The Triple C Project

Ryan Spence

Are you sick of feeling like a stressed-out cog in a corporate wheel?

Are you tired of feeling stuck in the mental quicksand of the corporate grind?

Are you over simply surviving each day and only living for the weekend?

What if you could live the life you want, not the life you think you should want?

What if you approached every day with intention instead of mindlessly going through the motions?

What if you woke up feeling alive, living your life in thrival mode rather than survival mode?

How would your life be different? How would it change for the better?

In this podcast, life coach, yoga teacher and author Ryan Spence (aka #thebiglawdropout) shows how you can do all these things and more!

Ryan's mission is to help you gain clarity, boost confidence and build courage so you can live life lit!🔥

He does this by sharing stories and actionable tips and tools based on his experience of leaving an 11-year career in BigLaw to embark on a mission to help high-achieving professionals like you move from survival mode to thrival mode so you can break free of the same limiting beliefs and lethargy that kept him stuck for over 5 years.

Whether you're a BigLaw lawyer, corporate professional, or simply someone feeling stuck in a rut you need to get out of, this podcast will not only inspire you to take action to get from where you are to where you want to be, but give you the tools and strategies to sustainably do so.

Raw, unfiltered, with a smattering of F-bombs, Ryan's relatable hosting style has been likened to a chat with a friend at a bar.

So, get yourself a drink, grab a seat, and join the conversation.

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Stop Sacrificing Your Soul: The More You Give, The More They'll Take
Stop Sacrificing Your Soul: The More You Give, The More They'll Take
What's your one takeway from this episode? Send me a Text Message & let me know Have you ever felt like you've been burning the candle at both ends, only to realize you're running on empty? Imagine giving your all at work, only to find yourself exhausted and underappreciated. This episode tackles the harsh realities of unchecked giving and the misleading narrative that relentless hard work will lead to inevitable rewards. Drawing from my BigLaw experiences, I expose how the promise of promotion often translates to more work for less immediate gain. Learn how to recognise these dynamics and make informed and intentional decisions that align with your personal and professional goals.Balancing a high-stakes career with personal life is no easy feat, and it often demands tough conversations and clear boundaries. Reflecting on a particularly grueling work experience, I reveal the challenges of negotiating workplace flexibility and the pushback that often ensues. This episode emphasises the importance of visualising your ideal life and making strategic changes to achieve it. By setting boundaries and having crucial conversations, you can take control of your life and ensure you preserve time for yourself, your loved ones and the things that matter. Listen to the end, where I break down 4 steps you can take to build boundaries and stop sacrificing your soul. Support the show Buy me a coffee Write a reviewStuff to Light Up Your Life🚀 Your Transformational Toolkit, aka The Triple C Method®️🚀 Apply to work with me🚀 Do yoga with meConnect with me: InstagramLinkedIn
The Power of Coaching: Illuminating Blind Spots & Transforming Lives
The Power of Coaching: Illuminating Blind Spots & Transforming Lives
What's your one takeway from this episode? Send me a Text Message & let me know A profound transformation can start in the most unexpected places. Mine began in a training room, where I was both the coach and the student. This experience illuminated blind spots I didn't know I had.  In this episode, I share the eye-opening realisations that came from a powerful coaching session that;⚡️made me reassess and fully embrace the impact of my work;⚡️showed where I was playing that impact down;⚡️introduced me to the importance of humility through gratitude; and ⚡️highlighted the areas where I needed to play bigger, and step up in asking for what I want and communicating what I need. I also shine a light on the power of coaching, what it can do for you, and what it did for me in my transformation from BigLAw lawyer to BigLaw dropout. In sharing my journey, I invite you to see how coaching unlocked my personal power and how it can do the same for you as I explore the power of exercising your 'ask muscle', and how the 'courage stacking' concept from my book, The Triple C Method, can help you build it.I encourage you to cast aside the distractions and overwhelm of daily life and focus on a path that leads to you thriving not just surviving. It's time for you to own your transformation, and I'm here to guide you every step of the way. Listen in, connect, and together let's carve your route to success. 🚀Support the show Buy me a coffee Write a reviewStuff to Light Up Your Life🚀 Your Transformational Toolkit, aka The Triple C Method®️🚀 Apply to work with me🚀 Do yoga with meConnect with me: InstagramLinkedIn
Focus on the Support You Have; Not the Support You Wish You Had
Focus on the Support You Have; Not the Support You Wish You Had
What's your one takeway from this episode? Send me a Text Message & let me know Have you ever felt the sting of disappointment when the friends you thought would show up and support your dreams are nowhere to be seen? This episode will change how you view support and cheerleading in your life. As the Big Law Dropout, I've been on both sides of the cheering section, and today, I'm spilling what I've learned about the power of surrounding yourself with people who not only back your aspirations but will kick your ass if you even think about not pursuing them. It's a hard-hitting truth I've realised, especially after an Instagram post struck a chord with me. It reminded me why it's so vital to have friends who are your cornerstones on your unpredictable and messy personal growth quest.I'm taking you through the paces of my experiences, where the silence of expected support once weighed heavily on me. Yet, through these trials, I've discovered the significance of cherishing those who do step up—their actions, big or small, are the real fuel to keep pushing towards a life that's fully 'lit.' This episode is all about learning to release the hurt from the cheerleaders who didn't show and embracing the ones who do. Support the show Buy me a coffee Write a reviewStuff to Light Up Your Life🚀 Your Transformational Toolkit, aka The Triple C Method®️🚀 Apply to work with me🚀 Do yoga with meConnect with me: InstagramLinkedIn
The Importance of Being Idle: Lessons from my unexpected hiatus
The Importance of Being Idle: Lessons from my unexpected hiatus
What's your one takeway from this episode? Send me a Text Message & let me know What do you do when life laughs at your best-laid plans and forces you to stop?  That's exactly what happened to me in December, with COVID-19 tagging along for an uninvited ravaging of my immune system and house renovations turning my world upside down. But here's the thing: this unexpected pause was the secret sauce I needed to spice things up again and be ready to welcome you back to the Triple C Project — with a renewed focus and energy — where we're all about finding clarity, confidence, and courage so you can live life Lit!If you're new here, I'm Ryan Spence, your Human GPS and guide on this journey, and I've returned with a backpack full of insights from my time off the grid (well, away from the pod). Grab your favourite drink, find your cosiest nook, and join me as we explore how embracing intentional breaks can recharge our spirits and realign us with our deepest values.Don't call this episode 92 a comeback; it's a renaissance of our shared expedition towards a Lit! life. This isn't about simply picking up where we left off; it's about harnessing the power of reflection and idleness that turned my time away into an enlightening experience. We'll unravel the importance of stepping back to leap forward, and how a little 'being' instead of constant 'doing' can stoke the embers of creativity and passion. No guests, just us, ready to reignite the embers of what makes life truly 'Lit'. So, are you strapped in? Because we're embarking on a quest to our most vibrant selves, and the countdown to the 100th episode has already begun!Support the show Buy me a coffee Write a reviewStuff to Light Up Your Life🚀 Your Transformational Toolkit, aka The Triple C Method®️🚀 Apply to work with me🚀 Do yoga with meConnect with me: InstagramLinkedIn