Rock That Keto

Livtar Khalsa

Keto can be complicated. Let us make it fun and simple for you. Our podcasts are short and sweet. We have all the info you need or want. If you have failed in dieting, even Keto, let us help. If you don't know how to start your Keto lifestyle, let us help. If you have stalled in your Keto journey, we can definitely help. Picture yourself at your ideal weight, what it would mean to your life. More mobility. More time with your kids or grandkids. More fun out of life. More life out of life! This is official podcast of We invite you to sign up for endless "Can't believe it's Keto" recipes. Lots of tips, hacks, inspiring stories, and support. Vegetarians and Vegans are also welcome. read less
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5  Keto Foods Will Surprise You
5 Keto Foods Will Surprise You
5  Keto Foods Will Surprise You ( Keto is not like other diets.  We don’t worry so much about calories. That’s one of the reasons the diet works so well. You get to feel full and satisfied, not ornery and hangry!. (hangry means angry because you are so hungry). Healthy fats in the diet are not only OK, but actually necessary. In fact one of the ways keto might not work for you is if you don’t eat enough fat!  It’s wild, but it works.  Here are some fun and fulfilling foods that are OK on the keto diet...all in moderation and correct proportions of course. Buffalo Wings Yes it’s true. However, you do have to be careful of the sauces because of carbs and sometimes hidden carbs.  At Buffalo wild wings they have 10 different sauces and rubs that you can use with no problem.   Pizza Pizza is wildly popular. Enough said. But, you can’t grab just any pizza. A normal pizza is an atomic carb bomb.  You have to either buy or make keto crust. Then be very careful with the toppings.  Cauliflower crust is very popular as a crust these days,  and is usually keto friendly. Now on to number 3 of the 5  Keto Foods Will Surprise You Guacamole This should be obvious since avocados are one of the keto mainstays. But people seem to forget about it for some reason. Better quality Mexican restaurants will have fresh made guac, and some will make it right at your table. Dry Wine Yes, certain wines are pretty low in carbs. However, this should not be a regular thing if you are in weight loss mode. If you are in maintenance mode, meaning you already lost the weight, you can play around a little more with foods like this. Cream Cheese A schmear of cream cheese over ….what? It can’t be on a bagel, unless it’s a keto bagel. That creamy, cheesy goodness is totally good with your keto diet.  We have a great recipe (here) for keto rolls. ( That’s it for today. Enjoy this secret weapon  5  Keto Foods Will Surprise You. Keto ON! If you like these tips and would like to get more keto tips, endless recipes, and lots of inspiration, then come to our free website and sign up for our mailing list. ( .  Act! Don’t React! Have a Happy, Healthy Day Livtar
5 Quick Keto Success Tips
5 Quick Keto Success Tips
5 Quick Keto Success Tips ( When you first start keto, or any kind of self improvement, it really helps you mentally is you see results fast. When you first get that glimmer of something good happening, it can turn into steady determination.  So, when you start keto, or restart keto, quick results can be the difference between making it or giving up and feeling like a failure again. So here are 5 quick keto success tips. 1. Plan Plan PlanIf you go into your first few days with no plan, you will probably end up with no diet either. Keto is not like other diets. You must have the right combination of macros (macronutrients) for the body to switch over to a fat burning monster. That means you have to have the right foods in the house, or, know which restaurants you are going to, and which menu items are ok.  I have a whole series of posts on what’s available at restaurants. Search the website by restaurant name if you want to see. Of course, you can skip this step by getting your own copy of our (“Done for you”) keto plan. Every meal, every recipe, and even the shopping list all done for you.  It’s a 28 day plan which can then be repeated over and over until you are as skinny as your want to be. 2. Carbs Down, Weight Loss UP! Start lowering your carbs right away. Try to get total carbs to under 25 grams per day.  This is for quicker weight loss. Long term, I wouldn’t stay this low on carbs. But to get the weight to start falling off, lower those carbs. Continuing our 5 quick keto success tips... 3. Hydrate Like Never Before To keep from getting the ‘keto flu’, and to keep the waste material moving out of your system, drink lots of water and electrolytes. Put some broth in your daily system. It has salt and other nutrients without adding any calories. When you lose weight, your body dumps the waste. You need lots of liquid to carry it out of the body. 4. Do All Shopping, Planning, and Cooking Early In The Day This is because your willpower is just like a muscle. It starts strong, then gets worn out by use. Plan your day so you are dealing with your food (except for eating) early when willpower is strongest. It can save you from giving in if you are all worn out and can’t resist temptation. 5. Stay Positive You have to take the long view. There will be tough moments, tough days, even tough weeks. You have to mentally prepare. Walk yourself through ahead of time. “What will I do if I feel like this? I’ll have some broth!”  Have a general plan for how to deal with issues. Then they won’t take you by surprise. That’s the 5 Quick Keto Success Tips for today. They will help you.  So, Keto ON! If you like these tips and would like to get more keto tips, endless recipes, and lots of inspiration, then come to our free website and sign up for our mailing list. ( .  Act! Don’t React! Have a Happy, Healthy Day Livtar
Keto Results Today
Keto Results Today
Keto Results Today! There were Tornados last week. Some people’s houses got damaged, and some were totally destroyed. Imagine your house got destroyed, and you called someone to build you a new house. They meet with you and tell you something like this…. “Our company will deliver all the supplies you need to build your new house to your land. We will give you an instruction book on how to put all the pieces together into a house.” “In about a year, you should be able to have the house finished, if you work night and day!” “No thanks! “  You say to them. “I will call someone else”. The new person comes and says to you… “We have houses already built. We will deliver it here and set it up for you. You can move in immediately!” Which one do you choose? The second one. You don’t really need to know how to build a house, you just want a house. Then why would you spend hours, days, weeks, searching for bit and pieces of information on how to do the keto diet. You want keto results today, not months from now. This diet plan is already done for you, ready for you to start using right now, today! You could already be losing weight, while other people are looking up what the keto diet is on Google. There is no need to invent the wheel, it already exists. With the S.K. plan, you get a full 28 day meal plan...with recipes….and with a shopping list.  It couldn’t be easier unless you have a full time cook. Please have a look at the website through this link - ( It is a repeatable plan, so after going through the 28 days, and losing lots of weight, you simply start over at the beginning and keep going.  There are plenty of substitutions in the plan, so you never have to have the same exact thing twice. Also, if there are ingredients you don’t like, you can easily substitute other foods. Stop ‘learning’ and start losing.  Get keto results today.  Go check out the program at ( today! Now. Wouldn’t you rather be losing weight tonight than wishing you were?  Take some action and watch your life improve. Keto On! If you like these tips and would like to get more keto tips, endless recipes, and lots of inspiration, then come to our free website and sign up for our mailing list. ( Act! Don’t React! Have a Happy, Healthy Day Livtar
Do Powdered Ketones Really Work?
Do Powdered Ketones Really Work?
Do Powdered Ketones Work? ( If you have already tried keto, or if you are on it now, you have probably heard about powdered ketones. The idea is appealing.  You put this pleasant tasting powder in a drink and voila! You are in Ketosis. Not so fast. Sorry to burst your bubble. That’s not how it works. Ketones are released in the blood when the body switches it’s energy source from sugar to fat. It’s called being in ketosis. It’s the holy grail of the keto diet. So let’s think of ketones like smoke coming from a fire.  The smoke/ketones let you know there is a fire burning somewhere. The fire is ketosis Can there be smoke without a fire?  Oh yes, definitely. When I was a kid we played with fireworks of all kinds .  Firecrackers, rockets, cherry bombs, and …..smoke bombs. These smoke bombs were little round balls with a fuse. Light the fuse, and smoke will pour out with no actual fire.  Powdered Ketones are smoke with no fire If you take enough powdered ketones, also called exogenous ketones, your blood will show a higher ketone level.  But how did they get there?  Is there smoke with no fire? Did fat cells actually get used up and create the ketones as a side effect?  No. No fat cells got used. No weight was lost. But do powdered ketones work to lose weight? Smoke doesn’t cause fire. Fire causes smoke. You can’t burn something by putting more smoke around it. You have to start the fire first, then the smoke comes.  You have to get your body to start burning fat, then it will give off ketones into the blood. You can’t put the ketones in and then think the body will start burning fat. Sorry. There are no studies yet that show any significant weight loss benefit from powdered or exogenous ketones. Anyway, what if you couldn’t get them for some reason? It’s much better to depend on our own system and our regular supply of food. That is something you can control. Do powdered ketones work? Not for weight loss. Maybe they have some other benefits. Ok.  But to lose weight, it’s Keto ON! If you like these tips and would like to get more keto tips, endless recipes, and lots of inspiration, then come to our free website and sign up for our mailing list. ( .  Act! Don’t React! Have a Happy, Healthy Day Livtar
Keto Got Me Pregnant
Keto Got Me Pregnant
Keto Got Me Pregnant! ( There are so many women who have trouble conceiving. This is not medical advice, but what I know and have experienced. There is one major cause of many women having trouble conceiving and or carrying to full term. It is gluten and associated proteins.  The keto diet removes all forms of gluten from the diet.  Gluten intolerance is actually present in the whole population according to studies. Some people have very low sensitivity to gluten, while others are extremely sensitive.  Where you fall on that scale determines how much trouble gluten will give you. Yes, people joke about it who don’t know about it. But I nearly died from it, so I’m not laughing. There are other conditions that can cause problems, like PCOS. Keto has been shown to help with that also.  Being obese can affect your hormones and menstruation cycles. So losing weight through keto is a double benefit for that. Lose the weight, get your menstrual cycle back on track so you can conceive.  If you are one of the lucky ones who can say “keto got me pregnant”, don’t forget the 9 months after that.  Let’s say for example, if it was gluten that was messing with your body, then why would you start eating it again when you finally get pregnant? Gluten is also associated with mis-carriage. A lot.  So even if you don’t stay on full keto during pregnancy, get your carbs from other sources than grains. You see, all grains have either the full gluten protein, or a part of it.  The “Non Gluten” grains like Qunoa, Amaranth, Millet, etc, are not really gluten free. They all have part of the gluten protein, and all of them will make your body react in some way. If you get pregnant through keto, then stay pregnant through keto.  Or at least modified keto. I have been Gluten free for at least 15 years, so yes, you can live without it. In fact, you might only live without it. Keto is really no different than any other diet as long as you keep it balanced. You get all the macronutrients you need. If you are getting pregnant, you might want to take a good natural multivitamin supplement to make sure. Talk to your doctor or nutritionist. Obviously, crash dieting, even using keto, is not a good idea during pregnancy.  Don’t forget the guys! High carb diet leads to low quality sperm, so he could be on keto for a while before you try to get pregnant. It could make all the difference, and it really costs nothing more than your food bill to try it. Good Luck, and keto on!  Hopefully you are the next to say “Keto got me pregnant!” If you like these tips and would like to get more keto tips, endless recipes, and lots of inspiration, then come to our free website and sign up for our mailing list. ( .  Act! Don’t React! Have a Happy, Healthy Day Livtar
Keto Saved Her From Diabetes
Keto Saved Her From Diabetes
Keto Saved Her From Diabetes ( We’ll call her Jane. She never thought much about her food growing up. Yes, she was overweight, but not all that much.  Then, at age 23, she got diagnosed with type 2 diabetes!  She had had it for several years and didn’t know it.  The doctor gave her medicine and some general diet advice and sent her on her way. She didn’t realize how serious it was. Until she got pregnant a few years later. Then she realized it is a serious condition that needed serious attention. Working with her doctor, she lost 50 or 60 pounds, but it didn’t help her blood sugar at all. How much you weigh is not the whole story with diabetes. She actually was good at losing weight, but not controlling her blood sugar. She had to take matters into her own hands. She started reading and learning and came across keto. It was a revelation. With her doctor’s permission, she started the keto journey. The move to keto was hard for her. But she was determined to see it through. After a couple of months, her blood sugar improved to the point she cut down on her insulin. Her doctors were thrilled and told her to keep it up. Finally, she got completely free of insulin. No more injections several times a day with bruises from the needles. She also cut down on other medications. Keto saved her from diabetes. The hardest thing for her now is when she is with family and friends. They appreciate her health and beautiful new body, it’s not that. It’s that she can’t often eat what they eat. So, like most of us veterans, she often brings her own food to these gatherings. She slides a little, and gains some weight back now and then. But then she recommits and gets back into the right habits.  “It’s OK if you aren’t perfect. But you do have to stay committed. This diabetes is a serious disease and I have to be constantly on guard. My advice is to not let yourself get it in the first place.”  “Eat right starting today, and the rest of your life will be much better.” Jane’s relationship with food is the main change she has made. She was a binge eater and had to get over that. She slipped and cheated some, which led to weight gain. But it’s a marathon, not a sprint. She never gives up and neither should you. Keto saved her from diabetes, and it could for you too. She’s managing, and you can too. There is a beautiful, bright life of health and fitness in front of you. Just take the first step. If you like these tips and would like to get more keto tips, endless recipes, and lots of inspiration, then come to our free website and sign up for our mailing list. ( .  Act! Don’t React! Have a Happy, Healthy Day Livtar
Does Keto Improve My Skin
Does Keto Improve My Skin
Does Keto Improve My Skin? ( The keto diet is known for weight loss. But, for people with skin problems, they may be pleasantly surprised by what keto does. Skin is a big topic and it covers everything. (Ok, bad joke).   If you have smooth, creamy skin already, then maybe not.  If you are asking this question, you probably have SOME kind of issue with your skin. I have skin problems, IF I EAT WRONG!  I don’t have skin problems when I eat what is good for me. So I can tell you first hand that if you have skin problems it will help. If you think skin problems magically appear for no reason, why?  If normal, average skin doesn’t have problems and yours does, then something is different in you.  It comes down to this: Does Keto Improve My Skin?  Every person has different genetics. Growing up, my wife’s sister had really bad skin as a teenager into her young adult years. My wife didn’t. They ate pretty much the same diet.  Her sister fixed her skin by going on a raw vegetarian diet. Completed cleared up in a couple of months. What does keto have to do with a raw vegetarian diet? They both cut out the bad carbs and the bad fats. Plus, there were probably some foods her body couldn’t handle for genetic reasons.  The Point Is... You have to do the diet to see if it helps.  Hint: It almost always does.  There is a thing called Keto Rash. Some people experience this on keto and my advice is the same. Staying on keto, try changing what you eat within the diet. Try a different oil. You might be allergic to coconut oil and not know it. There might be a seafood that affects you. It can be anything. I get Psoriasis if I eat dried Mango!   So to answer the question, does keto improve my skin? Yes, if you make sure there is nothing in your diet that you are ‘allergic’ to. And that’s trial and error, plus keeping a food diary. “I ate an egg for breakfast: 8 am”   Next entry, “Noon: feel funny. Egg didn’t seem to digest well” You start to see patterns, but you have to be looking for them. Start a food diary and you will start to see which foods work for you and which ones don’t. And yes, skin problems is a good indicator that food may not be for you. If you like these tips and would like to get more keto tips, endless recipes, and lots of inspiration, then come to our free website and sign up for our mailing list. ( . Act! Don’t React! Have a Happy, Healthy Day Livtar
Keto Weight Loss Timeline
Keto Weight Loss Timeline
Keto Weight Loss Timeline ( People want to know how fast they can lose weight on keto. Yesterday is the most popular answer to that question. When you lose weight, it is a health issue.  If you are overweight, you will be healthier if you lose weight. That’s obvious. But there can actually be unhealthy weight loss, if you overdo it and go too fast.  That’s where keto comes in.  It will keep your body balanced while you are losing weight. For instance, if you lose weight by only drinking water for days, you will lose weight in the wrong places.  If you go straight into starvation, your body will grab whatever it can to use for fuel. If your body is not already tuned to burn fat for energy, your body will burn other things….like muscles. It will even go after your BRAIN!  I know this because it happened to me once when I was sick. I could barely eat for several weeks. My muscles shrank, but the fat I had stayed right where it was. That is so depressing you can’t believe it.  Or maybe you can. Short term quick weight loss Assuming you aren’t diabetic, it’s ok to lose weight fast once, but not over and over.  Meaning, it’s not good to yo-yo diet where you lose weight then gain it back all the time. This is where the keto weight loss timeline comes in.  Let’s say there’s a wedding or school reunion or something where you want to lose weight fast. It’s OK to lose 10 to 30 pounds pretty quick with keto. You just eat less and add in intermittent fasting. But if you try to lose 100 or more pounds really quick, there’s a possibility of overloading your kidneys and liver with toxins. You will also add the possibility of permanent loose skin.  If you are very overweight, losing the weight gradually gives the body time to adjust, including the skin.  How? The keto lifestyle. If you make keto your normal way of eating, you can go long periods of gradual weight loss without feeling like you are denying yourself.  The keto weight loss timeline then is under your control. You lose weight as you like, while feeling good and satisfied and fulfilled.  So how long it takes to lose weight on keto is totally in your control. You can turn up the speed, or slow it down. It’s an amazing system. And it’s totally up to you. If you like these tips and would like to get more keto tips, endless recipes, and lots of inspiration, then come to our free website and sign up for our mailing list. ( .  Act! Don’t React! Have a Happy, Healthy Day Livtar
Keto Loves Friendly Bacteria In The Gut
Keto Loves Friendly Bacteria In The Gut
Keto Loves Friendly Bacteria In The Gut ( If you were a health food person, like I have been for decades, you already know about friendly bacteria in the intestines.  If you didn’t know, there are a lot of bacteria that are friendly and good for us. In fact, they are necessary for our bodies to function. We have up to 5.3 pounds of bacteria in our intestines alone.  There are certain types of bacteria that are only supposed to be in the small intestine. There are other types of bacteria that are only supposed to be in the large intestine. If they move out of their designated area, it causes lots of digestive problems. Yes, that’s right, even bacteria have designated areas. Our bodies have a fascinating inter-locked relationship with bacteria, good and bad. There are up to 100 TRILLION!  As you can see, Keto Loves Friendly Bacteria In The Gut! What does this mysterious “friendly bacteria” do down there?  It helps us process and use the nutrients we eat.  We need the bacteria for healthy absorption of foods. This is one reason to use antibiotics as little as possible. Don’t just take them like candy, take them when you really need them. The friendly bacteria will be killed off by antibiotics, and it takes time to get back to normal The entire group of friendly bacteria as a whole, is called the microbiome. It is linked to every system in the body. Studies have proven that it affects even mental health. When the gut is healthy, all the things the doctor looks for in your blood work improve. Like hormone balance, insulin sensitivity, and the big one, metabolic flexibility. You know those people that are really set in their ways? They don’t want to hear about anything new. Well, your gut actually can get like that. It won’t be able to change when you need it to. If you want your body to switch into Ketosis, it may resist.  It will have trouble converting fat into energy, and instead will store it as fat. Yikes! Not what we are trying to do here. When your gut is healthy, your body is very flexible about switching from a carb based diet to Keto.  How do we get a healthy gut?  Well what do you know?  A low carb diet is right at the top of the list of things that will give you a healthy gut!  ;) Doing the Keto diet will automatically change the body around so it is able to go into ketosis easier. What could be greater than that? You can take an acidophilus ( or similar)  pill. It will help, and really can’t hurt.  Take note though, cheap probiotics are pretty worthless. Some of them have zero live bacteria. (Here) is a good brand that is not expensive at all. It has no dairy or soy, which is also important. But the probiotic pills alone are not the  answer. You can’t replenish your gut microbiome with the pills. The body has to do most of the work.  The keto diet will make the gut heal itself and the microbiome. Keto Loves Friendly Bacteria In The Gut. If you like these tips and would like to get more tips, endless recipes, and lots of inspiration, then come to our free website and sign up for our mailing list. ( .  Act! Don’t React! Have a Happy, Healthy Day Livtar
Keto Blows Up Slow Metabolism
Keto Blows Up Slow Metabolism
Keto Blows Up Slow Metabolism ( If you look up the word frustration in the library, slow metabolism would be one of the examples of  the most frustrating thing about weight loss.  Many of us have been there.  We try everything. We stop eating, or only eat salads for days, weeks, months. A pound or two comes off, usually in the wrong places. Then, once we start eating again, the lost weight not only comes back immediately, but it seems to bring it’s friends and family along with it. We gain even more weight back, than what we lost. Slow metabolism?  It seems like Reverse metabolism!  In Keto, we aren’t even concerned with this problem. That’s how amazing it is. You see, the body has a few tricks up it’s sleeve, but we have more. Here are a few of the things we are working against when we try to lose weight. The body’s metabolism slows down with age. As a kid, I could eat anything. Not everyone is like that though. We have stories from people who have had weight problems since early childhood. Hint: Keto still wins. Keto Blows Up Slow Metabolism. The body has a certain weight it likes to be at, called a set point. This set point is not set in stone. It’s more like a habit that the body gets into. If your setpoint is too high, don’t worry. We can change the setpoint and make it work in our favor. Exercise increases hunger! Because exercise burns up calories and other nutrients so quickly, the body wants them replaced immediately.  I’m not saying not to exercise, just warning you what will happen. Exercise is necessary for your health, but not heavy exercise. Heavy exercise makes you HUNGRY!  Walking is good for you but won’t trigger massive hunger attacks.  Again, in my own experience, when I have tried exercising to lose weight, I go immediately to the fridge right after. So hungry I can’t see straight. Then I would proceed to eat more calories than I just burned. Next, dieting itself slows the body’s metabolism. That’s why each pound is harder to lose than the last on a regular diet.  Plus, losing weight goes against your body’s own survival instinct. Your body likes extra fat in case of famine. There is millions of years of instinct you have to overcome. Keto is a much milder and more effective way to get the body to burn it’s own fat.  You have trouble with your “metabolism” because you keep feeding it too much carbs.  The body wants to survive. It has amazing mechanisms to grab food from any source within.  It is really the simplest thing in the world. Stop giving it the easy “food”, carbs, and force it to burn fat for energy.  This bypasses all the problems I highlighted above. When you aren't depriving your body at all,  it doesn’t feel like it’s starving. It doesn’t create massive cravings  to cram more food down your throat. You are giving it a source of energy that it really likes, fat. That’s why it stores excess food energy as fat in the first place. So let’s fix that metabolism thing. Keto Blows Up Slow Metabolism.  Let’s get on the Keto eating plan (see? I didn’t say diet). If you are confused about how it all works, it’s laid out for you in an easy to follow system. This system even includes a shopping list! Just follow along, and your weight control system will be up and running in no time. Without wild cravings. Without gnawing hunger.   Just go to this website and take a look. ( .   Just take a look at the success stories of people just like you. They did it, you can too.  If you like these tips and would like to get more tips, endless recipes, and lots of inspiration, then come to our free...
Keto - Diet or Lifestyle
Keto - Diet or Lifestyle
Keto - Diet or Lifestyle ( We talk endlessly about the Keto Diet.  Yes, it is a diet in one way.  But if you really understand it and what it does, you will start to see deeper. It is really a way of life, a way of eating.  Don’t let that idea scare you. If you want to use it as a short term diet, that’s great. No problem. The only problem is that you will probably be back.  Think about it. If you needed the diet in the first place, it was because the way you were eating before didn’t work out for you.  If you go back to eating that way, you will inevitably gain the weight back. Or you will get back to some unhealthy situation that you were in before. Diabetes, for instance. The Keto Way We try to get people to look at keto as a way of eating to keep your health and mobility far into your older years.  Seriously. Which would you rather be? Old and sick, can’t move, aching joints, heart problems, etc. Or, vibrant, energetic, healthy with good blood numbers.  Able to play with the grand kids, go to events, go out to dinner, and feel good instead of achy and old. Keto - Diet or Lifestyle    It’s Your Choice Yes, keto is there for you as a temporary diet if that’s what you want. But if it becomes part of your normal daily life, your life will become healthy and happier. Health will become your new normal. Here’s How Once you have lost the amount of weight you want, then look for ways to adjust the diet.  Instead of going back to the diet that got you in trouble in the first place, make adjustments to the keto diet that will allow you more leeway.  It’s not all or nothing. Increase your carbs if you like. Maybe don’t be so strict about the macros. Have a few more keto friendly desserts.  But whatever you do, don’t go back to what hurt you in the first place….your old diet. Keto - Diet or Lifestyle? A little of both. If you like these tips and would like to get more keto tips, endless recipes, and lots of inspiration, then come to our free website and sign up for our mailing list. ( .  Act! Don’t React! Have a Happy, Healthy Day Livtar
Why Are You Overweight?
Why Are You Overweight?
Why Are You Overweight? ( What makes one person overeat, while the person next to them has no problem  with weight? Have you ever been pregnant, or been with  a woman who was pregnant?   Then you will know about  the odd food cravings that come with the situation.  It’s because she’s eating for two, and the baby’s needs for nutrition are sending signals to the woman. Since neither the baby nor the stomach can talk to the woman directly, the body tries to send signals about what it needs.  These signals can be misinterpreted wildly. The body might need protein, but the brain interprets it as ice cream!  It happens to us all the time, especially if we are deficient in certain nutrients. Our bodies are designed to tell us when we need food. It’s a built in survival mechanism.  When we are overweight, we have shame or anger because of it. But it’s not your fault. It is part of your DNA.  The cravings are not your fault. But if you want to change it, you have to take responsibility.  Why are you overweight? It helps to know why. You might recognize some of your patterns. If you recognize why you are doing something, you have more chance to change it. Here are 5 of the top reasons we over eat.  Because I’m Supposed to Eat!   You might have it in your mind that “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day”. So even if you don’t want breakfast, you will have it because someone convinced you it’s needed.  Just say No. If you aren’t hungry, don’t eat. Marketers strike again. Eating for pleasure.   “I’m not hungry, but there is a cupcake I want, and by God, I’m going to eat it!”.  The brain pleasure chemical Dopamine gets stimulated when you eat certain foods. Food scientists spend all day every day perfecting flavor and texture.  They do this so you will buy their product. When they get the exact flavor where a food becomes irresistible, they have a name for it.              They call it the bliss point.  For you, the bliss comes and goes in a moment. The aftermath stays with you, and might answer the question why are you overweight? Habit Eating.  We get used to a schedule. “I eat every night at 6 pm, no matter what!”  Repeating the same thing over and over makes it a habit.  You can change the habit,  break the schedule.   Again, if you aren’t hungry, don’t eat. Reward: Maybe your parents rewarded you for good behavior with sweets. So you grow up rewarding yourself for various accomplishments with food. This habit can be redirected to another form of reward. Food addiction: People show addiction like behavior,  just like drugs. Again, this is often from nutritional deficiencies. Your body keeps asking for some vitamin or mineral, but you misinterpret the signal and send sweets, or whatever,  instead. A good nutrition plan can go a long way toward stopping the cravings.  There is a way out of this. You just have to know how. That’s why we are here.  Check out our program at (  It gives you a FAST way out. Your way out could start Right Now, Today! If you like these tips and would like to get more tips, endless recipes, and lots of inspiration, then come to our free website and sign up for our mailing list. ( .  Act! Don’t React! Have a Happy, Healthy Day Livtar
Anti Aging From Keto
Anti Aging From Keto
Does Keto Cause Anti Aging? ( What does anti aging mean? That you will stay 25 years old forever? Of course not. You are going to age one way or the other. But what about slowing down the aging process at the cellular level.  In real life, it means your health will be extended much further into older age. Being alive is different than LIVING.  Just slogging along while you feel terrible is not really a good way to go about life. Anti Aging means to slow the aging process. The more your cells age, the less they work well.  Keto has anti aging properties on several layers. Well, everyone is different, but in general, the keto diet can create an environment that causes the body to create anti aging chemicals. Younger and skinny? That’s a great combination.  According to studies, there is a natural body chemical called B-hydroxybutyrate. It protects your cells from genetic damage and internal stress.  This happens because it blocks an enzyme.  This enzyme prevents certain good genes from becoming active.  We want these good genes to become active. When these helpful genes become active, they protect the cells from aging.  Yes, I’m simplifying it a lot, but really that’s what you need to know.  Plus the fact that going keto may help prevent a bunch of diseases, including heart and brain problems, like dementia. It’s a Serious StudyThe author of the study,  Dr Katerina Akassoglou works at the Gladstone Institute for Virology and Immunology in San Francisco.    In the study was the question: “Is Anti Aging from Keto possible?” She said: 'The findings could be relevant for a wide range of neurological conditions, such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, autism and traumatic brain injury.’ '[These] diseases afflict millions and there are few treatment options.'  I’m not a doctor and I don’t make claims. These are from the Doctor who did the study. We know from lots of research, that when we lower our carbs, and only include ‘healthy’ carbs, our body goes through a big shift in how it burns and stores fat. That process forces the body to secrete B-hydroxybutyrate. Then good things start happening, in addition to losing weight.  There’s Another Way To Activate ItFasting also releases this same chemical, which researchers have known for years.  As you may know, intermittent fasting is one of the things we recommend a lot. I have it built into my daily routine. I don’t eat until lunch time every day. So I have a built-in fast from dinner the night before until lunch, which I usually eat between noon and 1pm. It’s simple, helps me feel better, and keeps the weight steady. It is also anti aging.  Anti aging from keto? Apparently yes.  If the keto diet is helping prevent degenerative diseases, it is helping people live happier. Living a long time but being diseased and miserable is not a great bargain. Living long and healthy? That’s a deal I’m interested in. If you like these tips and would like to get more tips, endless recipes, and lots of inspiration, then come to our free website and sign up for our mailing list. ( ) (  Act! Don’t React! Have a Happy, Healthy Day Livtar
The Painless Keto Hack
The Painless Keto Hack
The Painless Keto Hack ( The Keto diet is generally kind of hard when you first start. Like any diet, I guess. One thing humans don’t like is to start a change for the better. Oh, we LOVE it after we have made the change. We are happier and healthier. It’s just that human nature likes to keep going the way it already is.  So we have to be on the keto diet for a while in order to get the body into ketosis. It involves planning, execution, and willpower. Ketosis is when your body actually burns the fat from your body.  That’s why it seems to melt away almost like magic when you are in ketosis. Many times you will start looking better without your weight changing.  Why? Because muscle is heavier than fat. You could weigh the same but look very different if the weight is more from muscle. When you are in Ketosis, you are losing weight while sitting at your desk. You are losing weight while you are in the kitchen. Weight is falling off  while you are lounging on the couch. You are actually losing weight while you are eating! What could be better than that? You don’t have to be at the gym. Just going about your life. So what is the easiest keto hack to help you get into and stay in ketosis?   It’s called MCT. It stands for Medium-Chain Triglycerides.  It comes from Coconuts.  MCTs are turned into ketone bodies that your body can immediately use for energy! They don’t even have to pass through the whole digestive process.   That’s why if you take this MCT powder on your food or in a drink, you will feel almost instant energy! It helps you feel better while you are burning fat. If you are new to Keto, then it will really help get you into ketosis. If you are a keto veteran, it will help you smooth out your day energy wise. There are no other supplements that really help you get into ketosis.  Make MCT powder part of your diet EVERY DAY. It can actually help you get into ketosis even if all the glycogen is not completely out of the body! That is huge. Even if you haven’t purged all the glycogen from the system, it can help you get in ketosis where the fat melts away. The One We Recommend There is one MCT that we recommend. It is in powder form, not oil form. It makes it far easier to digest and deal with. Find it at (  It is designed by one of the top Keto diet designers with thousands of successful dieters. You can see their stories at the website. Now you know the easiest keto hack. It’s as easy as I can make it for you. If you like these tips and would like to get more tips, endless recipes, and lots of inspiration, then come to our free website and sign up for our mailing list. ( ) .  Act! Don’t React! Have a Happy, Healthy Day Livtar
Easy Willpower Tricks For Keto
Easy Willpower Tricks For Keto
Easy Willpower Tricks For Keto ( In a dream world, we could just eat right and keep our weight perfect without any effort at all. But if you live on planet Earth as a human, you are going to have desires. Once you get into good eating habits, life becomes a whole lot easier. But until you get into full keto habit eating, you will need willpower. You will have moments, days, or even weeks where you are sorely tempted to break the diet. It’s the way it works. One thing that can you can to make it easier is to have a plan.  You can find a fantastic, fast weight loss plan at ( It will keep you from getting lost in figuring stuff out.  That way you can put all your energy into weight loss and not doing math and wondering if you are getting it right. Back to Easy Willpower Tricks For Keto. There are a couple of very simple ideas about willpower. The main thing you need to know is that will power is connected to your energy levels. If you are tired and weak, your willpower will also be weak. If you have spent a day resisting temptation, your willpower can actually wear out.  Willpower is almost like a physical muscle. It gets fatigued.  Think of running a marathon. You start out fine, then the energy reserves start to run out and you start to want to quit. Morning is Better Willpower is usually strongest in the early part of the day.  So what does that mean in real life in the ongoing saga of keto dieting versus willpower? 1. Perhaps you should try doing your grocery shopping early in the day when your energy levels are better. When you are physically and mentally tired, you are way more likely to give up and go along.  Your mind says it wants those cookies. If you are tired, it actually takes energy to say no to yourself. So you will be more likely to give in if you are already tired. Willpower and Keto dieting work better together in the morning. 2. If there is non keto food in the house, try to put it where it takes a lot of effort to get to it. Like high on top of the shelves.  You could even go so far as to have a family member hide it from you.  Then if you find it, they could move it somewhere else.  3.  Maybe you could make your food for the whole day in the morning. Then you don’t have to face the choice in the evening when your energy is low. You will be far more likely to ‘grab’ something if you are tired and nothing is prepared. 4. The top idea to prevent temptation is to prepare a whole week of food ahead of time. If every meal is ready in the fridge, you are 70% less likely to grab something you shouldn’t.  Make Each Moment Easy So You Won’t Need Willpower Willpower wears out during the day, just like your muscles and your general energy level.  Like all your muscles, willpower can help you immensely if it’s in good shape. If you know and understand that, you can plan the rest of your keto life around it. Use these easy willpower tricks for keto success. If you like these tips and would like to get more keto tips, endless recipes, and lots of inspiration, then come to our free website and sign up for our mailing list. ( .  Act! Don’t React! Have a Happy, Healthy Day Livtar
IHOP Can Keep You Keto
IHOP Can Keep You Keto
IHOP Can Keep You Keto ( If you are doing keto, there are few places that are more available to you in a pinch.  International House of Pancakes is an American institution.  It was founded in 1958 with the first restaurant being  opened in,_Los_Angeles ( )Toluca Lake, a neighborhood in Los Angeles. You may not remember, but the original buildings were steep roofed and shaped like an A. You could instantly identify them. There are only of few of those original buildings still existing. In 1973, the name was shortened to IHOP.  Now they are famous for being always open.  Many a late night - early morning meal has been eaten there. Maybe record deals were made there. Maybe some large companies you have heard of were started there, on the back of a napkin. Believe it or not, even if we eat a late night crazy meal, keto at IHOP is really easy to pull off. I don’t recommend eating late at night, but I’m not you. And you might be on a night shift and actually need to eat. Or it might be a special occasion. Whatever. Well, either way, IHOP Can Keep You Keto. Big thing to know first about their omelets. If you order an omelet you have to ASK for fresh cracked eggs. Their premade omelet mix has pancake batter mixed in to give it body. That’s a non starter for low carb at IHOP. Our top low carb meal at IHOP  would be: Sausage and pepper omelet topped with cheddar cheese, bell peppers, mushrooms and onion. Meats that are keto friendly: Bacon Sausage patty Sliced turkey Ham Sausage links Hamburger patties Tilapia Cheeses That  Will Keep You Keto Cheddar cheese American cheese Swiss cheese Keto Compatible Vegetables Avocado Lettuce Onion Tomato Fajita veggies Mushroom Pickle Broccoli Bell peppers Lettuce Cucumber Sauces For Keto Dieters Mustard Hot sauce Drinks Water or Unsweetened Tea 24 hours a day, IHOP Can Keep You Keto. It’s always there for you in a pinch. Happy low carb life, and keto on! If you like these tips and would like to get more tips, endless recipes, and lots of inspiration, then come to our free website and sign up for our mailing list. ( .  Act! Don’t React! Have a Happy, Healthy Day Livtar
Keto Saved A Life
Keto Saved A Life
Keto Saved A Life ( We’ll call him D.  He had a problem with drugs and alcohol. He had pretty bad addictions. Finally he was able to kick the drug and alcohol habits. Unfortunately, he had what is called an addictive personality. He quickly switched his addiction to food.  He gained weight until he got up to 200 lbs overweight. It came down to  thinking about bariatric surgery and or suicide. He was very close to suicide. Until finally he realized that he was the only one who got him into the situation and he was the only one who could get himself out. Since he hadn’t heard of keto yet, he started out with a modified Atkins diet. He cut the carbs down to 20 to 30 grams per day. He started walking. In a month, he had lost over 30 pounds. Nothing helps your motivation like seeing success. What were some of his techniques to help him get there? 1. Don’t Give Up Sometimes people give up when they are right around the corner from their goal.  Notice your victories when they happen, and celebrate them. Use a centimeter tape measure instead of inches. You will see your progress more steadily. 2. Make The Kitchen Keto FriendlyHe immediately followed this important advice about the kitchen....Get the high carb stuff out! Get it out of sight, and out of mind. When you walk into your kitchen, you should only find support for your keto lifestyle. Foods that will help you on your weight loss journey. Get rid of all temptation, and be ruthless about it. You are in a fight for your life. Be serious.  Keto saved a life in his case, it can in yours too. 3. Be Ready to Change Your LifeYou can’t think your routines will be the same. Adventures happen when you do something different. Accomplishments happen when you get off your duff and DO! You will probably want to start doing intermittent fasting if your health allows.  It will speed the weight loss tremendously, and help you learn to control urges. You will have to read every label. You can’t afford to be ambushed by hidden carbs that might knock you backwards. 4. Expect Success. Don’t Think it can’t happen.Put your head down and go. Great things can and will happen if you allow for them. You can be proud of yourself and happy in your body again. It’s not a miracle, it’s just changing the way you do things. D changed his life and has a beautiful woman by his side now. Why not you. We do recommend getting a massive head start with our 28 day, total keto plan. You don’t need to be doing math figuring out macros and recipes. It’s all done for you so you can be losing weight and not thinking about losing weight. Check it out at ( ). Keto saved a life here. It can for you too. If you like these tips and would like to get more keto tips, endless recipes, and lots of inspiration, then come to our free website and sign up for our mailing list. ( . Act! Don’t React! Have a Happy, Healthy Day Livtar
Keto Breath - 6 Ways To Fix It
Keto Breath - 6 Ways To Fix It
Keto Breath - 6 Ways To Fix It ( OK, I’ll admit it right up front. You can have a problem with bad breath when you are doing Keto. Like most keto diet problems, it happens more often in the early stages of the diet when your body is adjusting. Like temporary brain fog, which happens when your brain has to get used to burning fat instead of sugar, the breath can be ‘off’ for the same reason. The body is adjusting. But it can also be a combination of things. For example, if you don’t brush or floss your teeth, you are probably going to have bad breath on or off of keto. 1. If you have true ‘Keto Breath’  it will be a sweetish, almost metallic smell. That’s because, believe it or not, the body makes ketones when it gets into ketosis. Some of those same ketones are found in nail polish remover! Don’t worry, you aren’t poisoning yourself.  But your breath may smell a little like nail polish remover for a few days. It goes away and it’s harmless. 2.  Dry Mouth.   This can be from dehydration. Many a problem in keto can be fixed by staying hydrated...with electrolytes! If you can’t afford electrolytes, then you can sprinkle a TINY amount of salt in a glass of water. You can also try the mouthwashes made specifically for dry mouth. 3. Too Much Protein If you overdo the protein, you will have an ammonia problem. The breakdown of proteins in the body produces ammonia, which has a strong smell. Readjust your macros and make sure you aren’t overdoing the protein. 4. Oral Hygeine The title of this is keto breath - 6 ways to fix it. It sounds fancy but sometimes it’s just old fashioned brushing and flossing that’s needed. I use those little pre made floss picks so I can grab and floss. I never do it when it involves the string thing. IMPORTANT!  Scrape the back of your tongue!  Most bad breath comes from the back of the tongue. You can use your toothbrush just fine. At the end of brushing, use the brush all  the way to the back of your mouth on the tongue surface.  5. Watch Out For Artificial Sweeteners Stay away from these artificial sweeteners. 1. Sorbitol 2. Maltitol 3. Splenda 4. Maltodextrin (which is also used as a pesticide) 5. Vegetable glycerin They can cause gastrointestinal problems which may end up as your problem. Plus they can mess with your blood sugar levels. 6. Try using natural breath fresheners Instead of store bought gums and mints, try chewing on something natural, like they used to do. Here are some suggestions: Fennel seeds Parsley Rosemary Cinnamon Clove Marjoram Cardamom That’s keto breath - 6 ways to fix it.  Hope it helps. If you like these tips and would like to get more keto tips, endless recipes, and lots of inspiration, then come to our free website and sign up for our mailing list. ( .  Act! Don’t React! Have a Happy, Healthy Day Livtar
Always Have These Keto Foods In The House
Always Have These Keto Foods In The House
Always Have These Keto Foods In The House ( There is something that is true everywhere in life. Your environments will have a big effect on you.  When you are trying to change your habits, it is always recommended to change the environments that got you into the bad habits. If you are trying to stop taking drugs, then you probably want to start spending time with people who don’t take drugs. If you are trying to stop smoking, then don’t hang around smokers. But if you are trying to change the way you eat, you might be having the enemy living right in your house with you….in your kitchen! When you open your refrigerator, is it filled with temptation? Or is it filled only with foods that will support your low carb diet? Your kitchen must be 100% support for you. Anywhere you look in your kitchen, you should see support. So try to Always Have These Keto Foods In The House 1. Precooked protein.   Ground meat is great,  and can be thrown in Tacos.    Grilled chicken strips can be used in a huge variety of  dishes, including throwing it on top of a salad.  You can add it to a quick veggie stir fry with the chopped veggies you made earlier. More on that in a minute. 2. Grass Fed butter - filled with CLA/s fatty acid.  bone health.  Butter has so many benefits, we did a whole podcast on it. Also Heavy Whipping Cream.  You can make sauces, use it in recipes and do whipped cream with berries as a dessert. Whipping cream in your coffee to replace milk is a match made in energy heaven. 3.  Avocado.   Ok, Avocados don’t go in the fridge until they are ripe. But 3/4 of the content of avocado is fat. Avocado is a perfect grab snack, but works really well as the center of a dish.  You can add them to smoothies or make guacamole of course. You can put a fried egg in the scooped out spot. Store them in the fridge. They can be frozen, if you scoop them out of the peel first. 4. Eggs.   Use them in baking, as snacks, or for breakfast.  They can be made fast and easy if you are in need. You can keep some already boiled for emergency or pre planned snacks. They are a complete protein.  5. Bacon.  I heard somewhere that people really like bacon. In addition to eating it as part of your meal, you can add it to all kinds of dishes to spice up the flavors. You can also keep the grease to add to other cooked foods.  Let’s face it, everything is better with bacon.  6. Chopped Veggies.  Get all the washing, slicing, chopping, done ahead of time. The thought of all the prep that veggies take can be a mental block when you go to make a meal. If they are all done ahead of time, it let's you be creative in the moment, instead of feeling dread to go through the whole process.  Cauliflower, onion, bell pepper, celery, broccolli are all great for prepping ahead of time.  Keep it in containers, ready to grab. It makes for easy snacking,  and to make snacks as the kids run out the door. 7.  Leafy green Vegetables. Spring Mix. Spinach.  Get the pre washed ones so you can grab and go.  They go great in a smoothie. Swiss Chard is my favorite, and it saute's well with butter.  8. Blueberries.  These are one of the few fruits that work with keto. They go great  added in with desserts. Also they make great smoothies. Don't wash them ahead of time because they may get moldy. Do have an easy system to wash the ones you are going to eat. Have the strainer or colander handy.  That’s it for today. If you Always Have These Keto Foods In The House, you will have maximum support and minimum temptation to overcome. It will help a lot! If you like these tips and would like to get more keto tips, endless...
Keto Without All The Math
Keto Without All The Math
Keto Without All The Math ( The Keto diet is kind of hard at the beginning. It puts your body through a lot of changes. It changes your body from burning sugar to burning fats. That’s a big deal, and your body will let you know. But, that only lasts a couple days to a couple of weeks usually.  That’s not a high price to pay to lose all that weight, and to get the wonderful, positive changes in your blood chemistry. Doctors are often shocked at how much the blood work of their keto dieters changes for the better. But, the hardest part of keto for many is actually planning and execution of the diet. You have to figure out: 1. What to Eat What dishes do I want for the coming days, weeks, months. 2.  What are the Macros?  How much of each food do eat at each meal, to get the right balance of protein, carbs, and fats? You have to figure out the percentage and weights of each macronutrient, and get them balanced for every meal. 3. Where do I find recipes to make those foods taste good? You can spend endless amounts of time looking for the right recipes so that the food you need to eat tastes good. Diets are hard enough without lousy tasting food. 4.  How much of each food Do I Buy? How do I reverse engineer my shopping list?  I have all these foods, and then found all these recipes. How much of each food do I buy?  Or would you rather have keto without all the math? The math required to start keto is enough to make people give up before they start. I have a secret. I couldn’t do keto without a pre-made plan. My brain and math don’t go together. I took one look at all the figuring that was required and shook my head ‘NO’! It wasn’t until I saw the (******* Keto)  plan that I couldn even start.  It tells you everything to eat and do for 28 days. After the 28 days, you can start over at the beginning of the plan and keep going. There are lots of substitutions so it will never be the same twice. Brain Free Keto! You don’t have to come up with meals. You don’t have to find 90 recipes. There is no figuring out how much of each ingredient to buy. Because it even includes a shopping list. So if you are having trouble with getting started, try keto without all the math. Try a ‘done for you’ solution.  It could have you losing weight before you would have even finished figuring out your first meal on your own. Go to and see the stories of all the desperate people who finally broke through and got results. If you like these tips and would like to get more keto tips, endless recipes, and lots of inspiration, then come to our free website and sign up for our mailing list. ( .  Act! Don’t React! Have a Happy, Healthy Day Livtar