263 | Playful Parts & Potential Partners: May’s Bucket List Wishes (2 of 2)

Sex Stories

01-05-2024 • 49 mins

Mailbag time 💌 Wyoh answers your burning questions, shares your stories, and celebrates your wins! 00:24 Play Questions 🤩 see them all & share your stories: wyohlee.com/share 04:16 SHARE: Dating WIN + a hot new connection 05:49 Q: Help! Dating apps are hard, how do I find play partners? 17:20 SHARE + Q: How does Wyoh vet potential lovers? + another dating WIN 23:47 Q: What does Wyoh mean when she says “co creation”? 27:30 Q: Steamy book recs? Share yours by answering the Spotify question OR email xstoriespodcast@gmail.com 31:03 Q: What does Wyoh do for fun? (You *might* be able to guess) 36:18 Sweet messages and celebrations 💛 40:55 Listener reviews! 43:58 How YOU inspire the pod ⚡️WORK WITH WYOH | Explore (y)our creativity wyohlee.com/links  🎙️ BE A GUEST, SHARE A STORY, ANSWER OR ASK A QUESTION | See the question lists and record up to a five minute story at sexstoriespodcast.com  🤩 PATREON | Exclusive updates and stories from Wyoh’s bucket list explorations + community discord: patreon.com/wyohlee  SHARE X STORIES Explore (y)our curiosity.  Take care of yourselves. Take care of each other. Offer irresistible invitations. Listen and share to connect. Spread ripples of love.

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