Welcome to another episode of the ’Create Your Kindspace’ podcast, with me your host Caroline Laurenson. Create Your Kindspace is all about wellbeing and the different ways in which we care for ourselves and those around us.
In today's episode, we're diving into the world of Alexa smart speakers. Last month I had the huge honour of performing a show as part of the Aberdeen Science Festival and I wanted to share it with you too. The show covered some of our favourite family-friendly tips and tricks to help you make the most of your Alexa. There’s so much that people don’t know about these devices, so let's jump in and discover how Alexa can create a kinder, smarter space for you and your family.
00:01:10 Introduction and Overview
00:08:33 Important Data Privacy Advice
00:14:09 Getting Started and the Basics
00:16:02 Family-Friendly Features
00:18:36 Customising Your Alexa Experience
00:20:30 Some Alexa Skills to Try
00:25:57 Flash Briefings and Widgets
00:30:18 Hidden Features and Accessibility
00:33:07 It’s Quiz Time
00:36:57 Inspiring the Next Generation of Voice Developers
00:38:19 Resources for Further Learning
00:39:32 End of the Show Alexa Musical Piece
What can I say to Alexa? Book: https://tltechsmart.com/what-can-I-say-to-Alexa
HuggingFace https://huggingface.co/
Claude https://claude.ai/
Amazon Party Rock https://partyrock.aws/
Voice Flow https://www.voiceflow.com/
Vector Shift https://vectorshift.ai/
Alexa Skills Kit: https://developer.amazon.com/en-US/alexa/alexa-skills-kit/start
Alexa Developers on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbx0SPpWT6yB7_yY_ik7pmg
Dabble Lab: https://learn.dabblelab.com/alexa/
Codecademy: https://www.codecademy.com/learn/learn-alexa
It was so much fun putting on this show. I think I slightly underestimated how much work it would be, but I’m so glad to have had the opportunity to share our Alexa knowledge. It was so amazing to share the stage with my daughter Eilidh too. If you’ve listened to this in audio format, you might also want to check out our YouTube channel for the video, where you’ll see our Alexa demo come to life when Eilidh pops out of the smart speaker box for the first time. If you’re looking for the list of resources mentioned, I’ve also popped these in the show notes for you. And of course if you have any Alexa questions, I’d be delighted to help.
Thank you for listening all the way to the end, before you go, I have a little favour to ask, so if you’ve liked this episode, screenshot it, tag us on social media @createyourkindspace and maybe share what your key takeaway was from the episode. It would be so wonderful as well if you could rate and review the podcast as this helps other people to find it. Thank you so much.
The information on this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. You should seek the advice of an appropriately qualified healthcare professional before making decisions about your own circumstances. You should not disregard, or delay seeking professional medical advice because of any information contained on this podcast.
Unless specifically mentioned on the podcast, Create Your Kindspace and Caroline Laurenson do not formally endorse or have any affiliation with any product or service mentioned in the podcast. The opinions and content provided and/or shared by any third-party guests, any third-party material or third-party website referenced in this podcast does not necessarily reflect the opinions or policies of Create Your Kindspace and Caroline Laurenson.