How we’ve grown to $1.8 MN ARR in just 2 years leveraging GTM partners.

B2B SaaS Podcast

17-04-2023 • 19 mins

Vaibhav Tiwari, Co-Founder & CEO of BuildPan talks about how they’ve grown their CI/CD tool for mobile developers to almost 2 MN in ARR with around 50 enterprise clients & 25000 freelance users on the platform. We talk about their 0 to 1 journey, current GTM strategy & their vision for the company.

Talking points,

  • How BuildPan allows teams to rapidly build and deploy quality applications where developers can integrate, merge, test & deploy their code.
  • How they’ve used a free tier of their product to grow to almost 25000 freelance users during COVID times
  • How they used communities to drive word-of-mouth for this freelancer growth
  • How they’ve grown to 50 enterprise clients & approximately $150K ARR in just 2 years.
  • How they used their prior industry experience to get first few enterprise customers.
  • How their GTM partners are responsible for most of the top-of-funnel lead generation
  • How their sales cycle looks like
  • Team, external funding & future vision