On Dating The "Self"

The Sensitivity Doctors

18-04-2024 • 37 mins

Drs. Kelley and Jeanne explore the idea of self-care and self-improvement, emphasizing the need to know oneself, love oneself and find happiness in who you are.


  • Dating as an important practice to get to know and love yourself.
  • Showing up as your best Self in relationships.
  • Rebuilding Relationships and Self-Care
  • Understanding Your Likes and Dislikes
  • Finding Stillness and Being Playful
  • Establishing Boundaries and Effective Communication
  • Making Time for Yourself
  • Engaging in Dialogue with Yourself
  • The Impact of Self-Care on Relationships


Dr. Jeanne Retief: About | Sensitive Skincare | Anxious Calm Online Courses & Community | Instagram | LinkedIn

Dr. Amelia Kelley: About | Dr. Kelley's Books | Instagram