Podcast 66: Ketovangelist Coach Mary Roberts - How to Overcome Food Addiction

Ask Coach Stephanie

05-08-2019 • 57 mins

Mary Roberts is a 47-year-old wife and mother who spent the majority of her life battling sugar addiction and various stages of obesity. Through living a Ketogenic Lifestyle, she has overcome obesity and maintains control over her food addiction and her health. She is a recovering compulsive overeater/binge eater and has over 5 years of food sobriety.

In addition to battling the "sugar monster" and the scale, she was diagnosed with high blood pressure and Type 2 Diabetes in 2008. Six years later she found herself, at age 42, weighing in at 260 pounds and suffering from fatigue, depression, frequent illnesses, and relying on various medications to control her conditions. She decided she couldn't go on living that way, and she set out to make a change.

Today, thanks to Ketogenic eating and heavy lifting, Mary maintains healthy stable body weight. She is no longer on any medications, has normal blood pressure, and controls her diabetes through the food she eats. She has essentially reversed her diabetes, and her diabetic symptoms - such as numbness in her limbs, blurry vision, aches, and pains, or diabetic levels of extremely high blood sugar- are no more. She also no longer has sleep apnea, has stopped snoring, has no more asthma/allergy issues, perfect cholesterol and has not been sick with even a cold or the sniffles in over 4 years. Depression and brain fog are completely gone, and she now enjoys mental clarity and regular feelings of happiness, joy, and freedom. In addition to overcoming all of her health issues, she has overcome a lifetime of binge eating, sugar/food addiction, and obesity.

She is passionate about helping people navigate a ketogenic way of eating and overcoming their dysfunctional relationship with food. Keto literally saved her life and she wants other people to know they don’t have to suffer. Mary has been following a ketogenic diet/lifestyle for five years.

Mary has experience working with clients to overcome eating disorders such as binge eating disorder and bulimia. Several of her clients have reversed their Type 2 Diabetes, learned to manage their Type 1 without extreme highs and lows, managing their autoimmune diseases, overcoming obesity, lowering their high cholesterol, lowering their high blood pressure and overcoming food/sugar addiction.

You can follow her journey on Instagram and Facebook @ketomary71



If you want to train smart and race fast?  Work with Stephanie. One-on-one and group coaching.

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