

Hey, and welcome to the Virtuelicious podcast: food hacks and fun chats :) After years of working long hours and not having time to cook, I felt unhealthy, lethargic and fed up. I needed to make a change. Over the years I learnt how to cut corners without compromising on great taste and healthy options. And now I'm going to share everything I have learnt with YOU. I'll share my quick cook tips so that you can spend more of your time doing what you want. We'll cover meal planning, food prep, time saving gadgets, batch cooking, even dinner parties! Come, join us :) x read less


25. It's BBQ season! Tips and tricks for an easy, tasty BBQ that won’t leave you frazzled
25. It's BBQ season! Tips and tricks for an easy, tasty BBQ that won’t leave you frazzled
The sun has got his hat on and he's coming out to play. So get the coals on the bbq and let's celebrate. In this episode I share with you my tips and tricks for an easy but tasty bbq.  I'm still writing up the full article but I'll send it to my email subscribers when it's ready and will be offering a discount on my new BBQ sauce pack. You can sign up here: Sign Up Listen now to hear how I make have a bbq a doddle. I'll cover:  Key principles:  keep prep easy and limit the number items that you make make it easy for people to help themselves to the food Mains: choose just a couple of mains. shop bought it fine if making it yourself then choose low prep meat or fish and a marinade  the veg option should be a course in its own right - swap meat for tofu (tofoo is my favourite brand), veg sausages and burgers, bean burgers, halloumi or paneer Salads: make as easy as poss, use a processor - salsa and coleslaw are great for this potato and pasta salad are good make-ahead options Veg: corn on the cob, roasted veg, portobello mushrooms Carbs: warm bread on the coals, it makes it taste like fresh bread buns - brioche are all the rage at the moment other options include rice (great with kebabs), cous cous, bugler wheat and potato - baked or wedges.  Sauces: make your own if you like or buy it: options include: bbq sauce, peri peri, chilli sauce, ketchup, mayo, yogurt with herbs and other flavours mixed in, mustard Sides: fired onions cheese pickles crudités - use veg that requires very little prep e.g. baby vegetable, sugar snaps, veg that is easy to chop e.g. cucumber and peppers Dessert choose desserts that don’t require a lot of effort to serve up e.g. homemade ice lollies juice and water milk and chocolate/strawberry/rose syrup, milkshake powder? milk and fruit fruit salad grilled fruit - sliced pineapple or peaches charred on the bbq ice cream Drinks punch - both non alcoholic and alcoholic beer water ice glass identifiers (permeant marker for disposable glasses, stem rings for wine glasses, liquid chalk markers for glasses Don't forget to sign up to get the full guide: Sign Up