Dr. Peter Levine: On Healing Our Traumatic Pasts

The Sensitivity Doctors

25-04-2024 • 27 mins

In this special episode Drs. Jeanne and Kelley talk to Dr. Levine about his latest, a deeply personal book, An Autobiography of Trauma: A Healing Journey. Dr. Peter A. Levine discusses his personal journey of healing from trauma and the importance of somatic experiencing in trauma therapy.

Key Topics

  • Dr. Levine's childhood experiences with trauma and how it shaped his interest in trauma healing.
  • The journey to writing the book and the importance of sharing personal woundedness in trauma work.
  • The Somatic Experiencing approach and the significance of embodied experiences in healing trauma.
  • The significance of having a present and empathetic other to assist in the healing process.
  • The difficulties of facing betrayal and the challenges of overcoming it.
  • The power of reworking traumatic memories and the role of safe relationships in healing.
  • The impact of Dr. Levine's work, the importance of vulnerability and shared humanity in creating a more compassionate world.

Dr. Peter Levine:

An Autobiography of Trauma: A Healing Journey | Other Books | Somatic Experiencing | Facebook | Instragram | LinkedIn | Youtube


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Dr. Amelia Kelley: About | Dr. Kelley's Books | Instagram