AWE 032924 - Presenter: Harold Freeman

TLFM - True Love Family Ministry

27-04-2024 • 40 mins

Friday AWE-Harold Freeman (Hufman)

The group discussed the importance of taking the Bible as truth and not being swayed by others' opinions. References were made to scriptures affirming the Bible's authority and reliability.

Members reflected on the consistency of God's character according to scripture and how this gives stability.

Love as God's nature and Christ's example of loving forgiveness was the focus, with references to how this transforms relationships.

Guidance by the Holy Spirit in understanding Jesus more fully was emphasized, as was distinguishing this from emotionalism.

Hiding God's word in one's heart through regular study was said to help avoid sin and transform one's character, mind, and deeds.

Living out faith through good works like kindness and hospitality without seeking recognition was encouraged. Helping the vulnerable in one's community was given as an example.

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