36. Veganuary Tips 7: How To Keep Your Carbs In Check


05-01-2022 • 4 mins

Read the blog: https://virtuelicious.co.uk/veganuary-tips and listen to the last episode to find out how to win the mean planner journal.

Keep your carbs in check

  • eat a variety of grains
  • choose wholegrains where possible to keep yourself fuller for longer
  • batch cook, portion up and freeze so that they are ready whenever you want them
  • substitute some of your carbs for pulses e.g. reduce the amount of pasta on your plate and replace some of it with butter beans; likewise, add beans or vegetables to rice.
  • try not to have carbs with carbs e.g. potato curry with rice or a chip butty
  • replace breakfast with a non-carb/low-carb alternative e.g. smoothie, rosti, fry up etc.