Reaching first product success with a vital support of a Fractional Head of Product - Amanda Kozlowski Stanley, Fractional HoP


30-10-2023 • 34 mins

Joining us today is Amanda Kozlowski Stanley, a fractional head of product and co-founder of Sound Products NW. She partners with founders and business leaders to build and test product ideas that are deeply rooted in customer needs.

Amanda returned to the West Coast after a decade in Washington, DC and Hong Kong. She's led strategy and innovation projects for private- and public-sector organizations on five continents, including a former U.S. President Jimmy Carter, the CEO of one of Germany’s largest conglomerates, and Starbucks.

Professional and experienced product mind is needed in the organization from the moment you have an idea, yet many pre-seed and seed stage startups cannot afford to hire a full time experienced resource. The market found a solution to this challenge with a Fractional Head of Product leaders who are stepping in to help the founders and first time product CEOs realise their potential, reach initial PMF and set the critical foundation for product organisation. Who doesn't love 0-1 journeys!

In this episode we cover common pitfalls, learnings and, of course, the ways to identify, screen and engage a fractional product leader.