Claudine Sauve - French Canadian Cinematographer - 19-2, The Year Dolly Parton Was My Mom, Stealing Alice, Happy Face, The Wall, Best Sellers, and Testament

Spoiler Alert Radio

17-11-2023 • 29 mins

As a Photographer, Claudine has won several prizes in Quebec for her personal work. She also published a critically acclaimed book of images called Barbershops, and has exhibited her work in Montreal, Toronto, New York and Paris.

Claudine's work includes music videos, commercials, and documentaries, along with many short films over the years, including the Oscar-nominated Henry. She has won or been nominated for over a dozen awards for her cinematography work.

Claudine's feature film work includes: The Year Dolly Parton Was My Mom, The Wild Hunt, Stealing Alice, Happy Face, Best Sellers, and more recently, Testament for Denys Arcand.

Claudine's television work includes the series: 19-2, The Disappearance, The Monster, and The Wall.