Warrior One Yoga

Nova Rosaia

Get ready to dive into the wonderful world of yoga with the Warrior One Yoga podcast! Our team of inspiring teachers and thought leaders are here to share their powerful practices and engaging conversations, all aimed at enriching your life with yogic tools and knowledge.

Whether you're a seasoned yogi or just getting started, we've got something for everyone. From exploring different yoga styles to discussing the latest trends in modern yoga, our podcast is the ultimate destination for all things yoga.

So sit back, relax, and join us for an enlightening journey as we delve deep into the world of yoga. Get ready to stretch your mind, body, and soul with the Warrior One Yoga podcast!

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How to deliver an epic vinyasa class with Sophie Davidson
How to deliver an epic vinyasa class with Sophie Davidson
Welcome to the world of Vinyasa yoga, where movement and breath blend together into a beautifully choreographed flow. In today’s episode, we are joined by Sophie Davidson, one of our esteemed yoga teachers at Warrior One Yoga. Together we delve into the key components of a Vinyasa class and discover how to deliver an incredible experience for your students. Breath: The Heartbeat of Vinyasa. In Vinyasa yoga, the breath is paramount, distinguishing it from other movement practices. Prioritize connecting students to their breath to create a seamless and transformative experience in the faster-paced Vinyasa class. The Power of Cuing. Effective cuing is essential in guiding students through Vinyasa poses and transitions. Follow the Three A's: Announce breath and pose, Align bodies, and Add details gradually. This structured approach promotes clarity and a more intentional teaching experience. Elevate Your Sequencing. It’s important to start with accessible options and gradually progress, as this lets students of all abilities feel supported and successful. Elevator queuing can transform the student experience, as seen in poses like the humble tree. Thematic Depth. Themes are a beautiful way to infuse your Vinyasa class with depth and purpose. Whether it's a philosophical concept, an energetic focus, or a quote that resonates with you, theming adds an extra layer of meaning to the practice. Consider choosing themes that inspire, and uplift, your students. Pace: Finding the Rhythm. In a Vinyasa class, students anticipate a dynamic and energizing experience. While it doesn't have to be lightning-fast, it should have a more upbeat tempo compared to slower flow classes. The key is to find a balance that allows for fluid movement and challenges while still honoring the breath and providing space for mindfulness.  The beauty of Vinyasa yoga lies in its adaptability and creativity, so feel free to infuse your own unique style and passions into your teaching. Step onto your mat with confidence, knowing that you have the tools to deliver an epic Vinyasa class that will uplift and transform the lives of your students.   Connect with Us:  Website: https://warrioroneyoga.com.au/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/warrioroneyoga/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@WarriorOneYogaOnlineStudioSee omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
Sequencing Skills for your classes with Amy Cashman
Sequencing Skills for your classes with Amy Cashman
In this episode, I am joined by Amy Cashman to explore the art of intentional sequencing in yoga classes. We will delve into the why behind intentional sequencing, discuss the principles and guidelines of creative sequencing, and provide tips on how to create intelligent sequences that cater to mixed-level classes.  Principles and Guidelines of Creative Sequencing: The Bell Curve: At the heart of any vinyasa class lies the bell curve. Starting closer to the ground, we gradually warm up, reach a fiery peak, and then cool down. This gentle progression prepares the body and mind for the more complex or challenging poses.Elements and Energetics: As we move through the sequence, we can incorporate the elements (earth, water, fire, and air) to enhance the energetic experience. Grounding poses represent earth, flowing sequences with breath embody water, challenging poses evoke fire, and incorporating breathing exercises and individual teaching styles represent air.Building towards the Peak Pose: Identify a peak pose or transition that you want to introduce in your sequence. Break down the components of that pose and introduce them in less complex shapes along the way. This allows students to build strength, flexibility, and familiarity before attempting the more challenging posture. Make sure to include modifications for mixed-level classes.Active and Passive Options: Sequencing should include moments of both challenge and release. After working towards the peak pose, offer postures that provide a sense of relief and allow students to release any accumulated tension. Balancing effort with surrender creates a well-rounded practice. Amy also shares her methods to stay inspired and expand her sequencing knowledge. She recommends attending other teachers' classes so you can see different teaching styles and sequencing approaches. Engage in conversations with fellow teachers to exchange ideas and learn from each other's experiences. She also suggests looking online. With numerous platforms offering a wide range of yoga classes and tutorials, you can access a wealth of sequencing inspiration from teachers around the world. Whether you're a seasoned yoga teacher or just starting out, mastering the art of intentional sequencing will elevate your teaching and empower your students on their yoga journey. So go ahead, have fun with your sequencing, and create classes that leave a lasting impact on your students' lives. Connect with Us:    Website: https://warrioroneyoga.com.au/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/warrioroneyoga/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@WarriorOneYogaOnlineStudioSee omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
Yoga will meet you where you are at with Nataraj Chaitanya
Yoga will meet you where you are at with Nataraj Chaitanya
Today, we have a special guest with us, Nataraj Chaitanya, a seasoned yogi, and philosopher, who joins us to explore how yoga can meet us wherever we are in life and lead us on a journey toward love and unity. We begin by discussing the Bhagavad Gita, a text central to the yogic tradition of Vedanta, which offers various yogic pathways to connect with the self, embrace oneness with life, and commune with the source or spirit. Nataraj explains that these pathways are designed to cater to the diverse temperaments of individuals. For those inclined towards action, Nataraj introduces Karma Yoga, the yoga of selfless service. This path encourages us to perform selfless service, giving our best without attachment to the outcome. By doing so, we uplift not only ourselves but everyone around us, leading to a sense of fulfillment and freedom. Nataraj then delves into Bhakti Yoga, the yoga of devotion, perfect for those driven by emotions. This path allows us to build a loving relationship with life and others, no matter the circumstances. Bhakti Yoga harnesses our emotional proclivities to make life a devotional journey. For the thinkers and meditators among us, Nataraj discusses Jnana Yoga. This path involves using meditation and elevated thoughts to attain unity consciousness. By thinking loftier thoughts and meditating deeply, we can experience oneness with everything around us. Regardless of our temperament, Nataraj emphasizes that all these paths eventually lead to the experience of love, which is synonymous with oneness. Yoga practices help us shed the armor we've built around ourselves and dissolve the walls around our hearts. The goal is not just clear thinking but also positive feeling, culminating in a deep sense of love and unity.   Connect with Us:  Website: https://warrioroneyoga.com.au/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/warrioroneyoga/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@WarriorOneYogaOnlineStudioSee omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
episode revisit: How Yoga Teacher Training Transforms Lives with Nat Commons & Dustin Brown
episode revisit: How Yoga Teacher Training Transforms Lives with Nat Commons & Dustin Brown
This episode is a recast of one of our most popular episodes from earlier in the year about the power of yoga teacher training. Dustin shares a conversation with Nat Commons about how yoga teacher training (YTT) can be an incredible transformative experience. Together, Nat and Dustin run the 200-hour Yoga teacher training at Warrior One and they talk today about how YTT goes beyond the asana to provide a deeper understanding of yoga and it’s principles.    Having come from a background in juujitsu, Dustin shares how he initially joined the teacher training to learn the technical aspects of yoga and how he discovered that yoga goes far beyond just poses. Dustin shares how he learned about the eight limbs of yoga, realising that it is a real science and a way of being.    Nat and Dustin discuss their personal experiences with yoga and how it helped them reconnect with themselves and become aware of their choices in life. They also talk about the deeper aspects of yoga, such as energetics and philosophy, and how learning about them in teacher training can be a life-changing experience.    Nat shares how she reconnected with herself after feeling like a robot moving through life. She realised that yoga was more than just a physical practice and wanted to know why it made her feel euphoric. Nat and Dustin emphasise the importance of yoga as a tool for self-discovery and how it allows for self-expression and authenticity as a teacher.   Yoga teacher training creates a safe space for vulnerability and self-discovery, which leads to lifelong friendships. Through this deepening experience, it allows individuals to shed their masks and discover their values, align with their purpose, and live in a way that is authentic to themselves.  LINKS Connect with us:  Website: https://warrioroneyoga.com.au/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/warrioroneyoga/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@WarriorOneYogaMelbourneSee omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
episode revisit: Connected and Inspired: Our Thailand Yoga Retreat Recap with Nova and Dustin
episode revisit: Connected and Inspired: Our Thailand Yoga Retreat Recap with Nova and Dustin
This episode is a recast of one of our most popular episodes after hosting a yoga retreat in Thailand, where we have had the most beautiful week of connection and transformational shifts. In this episode, we’re excited to recap the highlights and share all about our experience with you. Having been attending the retreat at Vikasa as guests since 2012, this was our first time back as facilitators since 2019. With 30 attendees who were mostly strangers, it was powerful to see a group of people inspired to connect deeply, take off their masks and show up with open hearts. We talk about being given the opportunity to slow down, disconnect from technology and relax into a two-hour yoga practice with no need to rush. While the yoga practice is the main objective of the retreat, we encourage people to make the experience their own, whether they venture out to the beach, check out the local eateries or simply enjoy the epic view. Perhaps the greatest takeaway was not only to experience our own expansion but also to witness the transformation in our guests after only a couple of days. We talk about the profound shifts in people’s bodies and minds, and the stories of healing and renewal we heard from them. While doing a lot of yoga in a beautiful tropical location has its own appeal, what you can receive beyond that can be truly life-changing. We’re super excited to be returning in 2024, and we encourage you to reach out to learn more about how this wonderful retreat could change your life too.   LINKS: Vikasa: https://vikasa.com/ CONNECT WITH WARRIOR ONE YOGA: Website: https://warrioroneyoga.com.au/  Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/warrioroneyoga/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WarriorOneYogaMelbourne  See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
The power of Breath Work with Nick Fischer
The power of Breath Work with Nick Fischer
Today we’re joined by Nick Fischer, a certified yoga instructor and breathwork expert. Together we're diving deep into the art and science of breathwork, exploring its incredible benefits, practical techniques, and how you can incorporate it into your daily life.  So, get ready to unlock the power of your breath! Nick views our breath as a friend, one that is with us from our very first moment, until the very end. Whenever we are stressed, tired, anxious, or angry, our breath is the first thing to respond. By having control and awareness of our breathing, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves.  There are many approaches to breath work out there and in this episode, we focus on the Buteyko breathing method. This is a holistic approach to breathwork that places a strong emphasis on maintaining optimal levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the body.  We then explore the concept of subtle breathing, a practice that encourages soft, relaxed inhales and long exhales. This technique aims to find the right balance between challenge and comfort. Nick suggests integrating breath awareness and subtle breathing techniques into your yoga practice.  Nick provides practical advice on how to try mouth-taping safely and shares his experience with mouth-taping. We learn how mouth taping can positively impact oral health, reduce teeth grinding, and help people who have nighttime breathing issues.  Additionally, we discuss the connection between breath and stress, and the role of breath awareness in managing emotions. We discover how stress impacts our breathing patterns and why breath awareness is essential for understanding our emotional triggers. Remember, breathwork is an experiential practice. As you experiment with these techniques in your daily life, you'll likely notice positive changes in your focus, relaxation, and overall health. So, start slowly, find opportunities to check in with your breath, and embrace the incredible benefits of conscious breathing. Resources mentioned in the episode: James Nestor's "Breath: The New Science of an Ancient Art"Robin Rothenberg's "Restoring Prana"Patrick McKeown's "Oxygen Advantage" and the accompanying app   Connect with Us:  Website: https://warrioroneyoga.com.au/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/warrioroneyoga/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@WarriorOneYogaOnlineStudioSee omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
Why you should Meditate: The surprising benefits with Jamie Friend
Why you should Meditate: The surprising benefits with Jamie Friend
Why do we meditate? While the practice of meditation is becoming more and more popular, you may not be aware of all the surprising health benefits it can have on your physical, mental and emotional states.  Today we’re joined by Jamie Friend, one of our beautiful teachers at both the Brighton and Mordialloc studios to talk about all the reasons as to why you should implement meditation in your daily life. Jamie's journey into the world of meditation and yoga began when she was just 18, a stressed-out university student seeking balance in life. Little did she know that this initial spark would lead her to a profound passion for meditation and naturopathy, ultimately changing her life and the lives of those she would go on to teach and treat. Stress is an ever-present force in our lives, with studies revealing that around 75 percent of individuals experience stress triggers during their daily routines. Jamie explains how this pervasive stress response can be physically taxing, diverting blood from digestive organs, narrowing our focus, and even affecting our memory and emotional well-being.  Meditation emerges as a powerful tool to counteract this stress epidemic. By slowing down our breath, shifting our nervous system from "fight or flight" to "rest and digest," meditation equips us to regain control over our lives, offering a path to a calmer, more connected and productive existence. Likening the brain to tofu with its neuroplasticity, Jamie explains how this malleability gives us the ability to rewire our patterns of thought. She shares how learning to be aware of the present moment can change the way we act and react, and improve our day-to-day functioning.  Beyond reducing our stress, Jamie shares how meditation can enhance emotional regulation, improve memory, increase empath and strengthen concentration. In a world characterised by distractions, meditation offers a means to reconnect with the present and ensure we don’t miss the precious moments life has to offer. So, if you've ever wondered why meditation matters or how to make it a part of your life, let this conversation with Jamie be your guiding light in adopting this wonderful and highly beneficial practice.    LINKS Website: https://warrioroneyoga.com.au/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/warrioroneyoga/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@WarriorOneYogaOnlineStudioSee omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
If you can remember only one thing from Yoga with Nataraj Chaitanya
If you can remember only one thing from Yoga with Nataraj Chaitanya
We’re joined again today by one of our favourites on the podcast, Nataraj Chaitanya. Nataraj is a teacher at our Mornington studio and is here to talk us through the philosophy he weaves through his practice, elements of yoga philosophy from a beginner’s perspective and the key takeaway from yoga that we should remember.   Nataraj begins by explaining that coming to yoga philosophy is approaching the infinite. And given yoga brings us face-to-face with big ideas, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and unsure where to start. Nataraj takes us through the three questions he asks everyone in the teacher training that lead to enquiry:   Have I found what I’m looking for?Is it permanent? Am I with that thing or in a state of that thing always?   For many of us, when we’re dedicated to manifesting our dreams and fulfilling our goals, they often come into creation. However, we find they stick around only for a little while before they just seem to vanish. This can create a cycle of joy and suffering, reminding us that nothing lasts forever. However, Nataraj points us to the yoga philosophy of sourcing our life from something permanent to align ourselves with. In doing so, we embark on a journey from the finite to the infinite.    Nataraj explains that in many classes, people new to yoga are often presented with ideas that aren’t suitable for the beginner stage of their journey. He takes us through the big ideas and viewpoints he believes are conducive to creating an awakening inside of us, rather than causing us to get lost along the way.    Nataraj introduces us to the concepts of Shraddha and Saburi, being faith and patience respectively. He believes cultivating these virtues and turning to them in the face of challenges lifts our focus to something higher, and is the most important thing we can take from yoga.    Whatever we have faith in, we become, and Nataraj discusses the importance of being aware of what we meditate on. He talks about our habits, thoughts and tendencies that build over time, and how untangling ourselves from the ways that we suffer can take time. This requires patience and a deep sense of self-compassion.    When facing difficulties or navigating challenges, Nataraj invites us to ask ourselves one question: is life asking me to cultivate faith or patience in this moment?  LINKS   Previous episodes with Nataraj:    How to get the most out of your practice Mastering life's challenges with the wisdom of Yoga philosophy   Website: https://warrioroneyoga.com.au/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/warrioroneyoga/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@WarriorOneYogaOnlineStudioSee omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
Best marketing practices for yoga teachers with Sarah Hammond
Best marketing practices for yoga teachers with Sarah Hammond
Our guest for today’s episode is Warrior One’s very own marketing manager, Sarah Hammond!  Sarah Hammond has over 10 years of teaching experience and has a deep passion for all things marketing. She's not only a seasoned yoga teacher but also the mastermind behind Warrior One's marketing initiatives.  She joins us today to share some of the best marketing practices tailored for yoga teachers. Whether you're a fresh graduate from yoga teacher training, returning to teaching after a break, or an experienced teacher looking to boost your marketing strategies, this episode is packed with valuable insights to help you succeed. One of the core marketing practices Sarah recommends is creating a dedicated Instagram page for your yoga endeavors. This page acts as your virtual CV and showcases your teaching style, class schedules, and unique offerings. We know this is easier said than done, so Sarah shares her top tips for how to do this. These include maintaining consistency in posting, even if it's just a few times a week, and focusing on content pillars that resonate with you, such as sharing class schedules, practical tips, and insights into your teaching philosophy. Another key part of marketing yourself is having a dedicated website for your yoga teaching career. Sarah emphasises the importance of mobile-friendly design, high-quality imagery, and essential information like your class schedule and booking links. To stand out, consider embedding short YouTube videos on your website to showcase your teaching style and offer mini-practices for your audience. Another invaluable tool for yoga teachers is word of mouth. Sarah highlights the significance of connecting with your students before and after class. This is the perfect opportunity to mention your upcoming offerings, workshops, and themes. Personal interaction creates a sense of commitment and investment, making students more likely to return and participate in your classes. Sarah shares so much wisdom in this episode and I know, whether you're just starting or you’re an experienced teacher, these practices can help you unlock your true potential in the yoga world. Enjoy! LINKS Sarah’s Instagram:  @sarahhammondyoga Website: https://warrioroneyoga.com.au/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/warrioroneyoga/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@WarriorOneYogaOnlineStudioSee omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
Chinese medicine and meridian theory for Teaching with Monica Mclean
Chinese medicine and meridian theory for Teaching with Monica Mclean
In today's episode, we’re joined by the talented Monica Mclean, one of our beautiful yoga teachers who has been with Warrior One since its inception. Join us as she shares her journey to yoga, her background in Chinese medicine and how she brings meridian theory into her practice.  Monica's love of yoga began at 15 years old, guided by her soccer coach who recommended she try out yoga and pilates. As a child athlete, she was drawn to the intensity and sweat of Bikram and power vinyasa, practices which formed the foundation of her teaching style today.  After experiencing burnout as an extremely committed yogi, Monica fell into a more balanced practice as she began to study Chinese medicine, embarking on a full time degree whilst navigating motherhood.  One of the most profound elements of Monica's teaching lies in her deep integration of Chinese medicine and meridian theory into her yoga classes. With her understanding of meridians as energy pathways within the body, Monica explains how each is associated with specific organs and seasons.  By aligning postures, movements and intentions with the principles of Chinese medicine, she facilitates a profound connection between the physical and energetic aspects of yoga practice. This integration adds a rich layer of depth to her teaching, allowing students to explore the healing potential of their bodies and the profound wisdom embedded in these ancient practices.  This conversation was a heartfelt exploration of yoga's transformative power and the timeless wisdom that underpins this practice, and we know you’ll get so much value from the insight Monica shared. If you're interested in learning more about Monica's teaching, be sure to check the show notes for the link to her upcoming advanced yin yoga training.  Enjoy! LINKS 25-Hour Advanced Yin Yoga Teacher Training   Website: https://warrioroneyoga.com.au/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/warrioroneyoga/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@WarriorOneYogaOnlineStudioSee omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
Highly sensitive people (HSP) and Yoga with Lou Kelle
Highly sensitive people (HSP) and Yoga with Lou Kelle
Today Nova is joined by Lou Kelle, one of our amazing yoga teachers at the Brighton studio. She is also a meditation teacher, life coach and runs some beautiful retreats.   Lou has been teaching yoga for almost a decade, and shares with us how she first began practicing yoga as a way to relieve her anxiety and regulate her nervous system. She explains how the transformation she experienced caused her to leave school teaching and become a yoga teacher.    In the last few years, Lou has focused on supporting highly sensitive people, or HSP. In this episode, she explains what HSP is and how those who identify as having this trait can benefit greatly from the practice of yoga.    Rather than a diagnosis, being highly sensitive is a self-identification that 20% of the population resonate with. While they display some beautiful attributes, highly sensitive people have a tendency to experience a lot of overwhelm from the world around them. Lou break downs down the acronym ‘DOES’ to help us understand the characteristics of HSP:   D: Depth of processingO: OverstimulationE: Emotional and empatheticS: Sensitive to the subtleties    We discuss yoga’s ability to activate the parasympathetic nervous system, and how its philosophy can support the rich inner world of highly sensitive people. Lou suggests different styles of yoga that can especially benefit those feeling overwhelmed or overstimulated.    Whether you are highly sensitive or have someone in your life who is, this conversation will give you some valuable insight into how sensitive souls can be supported to thrive as they move through life.     LINKS   The Highly Sensitive Person test   Website: https://warrioroneyoga.com.au/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/warrioroneyoga/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@WarriorOneYogaOnlineStudioSee omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
Connected and Inspired: Our Thailand Yoga Retreat Recap with Nova and Dustin
Connected and Inspired: Our Thailand Yoga Retreat Recap with Nova and Dustin
We’ve just finished hosting a yoga retreat in Thailand, where we have had the most beautiful week of connection and transformational shifts. In this episode, we’re excited to recap the highlights and share all about our experience with you.    Having been attending the retreat at Vikasa as guests since 2012, this was our first time back as facilitators since 2019. With 30 attendees who were mostly strangers, it was powerful to see a group of people inspired to connect deeply, take off their masks and show up with open hearts.    We talk about being given the opportunity to slow down, disconnect from technology and relax into a two-hour yoga practice with no need to rush. While the yoga practice is the main objective of the retreat, we encourage people to make the experience their own, whether they venture out to the beach, check out the local eateries or simply enjoy the epic view.   Perhaps the greatest takeaway was not only to experience our own expansion, but also to witness the transformation in our guests after only a couple of days. We talk about the profound shifts in people’s bodies and minds, and the stories of healing and renewal we heard from them.    While doing a lot of yoga in a beautiful tropical location has its own appeal, what you can receive beyond that can be truly life changing.    We’re super excited to be returning in 2024, and encourage you to reach out to learn more about how this wonderful retreat could change your life too.  LINKS   Vikasa: https://vikasa.com/    Website: https://warrioroneyoga.com.au/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/warrioroneyoga/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@WarriorOneYogaOnlineStudioSee omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
All you need to know: Common FAQs answered by studio manager Amanda Smyth
All you need to know: Common FAQs answered by studio manager Amanda Smyth
Have you been wanting to come along to yoga classes but feel overwhelmed by where to start? Or perhaps you’re looking to come back to your regular practice after a hiatus and it seems a bit daunting. These feelings are really normal so today Nova chats with our studio manager, Amanda Smyth, to unravel the fears and concerns many face when starting or returning to yoga.   In this inspiring discussion, Amanda shares her personal yoga journey, from prenatal yoga to a practice now focused more on mental resilience. Her practical advice and valuable insights are sure to resonate with you, whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned yogi. Nova and Amanda chat about the many styles and levels of yoga and the importance of tuning into your body's unique needs and rhythms.   Amanda takes us through the ropes at Warrior One and shares helpful tips on arriving early, discussing your needs with the teacher, and the types of props that can aid your practice. They also delve into the transformative power of yoga to bring joy and balance into your life.    From the best ways to stay engaged and motivated in your practice to finding the right teacher and studio, Amanda's candid sharing is a treasure trove of wisdom for anyone looking to start or deepen their yoga journey. So whether you're new to yoga, returning after a break, or looking to deepen your practice, this episode offers practical advice to help you on your journey. LINKS Website: https://warrioroneyoga.com.au/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/warrioroneyoga/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@WarriorOneYogaOnlineStudioSee omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
Business of Yoga: 3 pillars of Warrior One Yoga plus 8 key learnings in 8 years
Business of Yoga: 3 pillars of Warrior One Yoga plus 8 key learnings in 8 years
In today’s episode, Nova shares the three key pillars that have contributed to the growth of Warrior One Yoga. This episode is going to be so helpful for you if you’re a yoga teacher in training and you’re looking to soon be teaching in studios, corporates or online or you plan to open up your own studio in the future.   The first pillar is our warm and inviting studios themselves. We have intentionally designed each of our three studios to be aesthetically pleasing with a huge focus on creating a beautiful experience for our clients. Nova shares how we do this through tangible elements such as textures in the fitouts, lighting, music and incense.    The second pillar is the carefully curated teaching team that is given complete creative freedom to develop their own classes. Nova talks about the process we go through to create a team that is so cohesive and how we focus on continuing to develop and support our teachers.    The third pillar is community, which is built through events, workshops, retreats, and trainings. Building community takes time and Nova shares how often it’s the little things that build connection, which is why we place a big emphasis on checking in and out at reception to help each person feel seen and genuinely cared for.  ​ Nova also shares eight lessons that she follows to this day. These include starting lean, finding your strengths and hiring your weaknesses, setting achievable goals, not taking things personally in business, and being persistent. We believe that taking feedback from customers is essential for the growth of the business and we encourage every teacher to do the same. Nova also stresses the importance of being persistent in pursuing goals, reflecting on her experience in getting Aro Ha, a retreat in New Zealand, on board after months of persistence. ​ Through these three pillars and eight lessons, Warrior One Yoga has grown to include three studios that are distinct but share similarities in their focus on creating a calming and grounding atmosphere for yoga practice. We know you’re going to get so much out of this episode today.   LINKS Connect with us: Website: https://warrioroneyoga.com.au/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/warrioroneyoga/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@WarriorOneYogaMelbourneSee omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
Unplug to Reconnect: Our unforgettable Aro Ha Retreat in New Zealand with Dustin & Nova
Unplug to Reconnect: Our unforgettable Aro Ha Retreat in New Zealand with Dustin & Nova
Dustin and Nova are coming to you today following our unforgettable Aro Ha Retreat in New Zealand, a transformative experience that Warrior One has hosted since 2016. Today, Dustin and Nova unpack what you can expect from this retreat in the beautiful Southern Alps of New Zealand.    Surrounded by mountains and awe inspiring nature, this magical part of the world has an extraordinary effect on your body, mind and soul. In this episode, Dustin and Nova share their experience on retreat this year and the impacts they feel both physically, mentally and spiritually.  One of the amazing highlights of the Aro Ha retreat is the gourmet plant-based food prepared by a crew of chefs who are passionate about the food they prepare each day. Dustin and Nova talk about how clean and rejuvenated they feel after eating this delicious and nourishing food while on retreat.    You’ll also hear about the daily yoga classes that cater to all levels of ability, hiking through the breathtaking surroundings, rejuvenating practises, and how each person can curate their own experiences for a holistic wellness escape that suits them.    If you’re looking for personal transformation or just some time way to unplug and reconnect, the Aro Ha retreat is not to be missed. Tune in to find out what you can expect from next year’s retreat and why it will be an unforgettable experience.   Connect with us: Aro Ha Retreat: https://warrioroneyoga.com.au/aro-ha/ Website: https://warrioroneyoga.com.au/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/warrioroneyoga/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@WarriorOneYogaMelbourneSee omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
Navigating Menopause Insights and Inspiration with Rayne Watkin
Navigating Menopause Insights and Inspiration with Rayne Watkin
Today Nova is so thrilled to have Rayne Watkin back on the show to explore menopause. Rayne is an osteopath and one of our yoga teachers at Brighton and Mum to two children, dogs, cats and fish.  Rayne entered menopause when she was young at 42 years old and describes how her body transitioned like the seasons and softened. She’ll take you through all of the side effects, bodily changes, and symptoms that come from menopause including brain fog, low sex drive, joint pain and much more.  Together, Nova and Rayne explore each stage of menopause: Perimenopause, Menopause, and Post Menopause. It’s important to note that menopause affects each woman differently. The duration and intensity of symptoms can vary greatly with some women experiencing mild symptoms, while others may find them more challenging and confronting.  Rayne shares her own journey going through IVF, perimenopause, going into early menopause, and the stress she experienced that led to so much change inside her body.  Everyone knows menopause brings with it an enormous amount of physical and emotional changes, often accompanied by discomfort and uncertainty. But we’re not powerless. You can adopt a powerful ally that can offer support, balance, and rejuvenation - yoga. Rayne shares the most effective yoga poses that can help alleviate your symptoms and allow you to soften into menopause.  Join in on this insightful and empowering conversation to explore the enormous depth of menopause and the impact it has on every woman’s life. Remember to be compassionate with yourself, take the pressure off and while it can be a very challenging time, it is a very natural transition in your life.    LINKS Connect with us: Website: https://warrioroneyoga.com.au/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/warrioroneyoga/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@WarriorOneYogaMelbourneSee omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
Leaning into discomfort and quietening the mind with Dustin Brown
Leaning into discomfort and quietening the mind with Dustin Brown
A topic that comes up frequently for many people is how to navigate difficult situations in life and the busyness of our minds during times of discomfort and frustration. Today Dustin shares a few practical tools and a short practice to help you lean into the discomfort and quiet down your busy mind.     During those moments of discomfort, remember to take a deep breath. Dustin talks about how this helps us slow down, bring focus inwards and get into the felt sensation in our bodies. He also shares how deep breathing helps us on a physiological level, bringing more blood flow into the prefrontal cortex.   Our minds will often try to trick us into believing that we're not capable of what we truly are. Learning how to pause and notice how we’re feeling in moments of discomfort helps us to gain clarity and in practising this, we begin to create a gap between reacting in harshness and responding in non-violence.    Throughout meditation when we are simply sitting and breathing, we sometimes need more traps for attention to help quieten the mind. Dustin shares the benefits of breath and mantra during meditation and how this practice is incredibly therapeutic and grounding. Toward the end of the episode, Dustin guides us through a short practice to help tap into a state of blissful awareness.   LINKS Website: https://warrioroneyoga.com.au/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/warrioroneyoga/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@WarriorOneYogaOnlineStudioSee omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.
How to elevate your Yoga Teaching with Megan Killorn and Dustin Brown
How to elevate your Yoga Teaching with Megan Killorn and Dustin Brown
Dustin sits down with Megan Killorn today, one of our senior teachers across all three studios at Warrior One and the head of teacher development. We’re talking today about some practical ways you can elevate your yoga teaching, whether you’re a senior yoga teacher or just getting started with your teacher training.   Megan and Dustin discuss the importance of being intentional about everything you do in class, from check in at reception to saying goodbye after class. They talk about the importance of creating an experience from beginning to end that creates a sense of community and allows people to be seen and heard.    Preparation is a huge part of creating an amazing yoga experience, from sequencing, playlists, setting intentions for the class and how you show up energetically. Megan and Dustin share some simple and powerful tips on cueing and using your voice which will make a massive difference in your classes. They also talk about the importance of creating white space so that students have the opportunity to experience the present moment in their bodies.   The role of a yoga teacher is one of service, which is why being intentional about each aspect of your class will help to create an even more powerful experience for every person in the room. We hope this conversation inspires you and helps you to grow and evolve as a yoga teacher, on and off the mat.  LINKS Website: https://warrioroneyoga.com.au/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/warrioroneyoga/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@WarriorOneYogaOnlineStudioSee omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.