The Paradox of Sleep Efforts: Finding Real Rest

Former Insomniac by End Insomnia

02-12-2023 • 7 mins

When I had insomnia, I used to go to bed early, sleep in late to try to catch up, and also take long naps during the day.

I also used to go to bed at a different time each night and wake up whenever I “felt like it”.

While these “strategies” offer limited short-term relief, they all interfered with my body’s biological sleep drive and natural circadian rhythm.

They ended up sabotaging my potential to sleep easily at night.

Another way I was trying to take control of my sleep was through medications, alcohol, or CBD, hoping they would get me back on track.

It’s tempting to look for an easy out through substances like cannabis, alcohol, or prescriptions when you’re desperate to calm your nerves and get to sleep.

However, these are less than ideal for several reasons.

Want to end insomnia faster and easier?

I am giving away my 30-Day Reduce Sleep Anxiety masterclass for free (people paid $199 for it).

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