"Book" More Business with Self-Publishing - Geo Derice

Marketing for Speakers

04-10-2021 • 34 mins

Geo Derice is known as the "Book Doula" who helps entrepreneurs, speakers, and coaches write and self publish books so they can create multiple streams of revenue while helping more people. Listen to their conversation about writing a book that positions you as an expert and makes your ideal clients want to do business with you. Geo has written 7 books of his own and helped others self-publish over 56 books in the last four years. Whether you're just thinking about writing your first book, or you've got a couple published already, I know you'll enjoy this episode!

Free gift - "5 Mistakes Aspiring Authors Make When Self-Publishing Their First Book" available at http://www.firstbookdone.com/pod

Geo's website: www.firstbookdone.com
