33. Veganuary Tips 4: Be Prepared


04-01-2022 • 5 mins

Read the blog: https://virtuelicious.co.uk/veganuary-tips and listen to the last episode to find out how to win the mean planner journal.

Be prepared

Going vegan is a big change. It requires planning. If you want to eat a balanced diet of largely unprocessed foods then you can do that but it takes a bit of work upfront. My 3-Hour Cooking Week e-book can help with this. It’s a vegetarian plan but with a few swaps the meals can be turned into vegan ones. Get it here: https://virtuelicious.co.uk/product/3-hour-cooking-week-e-book/

Set aside some time to do your meal planning. Get your diary out and work out when you’ll be home and when you’ll need food to take with you on the go, especially when a vegan meal may not be an option.

Work out what meals you want and when you will have time to prepare them. And make sure you set aside time to do the shopping.

Batch cook so that you have some to eat now, leftovers in the fridge and portions in the freezer for another day. Don’t forget to portion up the food so that you can defrost one portion at a time.

Make sure you always have something ready to eat for when you get home ravenous. And don’t forget the snacks!

My meal planner journal covers all this and more: https://virtuelicious.co.uk/product/meal-planner-journal/