Marketing for Speakers

Jake White

We share top marketing tips and strategies for solopreneurs to create more paid opportunities. So whether you’re starting your speaking, consulting or coaching business, or you’re a seasoned thought leader looking to scale, we’re here to help you grow your impact and income to new heights.The speaking platform has been used for decades to increase people’s influence and gain new fans. But not all people realize that it can significantly grow your bottom line with product sales (books, Some people speak for pleasure in Toastmasters and other speech clubs, but if you’re looking to use the stage to pursue your purpose and get paid for it, you’re in the right place.A speaking business can help you sell products like books, training packages and curriculum, or services like coaching, consulting and IT. The possibilities are endless, because you can use a microphone to amplify your reach, credibility and access for any business type! So whatever your reasons for speaking, we’ll help you by interviewing the top minds in our industry on a vast array of marketing techniques to build your personal brand, from book publishing and sponsorships, to SEO and guerrilla marketing. Maybe you are just starting out and wondering... Can I actually get paid to do this? How do I get started? What should I put on my website? How do I reach out to potential clients? What is a press kit? Or you have built a solid foundation by giving speeches, learning how to sell your knowledge and now you need strategies to scale those efforts without breaking the bank. You might be asking… How can I find more of my target clients? What social media marketing strategies should I be using to get an ROI? How can I create systems so that I’m working ON the business more often, instead of IN it? What tools can help me develop products so I can have more passive income and impact? read less
