Elevators & Mortgage Rates: The Downs and Ups

Mortgage, Markets, and More

26-02-2024 • 23 mins

📈🎢 Jump aboard the mortgage rate rollercoaster with the newest episode of "Mortgage, Markets, and More": "Elevators & Mortgage Rates: The Downs and Ups"! I'm your host, Peter D'Angelo, ready to guide you through the thrilling highs and stomach-churning lows of the current market! 🏦🎢

In this episode, I dissect the dance between inflation data and mortgage rates and give you the scoop on how to ride this market elevator with finesse! 🕺💸 With my insights, you'll not only survive but thrive, staying one step ahead in the ever-fluctuating mortgage landscape. 🚀🏠

If you're a homebuyer, investor, or a real estate aficionado, you can't afford to miss this essential update. Remember, it's not about timing the market; it's about time in the market! ⏰💡

#MortgageRates #InflationInsight #RealEstateTips #Podcast #MortgageMarketsAndMore

👉 Hit subscribe, share the knowledge, and stay tuned for more crystal-clear insights to empower your property pursuits! Wishing you a week full of smart decisions and successful strides! 🌟🎧

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Peter D'Angelo | NMLS: 885309 | Branch Manager | Guaranteed Rate, Inc., NMLS 2611

*All information, topics, discussion is my own personal opinion and insight, not reflective of Guaranteed Rate, Inc. May contain market information for informational purposes only, not to be used as financial advice.