How to Be Cool with Changing Direction w/Marki Lemons Ryhal

The Boss Mom Podcast

11-04-2024 • 35 mins

As entrepreneurs, there’s a ton of pressure to commit to one thing and stick with it, no matter what. Even though we’re constantly evolving, switching things up makes us think we’re wishy-washy, indecisive and uncommitted. Does that mean we have to sell and say the same thing forever, even when it’s no longer in alignment with us?

Life's too short to stick with something that's not lighting us up just because we're scared of looking flaky. We shouldn’t be afraid of letting our businesses evolve like we do.

How do we make a big change without feeling guilty? How do we shamelessly move toward what makes sense for us and our businesses?

In this episode, speaker and bestselling author, Marki Lemons Ryhal shares real-life tricks to making big moves without second-guessing ourselves.

It's about being an active lifelong learner willing to implement changes and own who you are, whether it could be a mistake or not. -Marki Lemons Ryhal

3 Things You’ll Learn in This Episode

-Why saying "yes" to change can be your best move

How can saying "yes" to change transform your life and propel you forward?

-Getting loud about what you love – why it matters

Why does getting vocal about your passions attract the people and opportunities you truly want?

-Jumping on new chances – how it's done

How can taking a leap into something new actually be the best way to grow and feel alive?

Guest Bio

Marki Lemons Ryhal is one of 100 speakers selected out of over 1,300 to speak at the REALTOR® Conference & Expo ten times (face-to-face and virtually) with high program evaluations and an INMAN Closing Keynote Speaker. She is a licensed Managing Broker, REALTOR®, avid volunteer, Major Investor, President's Circle, Federal Political Coordinator, Podcast Host of Drive with NAR & Social Selling Made Simple, 30 times published author, and 6X International Best-Selling Author. Marki Lemons-Ryhal is dedicated to all things real estate. With 30+ years of marketing and education experience, Marki has taught over 1,000,000 people (face-to-face and virtually) since 1993.

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