Radical Candor by Kim Scott Audiobook | Free Summary

BigIdeas by nextbigwhat

23-02-2023 • 8 mins

Free Audiobook summary of the book Radical Candor by Kim Scott.

This book is about developing a team that shares the same radical principles and working with people who are incredibly committed, personal, and honest. If used properly, this strategy guarantees continued success and team members who have skin in the game.

The Two Dimensions Of A Manager

Being a good boss requires a good relationship. This has two dimensions.

Care Personally: The first dimension focuses on being more than "just a professional." It's about delving deeply and spreading that knowledge.

Challenge Directly: The second component entails informing people when their work is adequate and when it is not. Being completely open and honest about everything.

Radical Candor

"Radical Candor" is created by combining "Care Personally" and "Challenge Directly."

The most surprising aspect of radical candour is that its outcomes frequently contradict your expectations. You worry that people will become enraged or vengeful, but they usually appreciate the opportunity to express themselves.

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