LSD Derivatives: What causes the effects of a drug? - PiMOPOD4 with Dr Torsten Passie and Ben Clayden

Psychedelic Frontiers: Bridging Science, Medicine and Consciousness

04-11-2022 • 53 mins

In this month’s episode of the Psychedelics in Medicine Podcast (PiMPOD), Dr Torsten Passie and Ben Clayden discuss LSD Derivatives, A nearly identical molecule with just a few differences. We discuss multiple derivatives of LSD, including LSA, 2-Bromo-LSD (BOL-148), 1P-LSD and use them in combination to better understand the intricacies of the neural mechanisms of LSD, and how slight changes to a molecules three-dimensional structure can completely alter their effects, through differences in ligand-receptor binding.

We then look at a study using a non-hallucinogenic version of LSD, BOL-148 as preventative treatment for cluster headache, discussing its implications, and further research that could be completed relating to LSD derivatives.

Dr Passie is a German psychiatrist, professor at Hannover Medical School and is an expert in altered states of consciousness. Torsten has performed clinical and experimental studies numerous psychoactive and psychedelic compounds ranging from nitrous oxide, to MDMA to ketamine.

Ben Clayden is the creator and owner of this Podcast. He is a student at the University of York studying Natural Sciences specialising in Neuroscience. He is co-chair for the Drug Science Student Society Network as well as the president of his University’s Psychedelics in Medicine Society.

Psychedelics, LSD, Hallucinogens Biology, Chemistry, Structural Biology, Neuroscience Cluster Headaches,

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Karst M, Halpern JH, Bernateck M, Passie T. The non-hallucinogen 2-bromo-lysergic acid diethylamide as preventative treatment for cluster headache: an open, non-randomized case series. Cephalalgia. 2010 Sep;30(9):1140-4. doi: 10.1177/0333102410363490. Epub 2010 Mar 26. PMID: 20713566.

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