How we’re achieving viral growth (6x last year) through strategic partnerships

B2B SaaS Podcast

10-04-2023 • 20 mins

Kobi Freedman, Co-Founder & CEO of Findings, talk about how they have used strategic partnerships to grow almost 6x last year to a few million dollars in ARR. We talk about how they are unlocking this viral growth & his vision for the company.

  • How Findings is automating supply chain security and privacy compliance at scale being the one-stop-shop for all security VRM and compliance requirements.
  • How they are serving around 1000 customers & almost 250K vendors of these customers
  • How they’ve hit a few million bucks in ARR with almost 6x growth over the past 12 months
  • How strategic partnerships are leading to most of their growth
  • How their sales cycle looks like
  • Team, external funding & future vision