The power of Breath Work with Nick Fischer

Warrior One Yoga

19-11-2023 • 45 mins

Today we’re joined by Nick Fischer, a certified yoga instructor and breathwork expert. Together we're diving deep into the art and science of breathwork, exploring its incredible benefits, practical techniques, and how you can incorporate it into your daily life.

So, get ready to unlock the power of your breath!

Nick views our breath as a friend, one that is with us from our very first moment, until the very end. Whenever we are stressed, tired, anxious, or angry, our breath is the first thing to respond. By having control and awareness of our breathing, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves.

There are many approaches to breath work out there and in this episode, we focus on the Buteyko breathing method. This is a holistic approach to breathwork that places a strong emphasis on maintaining optimal levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the body.

We then explore the concept of subtle breathing, a practice that encourages soft, relaxed inhales and long exhales. This technique aims to find the right balance between challenge and comfort. Nick suggests integrating breath awareness and subtle breathing techniques into your yoga practice.

Nick provides practical advice on how to try mouth-taping safely and shares his experience with mouth-taping. We learn how mouth taping can positively impact oral health, reduce teeth grinding, and help people who have nighttime breathing issues.

Additionally, we discuss the connection between breath and stress, and the role of breath awareness in managing emotions. We discover how stress impacts our breathing patterns and why breath awareness is essential for understanding our emotional triggers.

Remember, breathwork is an experiential practice. As you experiment with these techniques in your daily life, you'll likely notice positive changes in your focus, relaxation, and overall health. So, start slowly, find opportunities to check in with your breath, and embrace the incredible benefits of conscious breathing.

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