In today's episode of the show, Sandra shares her story of two quite different postpartum experiences. The first, was in lockdown in Victoria, which proved to be quite a lonely and difficult experience. Sandra openly and honestly shares what it was like to not be able to breastfeed her son as she had planned to, and how she was not provided the level of education and care she would have hoped for as a first time Mum.
Her second postpartum experience was quite a contrast, as she knew what to expect, especially in terms of post-caesarean recovery. She also spent time educating herself more about breastfeeding and had a much more positive feeding experience second time round. Sandra also talks about the importance of having more support postpartum, as she had more help from her mother the second time round. This made a huge difference in terms of taking care of the household, so that Sandra was able to focus more on taking care of her toddler and her newborn.
I'm sure you will love today's episode as much as I loved hearing Sandra's story.