31. Veganuary Tips 2: How Vegan Do You Want To Be?


03-01-2022 • 3 mins

Read the blog: https://virtuelicious.co.uk/veganuary-tips and listen to the last episode to find out how to win the mean planner journal.

On the face of it going vegan is an easy decision - and it can be if you want it to be. It’s simply giving up meat, fish, eggs and dairy products right? Well, yes it can be that if you want it to be.

Or you  might want to go the extra mile and give up honey too. Or start checking labels to ensure that foods don’t contain ingredients that are derived from animals - eggs and gelatine are the obvious ones. But what about the not so obvious? Some alcohols use animal products in the production process. The wax on may well be shellac (E904) which is a resin secreted by the female lac bug.

And then there’s the clothes - should you give up your favourite leather shoes? Or keep wearing what you have but not buy new ones? Or only buy second-hand?

These are all things to think about. There is no right or wrong answer. Just what feels right for you!