Are You Stuck in a Cycle of Busyness: The Ultra Independent & Your Body

Let the Rest Burn

13-02-2023 • 14 mins

Welcome back to Let the Rest Burn with The Evolved Therapist. Today we are continuing our work and healing with the ultra independent archetype. As modern adults, we face an epidemic of excessive busyness that is a byproduct of a capitalist society that can leave us feeling rushed, discontent, and short on time. Yet, we think we can do it all by ourselves because that is the only way to feel accomplished and recognized. So, if you are experiencing burnout, stick with me to hear why letting people help you can benefit your business and well-being.

Visit this episode's blog post here.

Connect with Coco on Instagram: @theevolvedtherapist


Are you tired of pretending like you don’t have needs?

Are you ready to not be responsible for everyone and everything?

Do you want to have boundaries but don’t want to be closed off?

I am here to show you the path back to power rooted in your truth not in your reactions…

Join me Feb 20th at 12pm MST

We’re covering:

  • The 3 things you need to do in order to soothe the ULTRA INDEPENDENT and lean into the flow you desire.
  • How the ultra-independent can sneak into your mindset, your body, your career and your relationships
  • Tools to somatically clear your nervous system and start speaking from your truth not your shadow

Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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