Live Your Luxe Life


Welcome to Live Your Luxe Life with your host Mahlia. Join us weekly as we discuss business, self care, pursuing your dreams, tech trends, investing, travel deals and more. Inspiring you to live your highest and best life. Every episode begins with a motivational quote to keep you motivated throughout your week. This is one of the best motivational podcasts. Follow us wherever you listen to your podcasts. We all deserve to live our best luxe life on any budget. We enjoy sharing our favorite things with you. Visit our website for more news, stories and reviews

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"Are you a dreamer or a doer", Mark Cuban ; Tips For Buying Airline Tickets S2E19
"Are you a dreamer or a doer", Mark Cuban ; Tips For Buying Airline Tickets S2E19
Welcome to Live Your Luxe Life. Thank you for joining me for another episode.Have you been using your gratitude journal that we committed to doing together in Episode 2? Let's continue to reflect on our daily lives in our gratitude journals.This week's quote is by Mark Cuban!Today we share a few simple tips on how I book the best airline ticketsJoin our Premium Member Community for ad-free episodes, Ask Me Anything, and bonus episodes:"Ask Me Anything" for Premium MembersSubscribe To Our Newsletter: Subscribe HereShop Merch: our website: https://liveyourluxelife.comFollow us on social media:TwitterInstagramFacebook_________________________________________________Key Points TranscriptsThis week is a first. We have two quotes to share. This is the first time that we've had two quotes on one episode. Both of the quotes are by Mark Cuban. Mark Cuban is best know for being the majority owner of the dallas mavericks and an investor in the show shark tank. So these quotes actually go hand in hand. The first quote readsIt’s not in the dreaming, it’s in the doing.and the second quote readsThe best way to predict the future is to invent it. I love how motivating both these quotes are and they actually go hand in hand. You can dream all day but it means nothing without action. You can determine your future by putting together a plan of execution. Sometimes fear holds us back from moving forward. Whatever the reason, one thing is for sure. You can not get to where you want to be in life without action. The first action is the dream, the second action is the plan and the third action is the execution. Once you execute don’t look back. Don’t look for validation from others. You are doing this for yourself. If you give up because others don’t validate your dreams or your ambitions, one thing is for sure, it will be over before you get started. Do it for yourself. The only way to know where you future is going is to plan it. Anything is possible if you are the one creating the path.  Now this week i have some simple tips for booking airline tickets One thing I love to do is to travel. I don’t care if it’s a road trip that takes 2 hours or seven hours. If you’re ready I’m ready. But there’s nothing like getting on a plane to get to your next destination. The further the better. Always start your search on your computer in incognito mode so that the sites don’t save cookies to your computer or save your IP address. This can cause the sites to offer you higher deals in the future or possibly not showing you lower rates after you’ve seen higher rates. By the way its always a good tip to clear your cookies on a regular basis. I have a few sites that I like to start with.  For example Skyscanner, Google flights, kayak or momondo. Most of the flights shown on these sites are sold through a third party broker or travel agency. Skyscanner is one of my favorites. Most of these sites allow you to register your email and will send you daily or weekly updates with price changes of your chosen itinerary. Sometimes I don’t like to include my information because I don’t want my information tracked so I will just search trips manually periodically.  Whenever booking flights if I find a deal, let’s say on Skyscanner, I never book with the brokers on the site. I go directly go to the airlines website or call them directly to book the tickets. When you book through an online broker you don’t technically own the ticket. The owner of the ticket is the third-party broker. Brokers sell some of their tickets on sites like Skyscanner. One thing I’ve found is that these seats that are booked through brokers are often the first seats to get the boot when the flight is overbooked. If you own your ticket you are much less likely to get canceled when the flights are over booked. Plus making changes is harder with a third party than working directly through the airline. They don't always like make changes to a ticket that was already sold where you may not be subject to refunds or changes.  Another tip is to make sure when using these aggregator sites to refer to the airlines website for specific baggage fees as this varies per airline and is not normally not displayed on these types of sites. Remember flexibility is key when booking airline tickets whenever possible. I love the calendar view or the date graphs where you can visually see which dates are the cheaper days to fly on. Also, flexibility in being open to different arrival or departure cities can make a huge difference. Sometimes you can save hundreds of dollars just by arriving to a nearby city and taking the train into your planned city, especially when flying into Europe. Many times a train ride is just 30 minutes away. So if you have the time try this option.  Once I find the best dates with departure and arrival cities I cross-check the prices with the other aggregator sites to see if one of them will show a cheaper deal. Then you can call the airline to see if they can guarantee that price directly with them. Well that’s all the tips for booking airline tickets for now. I will share more tips on a later date. Thank you for joining me for another week’s Episode. Please don’t forget to follow me wherever you get your podcasts and hit the bell to get notified of new episodes. Until next time have a great week!See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
"Are you the one who makes things happen?" like Michael Jordan ; 3 Tips to stay motivated S2E18
"Are you the one who makes things happen?" like Michael Jordan ; 3 Tips to stay motivated S2E18
Welcome to Live Your Luxe Life. Thank you for joining me for another episode.Have you been using your gratitude journal that we committed to doing together in Episode 2? Let's continue to reflect on our daily lives in our gratitude journals.This week's quote is by Michael Jordan!Are you struggling to stay motivated? Join us as we discuss 3 tips for staying motivated. Can we commit to practicing these 3 tips?Join our Premium Member Community for ad-free episodes, Ask Me Anything, and bonus episodes:"Ask Me Anything" for Premium MembersSubscribe To Our Newsletter: Subscribe HereShop Merch: our website: https://liveyourluxelife.comFollow us on social media:TwitterInstagramFacebook_______________________________________________________________________ Key Points-Transcript Michael Jordan is one of the best athletes of all time. Some would say he is the best athlete of all time. He also is providing our quote for the week. Michael said Some people want it to happen, Some people wish it would happen, Others make it happen. Which of these 3 people are you? We are all one of these people in different points in our lives and for different reasons. I don’t know about you but I always want to be the one who makes it happen. We are all striving for our goals and ambitions. It will happen as long as you stay motivated to do it. Sometimes that easier said than done. But together we are going to get there ok.  Today I want to share with you 3 tips on how to stay motivated. Finding ways to Stay motivated is something that you will never stop doing in your life. We all have times in our life and throughout the year where we lose interest or motivation in staying on track. Let me tell you I can be so determined sometimes in achieving my goals or staying on track with my daily positive habits. Then one day, boom there it is, it’s over . I can’t always tell you why I can start feeling discouraged or why my motivation dissipates. But hey I’m human just like you. My sometimes lack of motivation may last for a day sometimes a week sometimes months. I know what you’re thinking months. Ok I’m being honest with you right now. Now I know I’m not the only one, and if you’re being honest with me, I know you can tell me you can relate sometimes with certain things. I know what you’re thinking are you talking to me? Yes I’m talking to you. It’s just me and you right now. So over the lockdown it was scary times for me, so keeping my motivation up was very hard. I was on a good track working out before the lockdown. But with everything going on even just trying to keep toilet tissue in in stock in the home was exhausting. Now I know those days contributed to completely killing my motivation. I wasn’t working out, plus the gyms were closed anyways including my community gym at home. I couldn’t even think about taking care of myself because I was more worried about those around me. So I made a decision at that time that I wouldn’t let that stop me. I bought a spin bike for my home and with all gym equipment on back order it took couple of months for it to get delivered. But it was great because I could get back on a consistent schedule with a great cardio workout with resistance that would push me more than just taking a walk around the neighborhood. But I have to tell you I definitely got off track again a few months ago. I’m not sure if I can pinpoint one specific reason. For me I find myself doing really great in one area of my life and then another area could end up going down hill. So for me there are 4 general areas of life. Career, relationships, health, and mental or spiritual balance. So if I’m doing great in 3 areas sometimes that 4th area I’m lacking for some reason. The key is to stay balanced in all four areas on a great day. Sometimes it’s only 2 out of 4 areas that are doing well. So to be honest the last couple months I’ve been unmotivated with my workouts and also diet. So I had to reach out to a friend who agreed and actually was excited to help me get back on track with workouts. His excitement actually excited me. This is what he does he workouts almost everyday including going to race on his bike. I actually look up to him for his drive and consistency in this area in his life. Without a doubt every time I see him he’s doing something active. I’m grateful he’s a friend that has shown interest in training me while I’m working on getting my motivation back on track lol. Just showing me some new routines and different circuit workouts have opened my eyes again as to why I enjoy working out. So eventually I won’t need to have someone standing next to me telling me what to do because I will know I can do it again on my own. It’s mostly mental right now for me so having a partner just helps me to refocus my habits. So this brings me to tip number 1. Surround yourself with like minded people that are already living the goals you want to achieve or are working towards those goals like you are. If my goal is to get myself back in shape and not struggle to button my jeans lol then I’m not going to hang out with people every day that are only going out to eat all of the time or going out for drinks. Trust me I love a good cocktail even if it’s while watching a good movie at home or wine with dinner. but even with that I have to take a break from, at least for a little while to keep my metabolism up. It Doesn’t mean that once or twice a week you can’t take a break, just not every day. Right now I have to be so disciplined or I’m not going to see any changes, which will then cause me to not improve workout regimen then my motivation will dwindle down again. We are all here in life to help each other and inspire each other. Even the best of people need motivation. Tip number 2 decide what your why is to set clear goals. What is the reason that you need to make these changes in your life. What’s your goals? So one goal of mine is to button my jeans again with no problem. Of course that’s not the only reason, I want to be healthy and feel good. So is your why because you want to save money to buy a house or take a vacations every year. So maybe your goal is to save money. Or to keep your home organized and tidy. Staying motivated to keep your home organized is not always easy either. Your constantly coming and going and cleaning up after your family is not an easy task. Whatever your why, you need to know it so that you can remind yourself. Write it down or even better make a vision board and put it up where you can see it. Vision boards have always been a part of my life. I’m a visual person, so seeing my goals in picture form definitely keeps me going. Put your business goals on your vision board. If you need a new office building take a picture and post it on your board to focus on and put that out to the universe. However you do it just write it where you can see it daily.Tip 3 Be consistent. The fastest way to lose your motivation is by stopping your daily habits to get you there. Like I said if I stop working out now I won’t see any results, then that will be a domino effect for me to not feel good about myself and then nothing will happen. Make your schedule and keep it. Now you have to allow yourself some room for error. So I like to say 80% of the time is key. I don’t know about you but I can’t do anything 100% of the time. I need 20% to enjoy myself or to be bad lol. So don’t beat yourself up about having a bad day that you end up so discouraged that you completely fall off the wagon. So staying motivated has many different facets to it but the main tip is to write down your why and keep people around you that want to see you win. Those people that have the same goals as you do. Whatever your reason your mind body and spirit will thank you when you get there. Let’s challenge ourselves for the rest of this month to follow these tips and see how this sets your path for the rest of the year. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
"Don't over analyze" like Bruce Lee ; 3 Tips to be productive S2E17
"Don't over analyze" like Bruce Lee ; 3 Tips to be productive S2E17
Welcome to Live Your Luxe Life. Thank you for joining me for another episode.Have you been using your gratitude journal that we committed to doing together in Episode 2? Let's continue to reflect on our daily lives in our gratitude journals.This week's quote is by Bruce Lee, let's discuss it!Are you being busy or productive? There is a difference and I have some tips for you to be more productive.Join our Premium Member Community for ad-free episodes, Ask Me Anything, and bonus episodes:"Ask Me Anything" for Premium MembersSubscribe To Our Newsletter: Subscribe HereShop Merch: our website: https://liveyourluxelife.comFollow us on social media:TwitterInstagramFacebook__________________________________________ Key Points-Transcript I hope you've had a great week and I hope you are ready to get inspired today and now today we have a quote and the quote is actually by one of the most popular martial arts actors, Bruce lee, don't we all love Bruce lee. Oh my gosh, I could watch his movies at any time. Now the quote reads. If you spend too much time thinking about a thing, you'll never get it done. Bruce lee was definitely smart about this. He was a master at his craft. I know that he didn't get to that point by analyzing every step he got there by action by doing things and obviously by developing his skills, that's why he's such a popular figure even to this day. Now this is what I want to get into with you today. I can definitely say that at times I fall into this trap. Sometimes I will over analyze things from what I need to do on a day to over planning a new business plan or even taking a vacation. I'm not saying it's a bad thing because what's the saying, “if you fail to plan, you plan to fail”, I am still a firm believer in this saying however, there are times you just need to go with the flow, just watch how things will fall into place. So I want to go over some tips for better productivity. Down the road, I will share with you more tips, but we're going to keep it to just three this week. So when planning I always feel like you should still allow room for change that can develop naturally and then allow the universe to step in and guide you and to work in your favor. Sometimes there are bigger things in life that help you to get to where you want to be in your life and I know this as a fact, I know that when I think positive the universe conspires to help me to get me to where I need to be. So back to the tips, I have three tips for you to follow daily, number one make a list the night before of what you need to accomplish the next day and make the list in order of importance. If you've never done this, it might be a good idea to just keep the list to a maximum of five tasks to start with in the beginning this way you don't feel overwhelmed my lists have grown longer over time as I continue to take on new projects or priorities with friends or family. So I say put them in order of importance because whatever you don't finish or get to for that day you will carry that over to the next day's list. So don't worry about the things that you don't accomplish because they will be continue to the next day. So by the end of the week you will have finished your entire list. If not the majority of them then it's up to you if you want to take Sundays off or maybe the entire weekend from your list. Remember life is still about balance and everyone needs time and days off. Okay number two when it's time to start your task, focus on them completely. So what does this mean? Cut out all distractions if you have a work area in your home, like an office, go there and work. I used to think I was getting a lot done by working while I was in bed at night on my laptop or on the couch watching TV and yes you can get things accomplished in these environments. However, what I found is my focus was never at 100 I would spend more time trying to complete the task at hand because I had too many distractions around me. So now when I solely work in my office space I get things done more quickly and efficiently and also the creative part of my brain comes up with more and better ideas than when I was halfway engaged in my work. Another tip is make sure your workspaces open and bright and makes you feel great being there. I used to work with my desk pushed up against the wall and I couldn't wait to get out of my office to be free so I've since changed my desk to face the room and it's completely changed my mindset into feeling good while I'm working. It's amazing how one small change can completely change your productivity level. Alright # three in the last tip delegate tasks that you don't want to do or you don't have time to do. I know many of us feel like we can do everything and no one else can do it the way we like things to be. However doing too many things unnecessarily can cause you to be less productive in the things that you really enjoy doing. I do sometimes still struggle with us but when I can just let things go I can think straighter and be more creative on the more important things that I need to handle, build a team. Even if it's just one person that you trust that can help you to do the things that you're not the best at delegation gives you more time in your day and relieves you have so much extra stress so I hope these three tips will help you to be more inspired and more productive, whether it's with your business, your household tasks or just allowing you more time with your friends and family. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
"Never give up", Electric roads for electric vehicles? S2E16
"Never give up", Electric roads for electric vehicles? S2E16
Welcome to Live Your Luxe Life. Thank you for joining me for another episode.Have you been using your gratitude journal that we committed to doing together in Episode 2? Let's continue to reflect on our daily lives in our gratitude journals.This week's quote is by Mahlia, let's discuss it!What if you never have to stop for gas or sit and wait for your car to charge. We are talking futuristic Join our Premium Member Community for ad-free episodes, Ask Me Anything, and bonus episodes:"Ask Me Anything" for Premium MembersSubscribe To Our Newsletter: Subscribe HereShop Merch: our website: https://liveyourluxelife.comFollow us on social media:TwitterInstagramFacebook____________________________________________Key Points-TranscriptI'm so excited about today's topic, something that's interesting for the future that we all may end up taking part in. So first I want to start with a quote. This is a quote that I wrote that I'd like to share with you and the quote reads, Never give up. You are just one more failure away from achieving your dreams. Think about it all it takes sometimes after failure after failure after failure is for you to just give yourself one more try. You never know when that next try is going to lead to success for you. You never know that one more creation of that product that you're working on is going to be the light bulb that tells you or shows you exactly what you were missing from the last 100 times that you tried to create that product. So I remember in episode 12 actually, I mentioned how Dyson made over 500 prototypes before they finally achieved their desired product called Zone. Now, would you have given up After prototype number 50 or prototype number 100. I don't think many of us would have lasted 500 different prototypes. I I think that is such a determining factor whether or not you decide to give up now or keep trying until you figure out how to get to what you're trying to achieve. So don't let anyone tell you you can't do it. Don't listen to those thoughts in your head that tell you you're never going to achieve it. You're never going to figure it out. Those are not real thoughts. Those are those are lies. That your your mind is trying to play tricks on you because trust me, if it's something you want to achieve, you can definitely do it. Just remember Dyson 500 prototypes. Don't forget that. This week, I want to discuss a company, I was reviewing a report on NBC and a few other outlets where there is an island off the coast of Sweden called Gotland. I believe this was the first location worldwide that tested out roads that will charge your car while driving, yep, you heard it charging your car while driving? How futuristic is that? So this has always been something top of mind for me when considering driving an all electric vehicle, The question always is, where do you charge your vehicle? How long we have to wait for to fully charge and how far can you drive once it is fully charged. So in a perfect world, we will all be driving electric or hybrid cars or vehicles. So, and actually in some states like California, there is soon to be a requirement a law that all dealerships will sell only electric or hybrid vehicles. I believe this takes effect 2035 in California, no emission vehicles. So other states most likely may follow suit, but you know how that goes, right before the change goes into effect. Sometimes the rules change again. So maybe the requirement may get extended out past that year or maybe they're going to pull it completely. But I just, the way the world is going, I just personally don't see that happening. I really think that this is going to end up being a requirement in all states. I think that. And plus I think at a certain point we're all going to want the change. We can't just live stagnant forever. Once you start introducing things like this, it's kind of hard to go back. Hopefully it's to make your lives easier. So back to the technology, this company called Electreon, what a cool name. Actually wait, wasn't there a futuristic movie? Yeah, it was based in a digital world and it was called Tron Well anyway, this company created the coolest thing since electric vehicles, obviously they created a system to wirelessly charge electric vehicles anywhere. So they created these coils that are inserted right below the first layer of asphalt in the road. So basically they're going to dig up the first layer of asphalt, they're going to lay out these coils that run all up and down the road, that's going to basically lay underneath the cars as you're driving. So when you're driving your vehicle would have a receiver attached underneath that will end up picking up the energy from the road as you drive. Now, this is innovative. So I don't know if all the electric cars will end up having to get this um, receiver installed, or are they going to start making all future electric cars with this receiver built in. There's so many questions that I, that I have. So, like I said, we were just talking about being innovative in episode 12, go check out episode 12 if you haven't already. So this is exactly what I'm talking about. Some people think, oh, there's nothing to create. Everyone else has done it. I'm telling you between science and technology, the options are endless. Absolutely endless. Now on electreons website, They state that the first infrastructure of roads were installed in November of 2019 and completed in December of 2020. So tests were done on fully electric vehicles and they were successful, they call this Smart Road Gotland project, that's where it started off the coast of Sweden in Gotland and the company electricity in their actually based in Tel Aviv. So now the way that it works is the slower that you go, meaning like if you're in bumper-to-bumper traffic, the more your vehicle will charge, it'll give your vehicle a higher charge or quicker charge. It's being tested currently in certain cities, so it's being tested obviously in Sweden, it's being tested in Italy, certain cities in Italy, certain cities in Germany and I don't know if it's already in Michigan but in Detroit Michigan, they're actually installing a one-mile road with these coils. I'm so interested to hear about this because it's even in the United States, that's amazing, so how will this work for consumers? That's the question. Well, as of right now, if you have an electric car then you're going to have to pay when you go to charge it right at the charging station. Well, with this, from what I'm reading, it's going to be that you are a subscriber of the service, so you will pay while you're charging literally driving while pain, right, and they're going to get you So they're going to get you one way or another right? I guess the question is will this be cheaper than charging stations, is it going to be more? And the other question is can you choose to turn off the charging while you're driving feature on each trip. So you can you say maybe today you want to charge while driving, but tomorrow you want to turn it off? So you just want to go to a charging station tomorrow. That's the question. So is it an opt in when you want to or is it going to be once you have it installed, it's required that it has to run all the time. There's no way to turn it off. So, I mean to be honest, living your luck's life to me one day will include never having to stop for gas and never having to stop to charge your car ever again. Now that's too good to be true, but like I said, at what cost because it's not free? So now their website does also state that their technology is not affected with roads that have snow or ice. So that's a good thing. They say it's really safe to, they said it's a very safe technology. So it doesn't affect pedestrians walking or different types of vehicles riding on it. Um, plus they state the lifespan of the infrastructure lasts about 10-20 years. But then the question is, what is the cost for repairs? Because there's potholes that are created all the time. Those have to be repaired. So what happens if there is a pothole? And then it damages the coils, who's going to fix that and how much is it going to cost the city or who's responsible? Is this a city problem or is this a country problem or is this going to be the problem of the company electric in where they maybe they're responsible for every damn for every street that's damaged. I have no idea how it's going to work, but they'll figure it out. So this company is definitely on the top of my list to keep an eye on, especially with all of these countries willing to participate. They must see this as an overall future change. So that is all for the week. Remember to hit the bell when you follow us so that you get notifications of any new episodes. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
"Nothing is impossible" Audrey Hepburn- What is Circadian Rhythm? S2E15
"Nothing is impossible" Audrey Hepburn- What is Circadian Rhythm? S2E15
Welcome to Live Your Luxe Life. Thank you for joining me for another episode.Have you been using your gratitude journal that we committed to doing together in Episode 2? Let's continue to reflect on our daily lives in our gratitude journals.This week's quote is by Audrey Hepburn, let's discuss it!How are you taking care of yourself daily? Are you sleeping well or having trouble sleeping? There's more to it than you think. Join us today as we discuss Circadian Rhythm. Join our Premium Member Community for ad-free episodes, Ask Me Anything, and bonus episodes:"Ask Me Anything" for Premium MembersSubscribe To Our Newsletter: Subscribe HereShop Merch: our website: https://liveyourluxelife.comFollow us on social media:TwitterInstagramFacebook___________________________________Key Points - TranscriptI have a quote that I can't believe I haven't presented before. This is actually 11 of my favorite quotes, I might have said that before, but I really do mean this is one of my favorite quotes. I even have a shirt with Audrey Hepburn on this quote. The quote reads, "Nothing is impossible. The word itself says, I'm possible". Think about it. How could you think that anything in this world is impossible? How could you think that anything in this world is not within reach? Of course there's a lot of things that you feel like, okay, well I don't have the money to buy this or I don't know this person to be able to network with them, but there's so many ways that you can figure out a way to get to where you want in life. There's so many ways to figure out how to make money. I mean money doesn't grow on trees, but there's a way to make it if there's a will, there's a way have you heard that saying? So don't give up. Don't ever think that just because something seems so impossible that it's something that you cannot achieve in your lifetime because I'm telling you, you absolutely can. Do you think that I ever thought that I'd be starting my own podcast? Did you ever think that I'd figure out how to do all the technical things that I need to start a podcast? I had no idea what I was doing when I started this, I figured it out along the way when I thought it was impossible. Guess what it became possible. Just put one ft in front of the other. Don't think about the negative. Don't put those fake thoughts into your, into your mind, into the universe and think that you can't achieve whatever you want to achieve whatever you put your mind to. You can do it whatever goals that you have, whatever dreams that you have up on your vision board, they will come true. Why? Because you're going to work towards them. So don't forget that. We all have a natural internal biological clock system The way I like to think of it is that it keeps you in tune with the world clock. Circadian rhythm controls your physical, mental and behavioral changes that follow a daily cycle. We as humans can completely throw your daily cycles off by changing our patterns. Circadian comes from the Latin word Circa around and diem day.This information is just to be used as informative I’m not a healthcare professional you should seek advice from a professional if you have more questions We are all In sync with the rising and setting of the sun. Plus a small area in the middle of our brain has its own clock that controls our patterns naturally. This controls how or when we produce melatonin even our metabolism. Your body will normally be more tired at night and more alert during the day.Many things can throw off your circadian rhythm including your sleep patterns, traveling in a different time zone that causes Jet Lag, the seasons of the year, and daylight savings time. So if you hang out all night or work late nights this completely throws your body off.This brings up another topic of the senate approving no longer having daylight savings times. We will always be in this time period. However, I don’t know how I feel about this. There are times I love when it’s dark earlier in the day but other times I love when it stays lighter longer in the day. I would love to hear your feeling on this. Ok so back to the topic lolPersonally, my trouble sleeping has a lot to do with my sleep patterns which is all over the place. I work long days and sometimes late nights. Honestly, it’s just bad habits and yes I'm working on them lol. Even with my red-light therapy which does help me to sleep more soundly. I still control what time I decide to go to sleep at night. Even eating a snack before bed or late at night can throw off your circadian rhythm.Abnormal circadian rhythms may be linked to obesity, diabetes, depression, bipolar disorder, seasonal affective disorder, and sleep disorders such as insomnia.So yes it can disrupt your mood, being able to concentrate and stress.Your body goes into its deepest sleep between 2am to 4pm that’s when you’re body gets the most deep sleep. But in turn your body also recognizes the time between 2pm and 3pm as the best time to nap. So try not to nap after 3pm. A quick afternoon nap between that time will revive your mood and alertness.The best way to control your circadian rhythm would be to keep a schedule for sleeping, daily walks, workouts, sleeping in darkness without tv or electronics. For a while I had downloaded a circadian rhythm app that would alert me throughout the day. It would alert me on times to eat when to get sunlight throughout the day. There are actually prime times to step outside to get sunlight if you work indoorsBecause I am a nerd by nature I signed up to participate at a well known local institute that monitors circadian rhythm but I never heard back from them. But it’s something you can do on your own and like I said there are many apps some are free that you can track yourself. Well today was fun and thank you for joining me. I want to also invite you to become a premium member where you can join our community, participate in Ask Me Anything as well as find out who our future guests will be and submit your questions for guests ahead of time.See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
Steve Jobs; Are You Being Innovative?; Dyson - S1E12
Steve Jobs; Are You Being Innovative?; Dyson - S1E12
Welcome to Live Your Luxe Life. Thank you for joining me for another episode.Have you been using your gratitude journal that we committed to doing together in Episode 2? Let's continue to reflect on our daily lives in our gratitude journals.Steve Jobs lived his life being innovative and a leader in his industry. Are you living your life or business as a leader? Join this week's episode as we discuss this.Dyson has created another new cool invention called Dyson Zone. Are you ready for it and will you use it? Join our Premium Member Community for ad-free episodes, Ask Me Anything, and bonus episodes:"Ask Me Anything" for Premium MembersSubscribe To Our Newsletter: Subscribe HereShop Merch: our website: https://liveyourluxelife.comFollow us on social media:TwitterInstagramFacebook________________________________________________________________Key Points - TranscriptInnovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower "Steve Jobs".  If there is someone you can look at that created his own path and created products that people love to purchase it's Steve Jobs. Imagine making products that no one else could Imagine. You can do this in your lifetime as well don't let yourself down if this is your dream Today I want to share with you a new tech device that should be coming out soon from a company that has been an innovative leader of products. We spend so much time protecting ourselves as much as possible from pollutants. Air purifying systems help remove dust, pollen, mold, and bacteria from the air.Most people have air purifying systems in their homes. I have a couple that I use. I notice the difference with my allergies and how much cleaner my air smells and feels. The level of dust in my home has definitely decreased. But what happens when you leave your home and go outside. Well, you don't have any control over that. Many Asian countries have worn masks for years. I remember when I used to live in Japan as a child people wearing masks were the norm. There was nothing strange about itNow one of my favorite brands has created a state of the art portable air filtration system called Zone which are headphonesDyson is a much loved product that I believe is worth the prices they charge. I love their vacuum cleaners and other home products. Their products also come with great warranties which I've had to use before and they have no problem sending replacement parts or referring you to a local repair shop for repairs. They spent 6 years since 2016 developing this product. At first, I thought they created this due to covid but this was obviously well in the works way before 2019. They went through at least 500 prototypes to create this product. How amazing is that? It's a 2 stage purifying system so you can breathe air wherever you go.The filter is built into the headphones through the headphones and then to the mouthpiece. How cool is that!!But now Imagine walking around town or in the store looking completely unapproachable because you have something covering your ears and your mouth. The two things that allow us to communicate.I don't know if I need something else to make myself look unapproachable. Who am I fooling....I definitely need this in my life. Dyson if you are listening, I would love to review this product!! I love new tech gadgets. They say it's the biggest speaker driver available in headphonesThey state this will give you Pure clean sound of music without hearing distractions around you. Honestly as weird as this may look I would definitely give it a try. It's very futuristic. I don't think even The Jetsons saw this coming. My question to Dyson is why is it that I don't see that you can take phone calls with this? Is there no microphone built in? It seems like it would have been so easy to incorporate so that they don't have to come out with a version 2.0 causing everyone to purchase another one to upgrade. They tested this on many different head sizes and shapes to get the best fit and comfort levelThe headphones are Dyson first premium audio technology which includes a noise-canceling featureThe purified air system does not touch your face but it still provides purified air to your nose and mouth. It's supposed to be very comfortable and nonconstraining or stiff.Because it doesn't touch your face, I assume it's Not a covid mask alternative. Your mouth is still open to the air around you. So, you breathing out doesn't stop your germs from spreading. Obviously, this is not the use case for this product. From what I see It's just to bring fresh air inside your lungs and body like a home air purifier would do. I'm still doing research and awaiting more information from Dyson on this product including pricing. Most of their products average around $400 to $500 dollars. If their other products are an example I can say this product will not be cheap but and that's what we already expect from Dyson right?See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at