A daily quote to inspire the mind, gratitude to warm the soul, and guided breathing to energize the body.
Quote: “Forget ‘minimal viable products’—ever since he started Apple in 1976, Jobs saw that you can change the world through careful planning, not by listening to focus group feedback or copying other’s success.” - Peter Theil
Gratitude: For music, which fills the soul in all the ways that it does.
Guided Breathing: Equal Breathing.
Visit TheDailyRefresh.com to share your unique piece of gratitude which will be featured on an upcoming episode, and make sure to watch the tutorial of how to make The Daily Refresh part of your Alexa Flash Briefings!
Call to action: If there's something unique YOU are grateful for, let me know and I'll share it on an upcoming episode. Simply visit TheDailyRefresh.com and click the word 'Gratitude e' in the Nav bar!