The Boss Mom Podcast

Dana Malstaff

Welcome AMAZING BOSS MOM We are so glad you found us because that means you have a burning desire to create something in this world...something that positively impacts people AND also makes you money. You are in the right place. Here at Boss Mom, we know all too well the challenges of raising babies and businesses at the same time and you need more than just great resources (which we have) you also need a strong support system (we have that too). Just like all moms you need a simple business because life is complex and you should never have to apologize for having a sometimes unpredictable schedule. You can build a really successful (and profitable) business in 15 hours a week, you just have to know how (and we are going to show you). We interview amazing ladies who share their struggles and successes as well as solo episodes where I guide you through our Nurture to Convert System designed to help Boss Moms raise their business and babies at the same time. I'm Dana Malstaff, founder and CEO of Boss Mom LLC, and I'll be your host. read less


Marketing Trends Are Overwhelming...This Will Make It Easier w/  Dr. Colleen Kendrick
2d ago
Marketing Trends Are Overwhelming...This Will Make It Easier w/ Dr. Colleen Kendrick
Marketing used to be all about newspaper ads and radio spots, now it's all about digital platforms, social media and AI. If you’re trying to grow your business, navigating these changes can be tricky, especially if you’ve been in the marketing game for a long time.   Because of how rapidly marketing is evolving, staying on top of all the changes can be overwhelming. How do you find the right strategy for your business with so many platforms and tools to grapple with?   How do you decide which tools and platforms are worth your time and effort? What unique skills do mom entrepreneurs have that might give them an advantage?   In this episode, marketing expert Dr. Colleen Kendrick and I talk about these questions and more. We discuss the unique challenges faced by mom entrepreneurs and highlight the importance of respecting and wisely using marketing tools.   Being an entrepreneur, you become a marketer in some capacity, no matter how involved you want to be. Whether you're the voice and face of your brand or working behind the scenes, there's always so much to do. – Dr. Colleen Kendrick   3 Things You’ll Learn in This Episode   -Keeping up with marketing tech Marketing has changed from old-fashioned ways like newspapers to modern ways like the internet, and this change has affected small business owners today. How do we keep up with new technology? -Balancing entrepreneurship and motherhood Mom entrepreneurs face challenges in running a business while raising a family. What special skills do mom entrepreneurs bring to the table? -Using marketing tools wisely It’s important to use marketing tools wisely and spend your time and money on tools that help your business. How can you avoid getting too tired and stay focused on what really matters?   Guest Bio Dr. Colleen Kendrick, CEO of Nonprofit Partners, has 25 years of experience in marketing communications. Colleen has a doctorate in business and has been an entrepreneur since 2010. She serves as an adjunct professor at Rowan University, is on the organizing committee for TEDxCapeMay, and is a married mom of two. Colleen is the host of The Mom Shuffle podcast.   Follow her on: LinkedIn Instagram (@colleenkendrickdba) Instagram (@themomshuffle) Facebook
A Real Talk About Guilt And How To Move Through It
A Real Talk About Guilt And How To Move Through It
Being a mom and running a business can be really hard. We often feel guilty because we're not sure if we're doing the right things for our kids or our jobs.   Guilt is a common emotion, particularly among mom entrepreneurs juggling dreams and responsibilities. It can be a motivator and a hindrance, and learning how to manage it effectively is essential.   Why do we feel guilty about caring so much for our families and our dreams? I know how hard it is to balance both, and it can really make us question our decisions.   In this episode, I will introduce a special tool which I use that will help you think about what you want to achieve with your money, how you want to feel, and what kind of environment you need to be happy and productive.   “It's legitimate to feel guilty if you've made choices that you aren't sure were right. That's a completely natural human way to feel.” -Dana Malstaff   3 Things You’ll Learn in This Episode   -Understanding the Root of Guilt Guilt is tied to the uncertainty of making the right decisions in parenting and business. Have you ever questioned whether you're making the right choices for your family or your career?   -Implementing the F.E.E. Test Use this test to evaluate your decisions. How can breaking down your goals into 3 categories help reduce your feelings of guilt?   -Creating a Supportive Environment Adjust your environment for better productivity and less frustration. What small changes can you make to balance work and family life effectively?
3 Decades and the Next Big Thing: These Marketing Trends Were Made for Moms
3 Decades and the Next Big Thing: These Marketing Trends Were Made for Moms
Many people think that online courses and social media are the best ways to grow your business, but smaller, close-knit groups can be even better. Building strong, personal connections is really important in today’s business world.   For moms, this is very helpful. Moms can make strong connections and grow their businesses by joining smaller, personal groups, without the stress of trying to be everywhere online, all the time.   With your busy schedule, how can you find the right people and groups to help you? Can small, close-knit groups really help your business grow?   In today’s episode, I talk about the big changes in business trends over the past 30 years. From the blogging craze of the 2000s to the boom of online courses in the 2010s, I see a move towards intimate networking and smaller communities. I’m sharing how these changes affect where you should focus your business efforts today, especially in an uncertain economy.   "I think we're moving into a space of finding your loyal space, growing with that, and becoming micro famous there, because there's not enough energy, especially for moms, to be everywhere." -Dana Malstaff   3 Things You’ll Learn in This Episode   -The Evolution of Business Trends Business trends have changed a lot over the past 30 years. How can you adapt to these changes for better business growth?   -Adapting to a Hesitant Economy In uncertain times, people are more careful about spending money. How can you show clear value in your offerings to attract customers?   -The Future of Networking Smaller, paid communities are becoming more effective than broad social media strategies. How can you build strong, loyal connections in these intimate groups?
Behind Boss Mom’s Success: My Winning Moves and My Biggest Slip Up
Behind Boss Mom’s Success: My Winning Moves and My Biggest Slip Up
As entrepreneurs, we’ve been tricked into believing that a successful brand is all about having the perfect strategy or the best marketing techniques. So we work tirelessly, pouring their heart and soul into our businesses, only to feel disconnected, overwhelmed and burned out on marketing. Have you ever wondered why, despite your hard work, your business isn’t growing as you hoped? The reality is that nurturing genuine connections and creating a loyal community takes more than just effort—it requires a deep understanding of your audience and a commitment to authenticity. In this episode, I share my journey of building a strong and connected community over the past decade. I reveal the proven ways that have helped me foster a sense of belonging among my followers and also talk about the mistakes I made along the way. "You can’t help everybody, sometimes the people that need you the most don’t have the bandwidth to do and implement what you want to teach them. You can’t build a profitable business on the people that need you the most." -Dana Malstaff 3 Things You’ll Learn in This Episode -Separate Yourself from Your Content If you don’t take your content too personally, you won't be afraid to share your ideas and connect with others. How do you create a separation between your content and your identity? -Help Those Who Are Ready We want to help the people who need us the most but you can’t build a business on people in survival mode. Who should we focus on instead? -Share a Common Goal When people believe in the same goal, they work better together. How do you tap into what you and your community want to change in the world?
True Profit: The Wealth of Non-Monetary Gains w/Heather Chauvin
True Profit: The Wealth of Non-Monetary Gains w/Heather Chauvin
Most people think profit is all about money. They work tirelessly, sacrificing their time, energy, and well-being, only to find themselves burnt out and unfulfilled. Society has conditioned us to believe that just having enough is acceptable, but this mindset keeps us trapped in survival mode. Have you ever asked yourself why you never seem to have enough time, energy, or emotional freedom? The truth is, you’re probably stuck in a cycle of just getting by. You might think, “If I just work a little harder, I’ll achieve financial freedom.” But even with more money, the exhaustion and emotional drain continue. It feels like there’s no way out. In this episode, Heather Chauvin returns. As a business owner who defines profit in a way that goes beyond just financial gains, she shares how to align your actions with your desires and truly thrive.   “Profit is not just about money but it's about time freedom and emotional freedom.” -Heather Chauvin   3 Things You’ll Learn in This Episode   -Profit Is More Than Just Money Profit isn't just about making money but it also means having more time and feeling good. Have you ever thought about how having more time and energy can make you feel richer? -Stop Just Getting By Many people think they only deserve just enough to get by, but this keeps them stuck and tired. What if you could feel happy and have more than just enough? -Match Your Actions With What You Want To really change, you need to do things that match what you want in life. Can small daily actions really make a big difference in your happiness and success? Guest Bio Heather Chauvin is a leadership coach who helps ‘successful’ women courageously and authentically live, work, and parent on their own terms. Heather started her career as a social worker helping adults understand children’s behavior. But it wasn’t until 2013 when a stage 4 cancer diagnosis pushed her to take a deeper stand for change, uncovering how cultural expectations sabotage our dreams. She has been featured in Forbes, Entrepreneur, Real Simple Magazine, Mind Body Green, Google, and more. When Heather isn’t working, you will find her living out what she teaches which may include kayaking Alaska, snowboarding, hiking, or anything else that challenges what she believes is possible for herself (and inviting her children along the journey). Life is full of opportunities. It’s time to feel alive.  Listen to her podcast at For free tools & resources from Heather, visit Follow Heather Chauvin on Instagram: @heatherchauvin_
Real Moms Aren’t Perfect: How to Redefine Motherhood Through Literature w/ Carrie Mullins
Real Moms Aren’t Perfect: How to Redefine Motherhood Through Literature w/ Carrie Mullins
Being a mom is hard, and sometimes it feels like nobody understands. We see perfect moms in books and movies, but real life isn't like that. This makes moms feel even more stressed and lonely. We try to do everything and be perfect, but it’s exhausting. It’s easy to feel like we’re not good enough. Real-life moms are not perfect, and that's okay. We need to support each other and find help when we need it. We need to remember that every mom is doing her best. Books and real-life experiences help us understand what being a mom is all about. In real life, we learn from our own moms and the people around us. What role do books play in helping moms feel seen and understood in their struggles? In this episode, I talk with Carrie Mullins, a mom and writer who wrote a book called The Book of Mothers: How Literature Can Help Us Reinvent Modern Motherhood. We discuss timeless tales, what they mean for real moms today, and how we can be kinder to ourselves and find support from others. It's not just that moms get mad, but good moms get mad too. The recent adaptation of Little Women surprised people with a good mom getting angry, showing we haven't really made that connection yet. -Carrie Mullins 3 Things You’ll Learn in This Episode -Books Shape Ideas Stories in books help shape how we see moms. These ideas can stick with us for a long time. What lessons about motherhood can we learn from our favorite books? -Finding the Balance Moms often feel torn between what they think they should be and what they really are. How can moms find a balance between their own expectations and reality? -Support is Key Understanding how tough being a mom can be helps us support each other better. What are some ways we can offer more support to the moms in our lives? Guest Bio Carrie Mullins is a writer and mother of two whose work has appeared in publications such as Parents, Food and Wine, Scary Mommy, and Lit Hub. She is the author of The Book of Mothers: How Literature Can Help Us Reinvent Modern Motherhood, an exploration of fifteen classic novels and how they have shaped our cultural understanding of motherhood. She is always on the lookout for nuanced, inclusive, and realistic conversations around parenting--and a good book. Go to for more information.
I Shut Down My 75k Facebook Group: What I'm Doing Instead
I Shut Down My 75k Facebook Group: What I'm Doing Instead
Since 2015, we have built our Facebook group into a thriving 75k member community. This year, I decided to shut it down.   Walking away from something that’s “doing well” is scary, but if it’s not lighting us up, it’s the right thing to do.   The Facebook group was working - even growing, but the truth is: I had started to resent it. I didn’t fall out of love with building community. I fell out of love with doing it on someone else’s terms.   So, the BossMom+ app was born! We aren’t just building a village, we’re building a city where moms can grow their businesses without social media.   When did I know it was time to walk away from Facebook? Why did I choose to build something totally different? In this episode, I share why we left our Facebook group and what we’re doing instead.    We need to feel empowered to make changes and not worry about what people think, because there’s no way to make everyone happy. -Dana Malstaff   3 Things You’ll Learn in This Episode   -Community without social media Building community is what I love and what I’m known for. Why did I decide to shut down a Facebook group that was doing well   -You can’t make everyone happy Not everyone will like the changes we make to our businesses. How do we handle the resistance and pushback? How will the right people react?   -Go all in on what lights you up How did going to the movies turn into the defining moment that made me decide to close down the Boss Mom Facebook group?
Krista Lockwood Built a 6-Figure Business, Now She's Selling It: Here's Why
Krista Lockwood Built a 6-Figure Business, Now She's Selling It: Here's Why
As entrepreneurs, we pour ourselves into building these amazing businesses, the last thing we’d ever consider is shutting them down, especially when they’re doing well. Why would we choose to walk away from something that’s actually working?   Well…that’s where Krista Lockwood found herself. After building a 6 figure business over the last 5 years, she has decided to sell it and move on.   Our kids change as they grow, and so do we. What lit us up before might not be right for us now, and that’s okay.   How did Krista make this huge decision? How do we deal with the guilt and uncertainty that comes with making a big move?   In this episode, founder of Motherhood Simplified, Krista Lockwood returns to talk about the new chapter in her journey, walking away from a perfectly good business and why it’s important to align your career moves with your current life phase.   Your business deserves to be loved as opposed to being run by somebody who just isn’t excited about it anymore. -Dana Malstaff   3 Things You’ll Learn in This Episode   -How to know it’s time to pivot Most people would rather stick with a successful business even if it’s no longer making them happy. How do we know it's time to stop doing something even if it's going well?   -Stop feeling guilty about change Why is it important to make sure your work fits with your family life? How can you handle changes without feeling guilty or worried?   -How to avoid the temptation to keep scaling How do we check in with ourselves so that we can move on from the business before we start neglecting the community we’ve built?    Guest Bio Krista Lockwood, the founder of Motherhood Simplified, is a mom who has successfully decluttered her entire home. She doesn’t teach decluttering in theory. Instead, she shares practical tips and strategies that have worked for thousands of other moms. Krista’s approach is grounded in her own experiences, ensuring that she never asks you to do something in your home that she hasn’t done herself. Her mission is to help moms find the sweet spot of having enough but not too much, allowing them to feel less stressed in their homes. Through her platform, Motherhood Simplified, Krista provides resources, guidance, and community support for simplifying the journey of motherhood. Check out the Motherhood Simplified Website at and listen to the podcast episodes at  Follow Krista on Instagram (
Marketing Wasn't Meant For Moms...Until Now
Marketing Wasn't Meant For Moms...Until Now
Today’s rules of marketing force us in one direction: be everywhere, all the time, non-stop.   It’s all about more content, more entertainment, and of course - more virality. Here’s the problem for moms: this isn’t a sustainable version of marketing. It’s exhausting, guilt-inducing and unrealistic. Our life requirements don’t align with being online all the time, and we shouldn’t have to play by those rules to succeed.   No matter what: our children will always be the dominant priority in our lives. Why not set up our business with this in mind, instead of forcing ourselves to market the way everyone else does? Can we do marketing on our own terms and still have success?   We want to live in a world where moms don’t have to say yes to ridiculous unsustainable ways of marketing, starting now. In this episode, I talk about why moms can’t run their businesses the way everyone else does, and how to succeed on our own terms.   The rules of business and marketing aren’t realistic or sustainable for moms. We need to stop forcing ourselves to be successful in the same way as people who don't have our life requirements. -Dana Malstaff    3 Things You’ll Learn in This Episode   -How to create a legacy of loving what we do Our kids soak up everything we do. If running our businesses leaves us feeling guilty, drained, sad and unsuccessful, that’s what they’ll believe about work. How do we change that?   -Experts vs. content creators It often feels like if we’re not pointing, dancing or entertaining, we aren’t marketing. Could this viral, content creator approach actually be detrimental? Is there a better way?   -Productivity isn’t just about time Taking advice from people who don’t understand our lives is dangerous. How do we see time management, boundaries and priorities from our perspective as moms?
How to Be Cool with Changing Direction w/Marki Lemons Ryhal
How to Be Cool with Changing Direction w/Marki Lemons Ryhal
As entrepreneurs, there’s a ton of pressure to commit to one thing and stick with it, no matter what. Even though we’re constantly evolving, switching things up makes us think we’re wishy-washy, indecisive and uncommitted. Does that mean we have to sell and say the same thing forever, even when it’s no longer in alignment with us?   Life's too short to stick with something that's not lighting us up just because we're scared of looking flaky. We shouldn’t be afraid of letting our businesses evolve like we do.   How do we make a big change without feeling guilty? How do we shamelessly move toward what makes sense for us and our businesses?   In this episode, speaker and bestselling author, Marki Lemons Ryhal shares real-life tricks to making big moves without second-guessing ourselves.   It's about being an active lifelong learner willing to implement changes and own who you are, whether it could be a mistake or not. -Marki Lemons Ryhal   3 Things You’ll Learn in This Episode   -Why saying "yes" to change can be your best move How can saying "yes" to change transform your life and propel you forward?   -Getting loud about what you love – why it matters Why does getting vocal about your passions attract the people and opportunities you truly want?   -Jumping on new chances – how it's done How can taking a leap into something new actually be the best way to grow and feel alive?   Guest Bio   Marki Lemons Ryhal is one of 100 speakers selected out of over 1,300 to speak at the REALTOR® Conference & Expo ten times (face-to-face and virtually) with high program evaluations and an INMAN Closing Keynote Speaker. She is a licensed Managing Broker, REALTOR®, avid volunteer, Major Investor, President's Circle, Federal Political Coordinator, Podcast Host of Drive with NAR & Social Selling Made Simple, 30 times published author, and 6X International Best-Selling Author. Marki Lemons-Ryhal is dedicated to all things real estate. With 30+ years of marketing and education experience, Marki has taught over 1,000,000 people (face-to-face and virtually) since 1993.   Be the first to see the future of real estate at and stay ahead in the game!   Connect with Marki on LinkedIn -  Follow Marki on Facebook ( and Instagram (
Cathy Heller: How to Shift From Pushiness Into Presence and Purpose
Cathy Heller: How to Shift From Pushiness Into Presence and Purpose
So many women have juicy and purposeful potential inside them, but because they’re too depleted to see the possibilities, it never sees the light of day.   We tell ourselves that being moms is what’s holding us back. The truth is: not tapping into our potential has nothing to do with our kids, and everything to do with our own emotions.   When we operate from an agitated nervous system, urgency, overwhelm and exhaustion become the norm. When we step out of our spinning minds and shift into presence, the awesome things we’re pushing hard to have will just flow to us.   That way, we’ll never have to choose between the greatest gift in life, and our purpose and contribution to the world.   How do we repair our nervous systems so we can start operating from a place of calm and wholeness? Can we unearth our purpose by doing less?    In this episode, I’m joined by top ranked podcast host, 8 figure spiritual and business coach, and author of the upcoming book “Abundant Ever After”, Cathy Heller. She shares how moms can design lives filled with purpose, peace and presence.    When your nervous system is agitated, you will keep making lists, feeling depleted and doing everything for everyone. When you repair it, you can find peace, calm and start feeling a sense of wholeness. -Cathy Heller     3 Things You’ll Learn in This Episode   -Doing everything for everyone is selfish  Many women put too much on their plates because we think it’s generous and loving. Are we actually stealing something valuable from people when we do that?    -Don’t do more, be more  How do we stop being forceful and pushy about getting what we want and learn to let it flow to us effortlessly?    -What happens when our cups are filled  We often think pouring all our energy into our kids is the key to their happiness. Do they actually benefit more from us living in our purpose and feeling seen in our own right?  Guest Bio Cathy Heller is a top ranked podcast host of The Cathy Heller Podcast, a truth seeker, 8 figure spiritual and business coach, and author focused on helping women create a life of abundance, joy, and purpose. If you want to learn all the things about Cathy and hang out with her online, head to
Getting over the fear of being seen so you can make more content w/ YouTuber Jessica Stansberry
Getting over the fear of being seen so you can make more content w/ YouTuber Jessica Stansberry
Visibility is crucial for business growth, getting new clients, and increasing sales. However, for many, especially women and mothers, being seen is a significant challenge. Beyond the realm of business, there's a deeper struggle: the quest for identity and purpose.   Balancing personal aspirations with societal expectations can be overwhelming. The fear of judgment often holds us back from our potential to be visible.   What mental barriers prevent us from putting ourselves out there? How do we reach a point where we are comfortable with being visible?   In this episode, CEO and owner of Hey Jessica, YouTuber and marketing strategist Jessica Stansberry joins me to talk about the journey to being visible for business, why being seen is a big deal for a lot of people and her encouraging experience with putting herself out there.   Our content is helpful in some way to someone all the time. -Jessica Stansberry   3 Things You’ll Learn in This Episode   -The evolution of YouTube How has the platform shifted since its launch?   -When we don’t love what we do What does putting things off or not giving them enough energy tell us?   -Audience affirmation Can our online audience affirm us?   Guest Bio Jessica Stansberry helps content creators and entrepreneurs use content to start, grow, and scale their businesses so that their content makes them money while they sleep. Jessica's YouTube channel, email list, and Instagram account are FULL of helpful nuggets to help content creators become CEOs. Visit  Find Jessica’s newest course here (YouTube Sales Accelerator)  Digi Product School  YouTube:  Facebook:  TikTok:
Embracing The Pivot: How To Overcome Business Doubts And Thrive w/Kendra Hennessy
Embracing The Pivot: How To Overcome Business Doubts And Thrive w/Kendra Hennessy
Navigating the rollercoaster of entrepreneurship, particularly for Boss Moms, involves constant shifts, uncertainties, and tough decisions. One of the most daunting challenges is the pivot – transitioning from a known, successful path to something uncertain.   It's not just about the business; it's about the emotional turmoil that comes with it. Doubts creep in - Will the change be worth it? What if it fails?   Contrary to popular belief, us moms don’t have it all figured out so where do we go from here? How do we overcome the fears that come with a pivot in business?   In this episode, founder of Mother Like a Boss Kendra Hennessy joins me to talk about the emotional components of pivoting when owning a business, the ups and downs in entrepreneurship and how she took her in person business to the online world.   It feels really scary to leave something behind that is successful for something that is unknown. -Kendra Hennessy   3 Things You’ll Learn in This Episode   -Is change necessary? How do we ‘shed our skin’ to step into a new phase of who we are and what we want to become.   -The explanations behind our reasoning Why don’t we have to justify our reasoning to those around us?   -Letting go and moving on Is it okay to grieve a part of our life that may be over? How do we move on?   Guest Bio Kendra Hennessy is the founder of Mother Like a Boss where her mission is to make house cleaning more doable for regular moms so you spend less time tidying your space and more time enjoying your life. Just Clean It 365 guide is 52 weeks of done-for-you cleaning routines that fit your life and take the trial & error out of daily tidying, even if you struggle to stay consistent or hate to clean. Visit  Visit  Find Kendra on Instragram @motherlikeaboss Find Kendra on TikTok @themotherlikeaboss Listen to the podcast here