How Kabbalah Can Help With Limiting Beliefs!

Well Balanced 360

07-04-2021 • 29 mins

Well Balanced 360 - Episode 7

How Kabbalah Can Help Change Our Perspectives

Kabbalah, oftentimes misconceived as a religion or stemming from religion-- is actually far from that. In today's episode, I’m joined by Daniel Naor, a long time practitioner and teacher of Kabbalah, to talk about what it is at its core and it’s fundamental ideologies.

I’ve personally been studying Kabbalah for a few years, and I can say with a hundred percent certainty that it’s absolutely changed my life and how I view particular topics! It’s expanded my consciousness in ways I didn’t think it would, and I’d love for you to listen in and hear what Daniel has to say!

There’s definitely nuggets of wisdom to be learned from this episode today!


Quote: 2:08

“What is Kabbalah?

It's a very ancient wisdom. It's not something new or invented. It's universal. And I think this is the biggest misconception that people believe that it belongs to a certain religion, maybe to Judaism. And while many of the capitalists were Jewish, and definitely has its heritage, by itself, Kabbalah precedes religion and existed way before religion came to existence. “

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