56. Fear of Failure (and Success) with Ria Mestiza

Summon Your Superhuman Podcast

07-07-2023 • 17 mins

I'm back Superhumans! And today I talk about and share my example of fear of failure (and success) with you via this LIVE raw and real conversation over coffee or tea perhaps *virtual cheers*.

I can't believe it's been almost three months! That was confronting for me to see, but I'm excited to bring this to you today and I hope my example and this episode will help nudge you to do something you perceive as scary, like going live and putting yourself in a position to fail AND succeed - all at the same time. Impossible? I AM possible.

I just did it.

Now it's your turn ;)

Much love always fellow superhuman summoners,
Coach Ria Mestiza

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