Overcoming imposter syndrome with Davidson Hang

Holly Cotton Conversations

19-04-2024 • 1 min

In this episode, host Holly Cotton and Davidson Hang talk success. Davidson has sparked a 100 million lives movement. He shares his journey of mentoring and coaching individuals to finding their own path. Davidson believes everyone can achieve greatness.

Embracing his identity as a contrarian, Davidson has consistently challenged societal norms and expectations. Today, Davidson stands as a visionary mentor, guiding individuals through their own journeys of self-improvement and career advancement.

Spotify: https://spotifyanchor-web.app.link/e/xeMiP4vwTHb

Guest info:

Davidson Hang

Instagram: www.instagram.com/davidsonhangofficial

Website: www.davidsonhang.com

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Host-Holly Cotton, Author, MSN RN, Life and Wellness Coach

*Follow me on IG: ⁠www.instagram.com/hollycotton_⁠


*website: www.hollycotton.com


*TikTok: hollycotton_

*Threads: hollycotton_

Holly's books are also available on all book platforms.
