El Salvador’s Bitcoin Experiment, Costa Rica’s Economic Slowdown

Simply Economics, from Mexico

12-05-2024 • 3 mins

Explore the impact of Bitcoin on the Salvadoran economy and the implications of El Salvador's bold decision. Discover the factors behind Costa Rica's economic slowdown and the challenges faced by different sectors. Gain valuable insights into the world of cryptocurrencies and the current state of the Central American economies. Sources: https://geopol21.com/el-impacto-de-bitcoin-en-la-economia-salvadorena/ https://www.prensa-latina.cu/2024/05/11/economia-tica-crecio-en-marzo-un-37-por-ciento-pero-desacelero/ Outline: (00:00:00) Introduction (00:00:41) Costa Rica's economy grew by 3.7 percent in March, but slowed down