Episode 124 - 1 Thing busy mamas can start doing now to avoid holiday weight gain

The Unraveled Mama Podcast

15-11-2023 • 10 mins

Mama, are you thinking about the holidays yet? I seriously can’t believe we’re already heading into the holiday season! It’s crazy. There’s so much to plan and do during the holidays, but one thing most women aren’t thinking of during this time is their health.

Well, that might not be exactly true. We’re already aware of how all the Halloween candy, Thanksgiving sides and Christmas treats are going to make us gain weight. And in the back of our minds the stress is building up around that, but what we don’t think about is how we can prevent holiday weight gain altogether!

We don’t think about avoiding holiday weight gain because we also think that means we have to say no to all of the fun foods that we associate with the holidays. And, Mama, I get that! I love me a Twix on Halloween. I always have my mom’s mac and cheese at Thanksgiving. And I wait all year for this one Christmas party where me and my friends party all night! I don’t want to give any of that up.

And I don’t want you to either.

I don’t want you to miss out on the food, or the memories, or any part of the holiday season! Those are special times, and a healthy life doesn’t mean you have to be a recluse or say no to everything that brings you happiness - in fact, I’d argue that’s a pretty unhealthy life!

Instead of living in the two extremes: I can’t eat anything good if I want to be healthy or I’m going to eat everything because YOLO! I want you to learn how to explore the middle ground.

And the absolute best tool I have for finding that middle ground is getting in touch with your future self.

Get in touch with your future self

If I just freaked you out and you thought, ok this lady’s a little too woo-woo for me, I want you to give me one more minute to explain!

I promise this isn’t as weird or woo-woo as it sounds. Have you ever daydreamed about where you’ll be in the future? Have you pictured what you want your life to look like? What your family looks like in 5, or 10 years? Your career?

If so, you’ve gotten in touch with your future self! See, not that weird!

Now, I just want you to apply that to your health.

If in 2, 5, or 10 years you were the healthiest version of yourself what would that look like?

  • What would you like to eat? (It’s ok if your answer isn’t salads!)
  • How would you move your body each day?
  • Would you like to be able to be on the floor with your kids, or hiking mountains with them?
  • How would your marriage or relationships look?
  • What are the words you’d use to describe yourself when you looked in the mirror?

And this is a big one: What would success in your health look and feel like? How would you know when you’ve “made” it?

When you start answering these questions you can shape the future you. And it propels you into the next step: having the answers to all your problems.

Use future you to solve your problems.

There are always two versions of you. The Now You and the Future You.

Now You is where you’re at right now, obvious right? Now You might feel broken, frustrated or annoyed that no matter how hard she tries she can’t seem to figure out how to reach her goal weight, or even just feel good about what she eats.

Now You doesn’t know the answer or even where to turn for answers!

And then, there’s Future You. She has accomplished everything you want to. She knows the way. She knows how to overcome every obstacle that Now You will face because she’s already been there!

Most of us were never taught to look to our future selves for answers, but that’s exactly what we need to do, especially when we’re feeling lost in all the noise we see online about how to eat healthier or what the best workouts for fat loss are.

Mama, if you’re looking outside of yourself for all the answers to your problems, then you’re never going to reach your goals!

If you are the problem, then you have to be the solution too.

That’s why eating the same meals as that Instagram influencer didn’t work. It’s why doing all the TikTok workouts didn’t work. That’s why the pill and shakes have failed too.

Those weren’t made for you! They were made for someone else.

If you want to reach Future You, the healthiest version of you, then you have to understand where you’re at, where you want to go and how to fit that into your life.

You need a custom approach. One that you create - but with some guidance!

You need a teacher to guide you through and teach you everything you need to know about nutrition so that you have the tools to set up your diet.

And that’s where the Macros Made Easy Program comes into play! I teach you what nutritional boundaries look like. I teach you how to handle all the twists and turns that you will eventually face along your health journey.

But then, you lead the charge in choosing what fits into your boundaries! If you want to eat pasta every day, we make it work! If going out for drinks with your friends once a week is a priority, I’m not going to make you cut out alcohol! If you can’t imagine giving up baking cookies with your kids and then enjoying one with a glass of milk, that’s doable!

When you start finding and creating the solutions to your health you will find a sustainable way of healthy living. And that’s what I want for you! I don’t want you to have to rely on me forever! I’m your guide, and once you’ve learned what you need to learn, then you have the power to take over and lead yourself!

Where do you want to be three months from now?

Let’s pull back a little bit and look at the not-so-distant future. Instead of thinking a few years ahead, I want you to think about a few months from now. In January of 2024, where do you want to be in your health?

Do you want to have eaten everything you ever craved, drank every drink someone put in your hand, and see a few extra pounds on the scale?

Or, do you want to have created boundaries that allowed you to eat well, but also didn’t add to your weight gain?

What is the path Future You would tell you to take?

If it’s the second path, then let’s talk. You can schedule a free Healthy Mama Blueprint call with me, where we’ll talk about where you’re at in your health and what your goals are. And we’ll see if the Macros Made Easy Program is a good fit for you.

If it is, then we can get you started within a week so that you can avoid the holiday weight gain without having to deprive yourself over the holidays. If it isn’t the right fit or the right time for you, that’s fine too! I’ll try to suggest something else that fits your current needs.

Either way, taking the step to book a call can help you start living as Future You - the healthiest version of you. Take that step mama.

Schedule a free Healthy Mama Blueprint Call Here: http://bit.ly/DiscoverySessionKmore

Have a question? Email me here: Krista@KmoreMacro.com

Follow me on IG: @kmoremacro

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