WR325 - The Sleeper Must Awaken

Wrong Reel

03-10-2017 • 2 hrs 8 mins

For our deep dive into David Lynch's 'Dune' (1984), we have an all-star cast including John Cribbs (The Pink Smoke), Marcus Pinn (Creator of Pinnland Empire and co-host of Zebras in America), filmmaker Bill Scurry (co-host of the ‘I Don’t Get It‘ podcast) and Martin Kessler (host of Flixwise Canada).

Follow John Cribbs on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheLastMachine

Follow Marcus Pinn on Twitter: https://twitter.com/PINNLAND_EMPIRE

Follow Bill Scurry on Twitter: https://twitter.com/WilliamScurry

Follow Martin Kessler on Twitter: https://twitter.com/MovieKessler

Follow James Hancock on Twitter: https://twitter.com/colebrax

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