Real Moms Aren’t Perfect: How to Redefine Motherhood Through Literature w/ Carrie Mullins

The Boss Mom Podcast

06-06-2024 • 42 mins

Being a mom is hard, and sometimes it feels like nobody understands. We see perfect moms in books and movies, but real life isn't like that. This makes moms feel even more stressed and lonely. We try to do everything and be perfect, but it’s exhausting. It’s easy to feel like we’re not good enough.

Real-life moms are not perfect, and that's okay. We need to support each other and find help when we need it. We need to remember that every mom is doing her best.

Books and real-life experiences help us understand what being a mom is all about. In real life, we learn from our own moms and the people around us. What role do books play in helping moms feel seen and understood in their struggles?

In this episode, I talk with Carrie Mullins, a mom and writer who wrote a book called The Book of Mothers: How Literature Can Help Us Reinvent Modern Motherhood. We discuss timeless tales, what they mean for real moms today, and how we can be kinder to ourselves and find support from others.

It's not just that moms get mad, but good moms get mad too. The recent adaptation of Little Women surprised people with a good mom getting angry, showing we haven't really made that connection yet. -Carrie Mullins

3 Things You’ll Learn in This Episode

-Books Shape Ideas

Stories in books help shape how we see moms. These ideas can stick with us for a long time. What lessons about motherhood can we learn from our favorite books?

-Finding the Balance

Moms often feel torn between what they think they should be and what they really are. How can moms find a balance between their own expectations and reality?

-Support is Key

Understanding how tough being a mom can be helps us support each other better. What are some ways we can offer more support to the moms in our lives?

Guest Bio

Carrie Mullins is a writer and mother of two whose work has appeared in publications such as Parents, Food and Wine, Scary Mommy, and Lit Hub. She is the author of The Book of Mothers: How Literature Can Help Us Reinvent Modern Motherhood, an exploration of fifteen classic novels and how they have shaped our cultural understanding of motherhood. She is always on the lookout for nuanced, inclusive, and realistic conversations around parenting--and a good book. Go to for more information.