How Our Words are Making Us Sick with Dawn Lester

WORD UP with Dani Katz

26-06-2024 • 1 hr

Dawn Lester is the author of “What Really Makes You Ill” and “The Nature of Reality”. She joined me to talk about how language makes us sick, and oodles more.

Part 2:

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Dawn’s Writings




· Dawn’s early years- intuiting the nature of reality

· Gene Key- magic is real

· Reading: Biology of Belief, connecting language

· Finding puzzle pieces to see big picture

· Schooling background and accountant training

· US ‘math' vs UK ‘maths'

· Teaching Nature of Reality course

· Upgrading language to break out of conditioning

· Contrast: experiencing what we don’t want to know what we do want

· Journey of learning and helping others to help themselves

· Listening is a key skill in unravelling programming

· How to help while honouring free will

· Mitigating conflict with an open heart

· Interrupting our own speech and thought habits

· Maintaining conversational flow- questions and gentleness

· What Really Makes Us Ill?- debunking germ/disease paradigm

· Placebo/Nocebo Effect proves power of mindset/belief

· Symptoms- intelligent messages of the body

· Fear vs personal responsibility, disease management vs health

· Medical system- nefarious control or ignorance?

· Blessings & joy- the body’s ability to transmute

· Pain- a nuanced communication, not a ‘problem’

· Diagnosis/Labels reinforce identification with/perpetuation of symptoms

· Dawn’s book: history, agenda 2030, misplaced authority, false science

· Learning to love what you see in the mirror- owning and nurturing our body

· Awareness of how we speak to and about ourselves

· Body as a battle-zone vs beautiful intelligent organism