Escaping The Corporate Funk: Move Your Body To Shift Your Mind

The Triple C Project

22-03-2024 • 23 mins

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Do you ever feel like you're trudging through life, one weary step at a time?

And no matter what you do, you keep falling back into that mental quicksand with a mind clouded by the ever-increasing weight of lethargy?

Corporate life be like that sometimes.

But what do you do if you can't immediately change your environment? How do you lose the funk and clear the mind fog so you can move calmly, easily, and intending towards the life you want?

In this week's episode, I share how. And I offer you a gift so you can do it too.

Discover how the synergy of movement and mindfulness can help you ditch the weight of corporate lethargy so you can stop surviving and start thriving.

And grab your free copy of Flow In Fifteen to get you started on your journey from lethargy to Lit!

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