Understanding Social Anxiety and How to Reconnect with Your Sense of Self

Living Well Podcast by Jefferson Health

01-12-2022 • 23 mins

Clinical psychologist Dr. Virginia O’Hayer works with people who experience feelings intensely and helps guide them through crisis. These days, she’s dedicated and passionate about reaching those impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic to help them heal and have coping strategies to forge ahead with purpose and intention.

In this episode, she validates the losses we experienced collectively, including grieving the loss of loved ones and even the loss of our sense of self or purpose. Why is moving past these losses so difficult? Dr. O’Hayer addresses this and offers tools and strategies to help us come back to center, like loving kindness meditations, Radically Open Dialectical Behavior Therapy and the power of journaling.

You might want to keep a journal close for this episode.


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