Episode 94 - Don’t let money keep you from being the healthy, happy mama you want to be

The Unraveled Mama Podcast

30-11-2022 • 31 mins


Today I wanna chat about something that stirred up some emotions on a social post of mine I hoped a question like this…

How many times have you found the perfect exercise or nutrition program that would help you reach all of your health and weight loss goals but you didn’t sign up because you were worried about the money? Yup! Me too, Mama! I used to be so afraid to spend money on myself because there were so many other expenses that I thought were more important.

- My kids wanted new clothes/ or the latest shoes.

- My husband wanted to buy new gear for his hobbies.

- We wanted to take the kids on a fun vacation.

- Healthy food is too expensive.

- I want to put my kids in sports/music lessons/after-school activities.

The list could go on, and on, and on. There’s always something around the corner that will demand more of your finances. I get it, I’ve been there. But Mama, let me tell you something.

Your needs matter. Your health is important. Your happiness is important! To show up and be the very best mama to your kids, the best wife/partner to your spouse, and the best employee/boss at your job, you have to take care of yourself.

I want you to realize that not having enough money is an excuse. Its an easy one we throw out too easily. We are quick to spend money on things that are fleeting and slow to spend on things that are good for us and that could give us years of life back in return.

I often see this happen because we are so used to coming last when it comes to the needs of the family. We fall into the martyr mom role.

And this isn’t necessarily your fault! You were most likely taught that this was the way it worked! The expectation for generations has been that mamas give up everything to make their families happy. But honestly, that’s the saddest thing I’ve ever heard! Would you want your daughters to learn that? To be told that their needs, dreams and goals need to be put away to make other people happy? No way!

I want you to unlearn everything you’ve been taught about sacrificing everything to make your family happy because, honestly, that attitude is hurting everyone around you!

Here are three truths that will help you prioritize your health so that not only can you be happy, but you can also have a better, stronger, happier family.

## Being unhealthy is more expensive than being healthy

Let’s just be honest, yes, losing weight and being healthy can be expensive. You need to buy higher quality foods. You need to pay for a coach to teach you how to live healthily. You need to invest in a gym membership or workout equipment. You might even want to get some supplements to perform at optimum levels. It can add up.

But being unhealthy is going to cost you too. Eating out is expensive. When you’re overweight you have higher health insurance premiums. Unhealthy habits like drinking and smoking are expensive too!

Those are just the costs that are in front of you right now. But if you look at the long-term picture, people who are unhealthy end up spending way more on medical bills and prescriptions over their lifetime.

On top of that, they are more likely to get sick which leads to more missed work. That’s less revenue coming into your family. According to Market Watch, unhealthy people earn 28% less money over their lifetime compared to their healthy counterparts!

Ask yourself this question, is staying stuck in, unhealthy patterns costing, more or less than it would to be healthy? Most likely, the answer is more!

One thing mamas don’t think about when they’re looking at the costs of getting healthy is how much money they will end up saving. Meal planning is the best way to cut costs! Each week I make a weekly meal plan, then I purchase the exact groceries I need for that plan.

Because I know what I need, I don’t end up buying a bunch of food that I don’t need or that will end up going bad before we can eat it. This simple habit has saved my family so much money! I have a great [blog post that can help you learn how to meal plan](https://www.kmoremacro.com/blog/2022/8/30/the-1-meal-planning-strategy-that-will-save-busy-mamas-from-complete-overwhelm "‌"). Go check it out!

Then there is a cost we can’t put a monetary value too years of life that you just give up. When you level up your health and weight is a big part of being healthy you add years to your life to live. You can’t put a price tag on an extra 10 years 5 months 2 days. How many times do we find ourselves saying if I could just have one more day with my mom, or my grandma or anyone we have lost we would give anything! Well, you can start doing just that by investing time, energy and effort into your health!

Now before we jump into this part let me start out by saying if you are literally paycheck to paycheck I am not talking about you in this blog, podcast or social post. I know you are not making excuses about getting healthy and your finances I am talking about mamas who use money as an out, a reason to not show up and give themselves a happier, healthier better future! People who hide behind I can’t’s and fear and then use money as a scapegoat!

We have to remember our health is a need not a want

A lot of the things we spend our money on are not needs, they are wants. You _want_ to take the kids to Disney - you don’t _have_ to. Your husband _wants_ to buy something new - he doesn’t _have_ to.

But, you _have_ to eat. You _have_ to wake up each day and mom. You _have_ to do well at work if you want to keep your job. So why aren’t you investing time, energy and money to do all of those things to the best of your abilities?

Mamas get stuck in the trap of thinking that they will invest in their health when there’s some extra money in the budget. But, Mama, be honest with me, when’s the last time that you had extra money?

I never have extra money for myself because there’s always some emergency that takes precedence! The car breaks down and needs to be fixed. The kids want money to go out with friends. Your husband decides to make a big purchase.

If you keep waiting until there’s money left over to focus on your health you’re going to be waiting forever. You need to make your health a priority not an afterthought! You deserve that!

I am also not saying that this should financially hurt for the next 10 years lol. But when you invest in a real coach, a real program where there is skin in the game You show up differently. Think of this how many people spend $9 on a gym membership for 5 10 15 years and NEVER GO? Then think about this how many people pay for a studio like pilates or CF and pay $180 to $200 bucks and don’t show for 5 months, to a year VERY VERY few there is skin in the game because it’s a real investment nad intention.

Every day I talk to mamas who are desperate to lose weight, feel good and have the energy to keep up with all that life demands of them. But they don’t put their needs at the top of the to-do list. If they did, they would have everything they want!

Instead of saying, “I can’t afford to get healthy right now.” I want you to say “Being healthy isn’t a priority for me right now.” How does that feel? Does that make you feel happy, sad, disappointed, frustrated, or elated? What is the feeling that hits you when you tell yourself that your health isn’t a priority?

If you feel sad, frustrated, disappointed, etc, then that means this is something you need. It’s time to make buying a program fit into your budget - not the other way around! So many good things will come from prioritizing your health that spending the money on it now with absolutely be worth it.

You can’t afford to not be a priority!

The biggest difference, the unselfish difference, is that your health is the key to a happy, healthy family.

## ANDDDDD You are the key to a happy, healthy family

Mama, if you are reading this or listening to this and thinking, “How freaking selfish would I be to drop thousands of dollars on a health program that only benefited me?” Then, listen up because what I’m about to say is exactly what you need to hear.

You are the one responsible for teaching your family about food and health. As the mama, you are the one primarily responsible for feeding your family. Sure, your husband is also responsible for these things, but mamas have a special purpose to lead and raise their kids.

If you don’t know how to make healthy choices for yourself, how are you supposed to raise healthy kids? You can’t! Right?

You can’t teach or model what you don’t know and understand!

But what if you had the tools and knowledge to take care of your health while helping your family learn healthy principles too?

That’s how you change not just your kids’ lives, but your grandkids’ and great-grandkids’ lives.

I want to share two stories with you of mamas who joined my Macros Made Easy program scared to death to spend money on themselves and what they learned from the program that has improved not just their health, but their family’s lives as well!

First up is Stacey.

“On February 25, 2021, I took the first step and said enough is enough and I am going to do

something about it. I didn't like the way my postpartum body looked and hated taking family

pictures, I always tried to hide behind a kid or my husband. With 2 kids in club soccer at 6

practices a week, a hubby assistant coaching, me co-managing a team and a 4-month-old

baby at home, I decided to focus on myself and get healthier for my family.

I wanted to show up for them in ways that I couldn't before. I wanted to get healthy for my new baby that was going to keep me running around and be able to keep up with him. The investment was huge and I immediately felt the mom guilt creep in as soon as I said yes, but that is also what kept me going.

I wasn't going to let my husband down who worked hard to pay for this and I wasn't going to let my coach down who had faith in me and was taking her time to teach me the way and cheer me on along the way.

I set a huge goal of losing 50 pounds. To be honest, I didn't think it was realistic at first and thought, well, if I get close then I will be happy.

Well, guess what?!

5 months and 4 days later, I finally hit my goal! I lost a whopping 50 pounds. I am

ecstatic! I have learned so much along the way and had so many non-scale victories. The

rewards have been fun and I've learned to love to work out.

A huge thank you to Krista Moreland from KmoreMacro for leading the way and walking me

through this process. To my husband who chose to invest in me and my health for

the sake of our kids and family.”

I love that Stacey’s family was so supportive of her investing in her health! That mom guilt has since gone away as Stacey has helped her boys learn more about health, nutrition and exercise! Now she and her son go to the gym together! Isn’t that amazing?

Next up is, Suzanne. When Suzanne finished the program she gave me a list of the changes that she had made during the program and I want to share just a few with you.

Before Macros Made Easy

- I had no idea where to begin when it came to feeding myself and my family

- I felt like I was either starving or stuffed

- I felt like taking care of myself was selfish

- Spending $3,000 on myself made me feel like I was going to vomit

- I had no idea how working on food and feeding myself would clear the mental space and create more peace in my life

After Macros Made Easy

- I recognize when I need to eat and know that there is no reason to get hangry

- I know taking care of myself creates healthy ripples that serve everyone in my life

- Spending money on myself is just as justifiable as spending money on anyone else in the family

- I feel energized and empowered

- I feel a sense of control and even when really hungry I can figure out what to eat to almost immediately feel better so I can make better choices about our next meal

Suzanne also talked to me about how much easier it has been to feed her family! Before she learned about nutrition she was making multiple meals to accommodate different people’s tastes and now she makes one meal that her family can modify to fit their taste buds and nutritional needs.

Mama, if you want that family that sits down to dinner and eats a healthy meal together, then you need to figure out how to create that! You need to invest in your nutritional education so that you can lead your family to health and happiness. It starts with you! Don’t let your family stay stuck because you think spending money on yourself is selfish.

I know that things are more expensive than ever right now. That the economy keeps going up and down but if we learned one thing over the last few years, it’s that our health is our most important commodity! The whole world shut down when we thought we would lose our health! Don’t shut your world down anymore. Don’t hold yourself back from experiencing all that life has to offer because you physically can’t!

Schedule a free discovery call today to start your health journey. Become the mama and wife that your family needs you to be! And most importantly, take this step for yourself because you deserve to love every inch of yourself! Schedule a Free Discovery Session here: [http://bit.ly/DiscoverySessionKmore](http://bit.ly/DiscoverySessionKmore "‌")

Have a question? Email me here: [Krista@KmoreMacro.com](mailto:Krista@KmoreMacro.com "‌")

Follow me on IG: @kmoremacro

Join my Busy Mom Simple Nutrition FREE Fb group:

[https://www.facebook.com/groups/BusyMomSimpleNutrition](https://www.facebook.com/groups/BusyMomSimpleNutrition "‌")

Love Free Resources Go Here: [https://theunraveledmama.com/resources](https://theunraveledmama.com/resources "‌")

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