101. Why Carnivore Harder Does Not Work

Cutting Against The Grain

01-03-2023 • 52 mins

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In this episode, Laura and Judy share some insights about carnivore-ing harder, Ray Peat passing away, pro-metabolic diets and behind the scenes on Mikhaila Peterson’s CIRS podcast episode.

  1. CATG podcast announcement
  2. BTS Mikhaila Peterson’s CIRS episode
  3. The importance of root-cause healing
  4. Carnivore harder does not work
  5. Craig Emmerich’s vulnerable share
  6. Carnivore as a bandaid
  7. Real talk about Carnivore leaders
  8. Accept reality to fight for a better tomorrow
  9. Charlatans
  10. Ray Peat passes away and Pro-Metabolic diet
  11. PUFAs and diabetes
  12. Dave Feldman and seed oils







DISCLAIMER: This podcast should never be considered medical advice. We always recommend working with your medical team. Do not self-diagnose. Always seek medical guidance when

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