edomex/ Outline: (00:00:00) Introduction (00:00:39) Tesla's plans in Mexico deflate (but don't die) (00:02:53) Women's contribution to the economy must be recognized and remunerated: CCME EdoMéx - Heraldo del Estado de México