38. Veganuary Tips 9: How To Add Va Va Voom To Your Meals


07-01-2022 • 7 mins

Read the blog: https://virtuelicious.co.uk/veganuary-tips and listen to the last episode to find out how to win the mean planner journal.

Add the va va voom factor

  • always have onions, garlic, ginger and chillies to hand
  • pre-prepare then and either refrigerate or freeze
  • don’t be afraid of using ready made blends - just check the label for nasties. Here are mine: https://virtuelicious.co.uk/shop/
  • keep the water from steaming or boiling veg - it can make a tasty hot drink or use it to add flavour to sauces
  • add texture with seeds, nuts, croutons or raw diced veg e.g. peppers
  • make your plate visually appealing with colour and garnishes