ON REPEAT: a-ha - Take On Me (1985)

The Untitled GenX Podcast

17-01-2023 • 32 mins

The gals take you back to Cate's very first music video, a-ha’s 1985 synth-pop tour-de-force single, "Take On Me" from their debut album Hunting High and Low. They draw deep into the progressive single, innovative music video, and long-time legacy of this beloved and often-covered ‘80s classic.

The ladies also talk dining and dashing, cartoon crushes, getting sweaty and sexy, and trying again until you get it right.

a-ha - Take On Me (Official 4K Music Video)

a-ha - The Making of Take On Me (Episode 1)

a-ha - The Making of Take On Me (Episode 2)

a-ha - The Making of Take On Me (Episode 3)

Savoy Cafe location



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