#113 Finding Hope Was the Turning Point - Ashley Dorety, Family Preservation Project Alum

felony inc podcast

31-07-2020 • 55 mins

Another alumni of FPP, Ashley Dorety was struggling with alcohol and an abusive relationship, was a Mom and going to school, ALL at the same time. It came to a head when she was in a drunk driving accident where her passenger was injured and that led to four years of incarceration, because of the laws surrounding the accident. Her two-year-old daughter also was in the car so that complicated even more. The daughter was considered a victim of the crime and Ashley didn't see her for nine months because of the bureaucracy between DHS and DOC. But she joined made herself be busy in prison and wound up meeting Jessica Katz of FPP who helped her work with DHS and get to see her daughter. The rules and regulations of prison weren't known by DHS and thought Ashley wasn't communicating when in fact she couldn't. But Jessica kept helping and eventually Ashley got to be guardian while in prison and help heal the trauma and get set for a transition after release. And coming to grips with being an alcoholic who can be sober was the big breakthrough and life is bright and good. Felony Inc Podcast with your hosts Dick Hennessy and Meg Thibodeaux We record the Felony Inc Podcast inside NedSpace in the Bigfoot Podcast Studio in beautiful downtown Portland. Audio engineer, mixer and podcast editor is Allon Beausoleil Show logo was designed by Carolyn Main Website was designed by Cameron Grimes Production assistant is Chelsea Lancaster Felony Inc Podcast supports City Central Concern at centralcityconcern.org 10% of gross revenue at Startup Radio Network goes to support women entrepreneurs in developing countries thru kiva.org/lender/markgrimes Listen to the Felony Inc Podcast very Friday at 10:00am pacific time on Startup Radio Network at startupradionetwork.com