Episode 2: The Truths of Translation (feat. Tracey Cameron and Consuelo Martinez Reyes)

Real Is Not Real Enough

18-08-2022 • 44 mins

In this episode of Unpacking The Real we meet Tracey Cameron and Dr Consuelo Martinez Reyes.

Tracey is a Gamilaraay person and Lecturer in Gamilaraay Language and Indigenous History at The University of Sydney: https://www.sydney.edu.au/arts/about/our-people/academic-staff/tracey-cameron.html

Consuelo is a Lecturer in Spanish and Latin American Studies at Macquarie University: https://researchers.mq.edu.au/en/persons/consuelo-martinez-reyes

Consuelo and Tracey each bring different perspectives to the text and audio of Real is Not Real Enough. Together in conversation, and with excerpts from the audio diary, we consider how Gunther Anders’ Hollywood reflections help us open up questions of translation, authenticity, cultural ownership and belonging.

If you would like to read as well as listen, you can find the English language translation of Real is Not Real Enough here: https://modernismmodernity.org/articles/washing-the-corpses-trans You might notice that the title of the text is the initial translation from the German, Washing the Corpses of History: The Hollywood Costume Palace, a 1941 Exile Diary by Günther Anders.

If you would like to read the original German you can find it here: https://www.chbeck.de/anders-tagebuecher-gedichte/product/12036/

Find out more about Real is not Real Enough here: https://www.goethe.de/ins/au/en/kul/lok/gap.html

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