Tapping Into Food as a Prescription with Anthony and Staci Lo Cascio

heartstorming healthcare

01-09-2021 • 38 mins

Authors Anthony Lo Cascio (Tap Dogs) and Staci Lo Cascio (Sesame Street Live!) are also professional tap dancers who understand the importance of the body’s well-being. When health challenges put their dance careers in jeopardy, they sought answers and eventually found food was their prescription. Their own journey to an anti-inflammatory lifestyle led them to write the best-selling handbook, “Food As A Prescription: A Handbook for Those Currently On or Prescribed a Gluten-free, Soy-free, Corn-free, and/or Dairy-free Diet”.

In this episode, we talked about:

:: their individual health journeys and how they ultimately came together

:: how their passion to help others developed

:: the challenges they faced as they altered their food choices and take

:: practical advice for others seeking to make dietary lifestyle shifts

:: what it's like to advocate for others in the health and wellness space

:: how the flow of dance parallels the flow of a healthy lifestyle

:: why they decided to write a book and what readers can find inside

You can find Anthony and Staci online at: www.foodasaprescription.com or www.locafoodsinc.com. Follow them on IG and Twitter @LOCAFoodsinc and on Facebook @FoodRxBook.

You can find them dancing by searching #TapLife or www.taplifecompany.com.

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