#128 She Certainly Wasn't Pampered Growing Up - Allison Garret, Pamper Perfect Mobile Spa

felony inc podcast

30-11-2020 • 53 mins

Want to take the guesswork out of your next big surprise party? Then have an all-day spa delivered to your home, hotel room - basically anywhere - by Pamper Perfect Mobile Spa. But that's just one of the side businesses for dynamo Allison Garret, a motivational speaker and life coach. Born to teenage parents and put up for adoption immediately, what was supposed to be a short term stay with adoptive parents turned into long term. Then her birth mother died of leukemia at 19 when Allison was a two-year old. Allison went through the foster care system, which was a tough journey. She dropped out of school in the eighth grade to take care of her siblings. A move from New York to Delaware did not work out well and she started running away to be "on her own", for which she was not prepared. Petty crime led to the in and out of the courts routine until she was declared a habitual offender, after which she received a seven year sentence in the Pennsylvania system. The shock made her figure out how to change her life. With two small children at home, Allison was at least fortunate to serve two and a half years before being paroled. And she used that time wisely, to research what opportunities she could pursue, and NOT pursue. As a felon, she identified 250 professions she could not practice as an ex-felon. So the idea of a mobile spa was born, as often happens, out of necessity! She knew people in the industry and it became her first business. From just asking friends and family to come over for a party, it literally grew from there. Coaching and speaking came after she told people over and over her story of having a felony charge on her back, no money, no credit and only the drive and confidence to succeed. So the "How did you do it?" question led to the book and her writing career. Allison realized she was in prison long before she was incarcerated, and that realization has set her free. Felony Inc Podcast with your hosts Dick Hennessy and Meg Thibodeaux We record the Felony Inc Podcast inside NedSpace in the Bigfoot Podcast Studio in beautiful downtown Portland. Audio engineer, mixer and podcast editor is Allon Beausoleil Show logo was designed by Carolyn Main Website was designed by Cameron Grimes Production assistant is Chelsea Lancaster Felony Inc Podcast supports City Central Concern at centralcityconcern.org 10% of gross revenue at Startup Radio Network goes to support women entrepreneurs in developing countries thru kiva.org/lender/markgrimes Listen to the Felony Inc Podcast every Friday at 10:00am pacific time on Startup Radio Network at startupradionetwork.com