Mortgage, Markets, and More

Peter D'Angelo

Stay informed with weekly mortgage updates on Mondays 🏦, real estate market news on Fridays 📈, plus bonus episodes on Wednesdays covering health, wellness, leadership, music, exclusive interviews, and MORE! #MMnM #MMnMPod

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Employment Miss and Easing Rates
Employment Miss and Easing Rates
🎙 Happy Monday and greetings to all you eager economic explorers out there! It's Peter D'Angelo, your captain through the complex waters of finance on "Mortgage, Markets, and More." Kicking off the week, we're steering straight into a whirlpool of developments with an Employment Miss and Easing Rates sure to spark lively debates at the watercooler and beyond.✨🗨️Last week ended with a blast of revelations, not least the Fed's cool-as-a-cucumber stance on interest rates and the labor statistics that behaved more like a tired marathon runner than the sprightly sprinter we hoped for. Let's dissect this mix that's both perplexing and enlightening like a well-layered financial tiramisu. 🏃‍♂️💤🍰First on the docket, the treasury market's offered us a glimpse of optimism with the 10-year yield taking a humble bow to 4.51%. With both the five and two-year yields joining the courtesy dip, it seems the job report's less-than-stellar performance has sparked a bit of sympathy in the rates department, providing a gentle pat on the back to mortgage-hopefuls. 🎖️📉Here's the week in mortgage rates, served hot and ready for dissection:A 30-year fixed rate that's seen better days at 7.28%The FHA's bold stride to 6.7%Jumbo's drop to 7.48%An admirable 15-year fixed at 6.7%And the ARM that's relaxing its flex to 7.35% 💪↔️📊Now, the labor report - it's like the underdog in a sports movie, full of heart but a tad off the pace. While we were dreaming of a robust 240,000 new jobs, reality handed us a more modest 175,000. It's not quite the signal to paint the town red, but it's fueling a fascinating discussion on the Fed's next move—will they nurture rates or nudge them a smidge? 🤔📝Industry-wise, healthcare and social lords are sitting pretty on the job front, with transport, retail, and others making more modest contributions to the employment potluck. Perspectives vary, with prime-aged ladies making a noticeable re-entry into the workforce, and immigrant labor lining up for their piece of the American Dream. 🏥🚌🛒Let's not overlook the big picture—wage growth remains a reassuring companion, albeit with a slight stumble, and inflation is still the dinner guest overstaying their welcome. The Fed's magic potion remains securely corked, but the winds of change are beginning to whistle through the economic trees. 💨🌳It's all connected, dear listeners—the labor market, inflation, and our journey towards real estate nirvana. Understanding these titanic forces is key to navigating the open seas of house hunting and financial planning, so I'm here with my compass out, ready to guide. 🧭🏘️MortgageRates #Economy #LaborReport #FederalReserve #InflationShare the knowledge, question the trends, and never stop learning. As we gear up for another pulse-pounWatch this episode on Youtube!Interested in getting Pre-Approved? Submit your Pre-Approval inquiry here!Interested in your Refinance options? Submit your Refinance inquiry here!Follow me on: FacebookInstagramLinkedInYouTube Peter D'Angelo | NMLS: 885309 | Branch Manager | Guaranteed Rate, Inc., NMLS*All information, topics, discussion is my own personal opinion and insight, not reflective of Guaranteed Rate, Inc. May contain market information for informational purposes only, not to be used as financial advice.
Fed Holds-The Mixed Bag
Fed Holds-The Mixed Bag
🎉🎙️ Welcome back, financial aficionados! Peter D'Angelo here with your weekly dose of "Mortgage, Markets, and More." As we jazz up for May and Cinco de Mayo festivities, I'm here to serve up a platter of fresh insights, hot off the economic grill! 📅🌮This week's episode is aptly dubbed "The Fed Holds—The Mixed Bag," and it's all about unpacking the recent breadcrumbs the Federal Reserve has left us. They've decided to play it cool—no fiddling with rates this time around. 🏦✋Sticking to their guns in the 5.25% to 5.5% rate fortress, the Fed's firmly pressing the pause button. Earlier this year, whispers of rate cuts were fluttering like spring leaves, but inflation's stubborn streak has us dialing back dreams of slashes in the Fed funds rate. 🍂🔁But it's not all chants and echoes of more inflation woes. The Fed's May 1st decision seems to sing a tune of economic harmony, leaving rate hikes out of the chorus for now. They're also keeping politics off the stage, ensuring their actions—or non-actions—remain as neutral as Switzerland. 🇨🇭⚖️Now let's waltz onto their balance sheet moves—where they're slow dancing with bond-buying decisions, signaling somewhat softer tones for the bond market ballet. Stability is the name of the game, and I'm all for any rhythm that eases our mortgage rate ruckus. 💃🎼Concerns about stagflation? The Fed's leading maestro, Jerome Powell, has danced around that, highlighting robust wage growth brushing off the cobwebs of stagflation fears. 💸📈As we gaze at the market's crystal ball, mixed reactions are surfacing post-Fed meeting, with the Dow taking a leap skywards. But the real gem to keep your eye on is the labor report dropping today—because, my friends, a healthy economy boasts a powerhouse of jobs and jingles. 👷‍♀️💼Nods from the likes of JP Morgan to Vanguard span vibes of cautious optimism to careful patience. No crystal clear paths are being drawn, but I'm here to navigate the waters of uncertainty with you. 🧭🚤It's all about staying tuned to the data, and if the Fed decides to take the steering wheel, you bet I'll be first in line to report back to you. So here's to another weekend of financial pondering and maybe a Margarita or two (responsibly, of course). 🍹🤔#Finance #FederalReserve #InterestRates #Economy #Podcast #CincoDeMayoDon't forget to like, share, subscribe, and reach out with any of your burning questions or topics you need to be addressed. Let's charge into the weekend ready for whatever Monday's mortgage rate update throws at us. Until then, stay smart, stay savvy, and most importantly—stay smiling! 😄🌟Watch this episode on Youtube!Interested in getting Pre-Approved? Submit your Pre-Approval inquiry here!Interested in your Refinance options? Submit your Refinance inquiry here!Follow me on: FacebookInstagramLinkedInYouTube Peter D'Angelo | NMLS: 885309 | Branch Manager | Guaranteed Rate, Inc., NMLS*All information, topics, discussion is my own personal opinion and insight, not reflective of Guaranteed Rate, Inc. May contain market information for informational purposes only, not to be used as financial advice.
Mortgage Rates UPdate, I-C-PCE...Going Up
Mortgage Rates UPdate, I-C-PCE...Going Up
📈☀️ Happy new week and almost-Cinco de Mayo, everyone! Peter D'Angelo here to spice up your life with another robust episode of "Mortgage, Markets, and More," where we're all about keeping it short, sweet, and sizzling with the latest in the mortgage rate cosmos. 🌶️🎉👉 Today, it's all about that Mortgage Rates UPDATE, with a side of I-C-PCE (Inflation & Personal Consumption Expenditures) analytics that's got us all on our toes. 🤓💵🏦 We're launching into the bond market's wild waves, surfing through the ten-year treasury yield that finished last week at 4.67%, teasing us with its up-and-down antics. But hold on to your hats, because the five and two-year yields have flipped the script, giving us that eyebrow-raising inverted yield curve. Yep, longer bonds are yielding less and shorter bonds more, and that's got some whispering the "R" word (recession). But here's me, keeping a cool head and a steady gaze on what really matters — your mortgage rates. 🔁👀✨ The scene is set with:A 30-year fixed rate average of 7.52%An FHA flavor sitting pretty at 7%Jumbo chunks at 7.68%The agile 15-year fixed peeking at 6.91%And the stunning ARM, now flexing its muscle at a 52-week high of 7.55% 💪🎯🌡 Inflation isn't hiding from our eagle eyes, with the PCE giving us the chilly willies, up at 2.7% year-over-year. As the world turns and wallets open, personal incomes have tickled up 0.5% month-over-month, but spending? That's the secret swoon of inflation. Too much cash splashing and we're back in the thick of it. 🛍📊Now, as we edge closer to the Federal Reserve's powwow, the air is tinged with anticipation. What spells will they cast upon rates? Will they hold the line, chop and change, or keep us guessing? We need answers, and come Wednesday, the crystal ball might just clear for all to see. 🔮#MortgageRates #Inflation #MarketUpdate #Finance #Economy #Education #MortgagePodcast🎙 So, are you fueled by curiosity, racing for knowledge, or just fancy a spot of mortgage banter? Like, share, and subscribe, because knowledge is power — and sharing is caring. Let this be the beacon of your financial journey, and let's get ready to tackle whatever the Fed throws our way mid-week. Until then, may your days be bright and your finances tighter. See you all on Friday! 🚀🌟Watch this episode on Youtube!Interested in getting Pre-Approved? Submit your Pre-Approval inquiry here!Interested in your Refinance options? Submit your Refinance inquiry here!Follow me on: FacebookInstagramLinkedInYouTube Peter D'Angelo | NMLS: 885309 | Branch Manager | Guaranteed Rate, Inc., NMLS*All information, topics, discussion is my own personal opinion and insight, not reflective of Guaranteed Rate, Inc. May contain market information for informational purposes only, not to be used as financial advice.
Sales Slumping, March 2024 Existing Home Sales
Sales Slumping, March 2024 Existing Home Sales
🎙️📉 Hello to all you market watchers and home dreamers, it's Peter D'Angelo back at it on "Mortgage, Markets, and More!" Wrapping up your week with a dive into the latest real estate trends, and boy do we have some juicy stats to unravel from the National Association of Realtors' existing home sales data for March 2024. 🏠🔍📊 Sales are slipping, but don't let that get you down—there's gold to be mined from these numbers! We're seeing a 4.3% dip to 4.19 million units, with year-over-year sales falling by 3.7%. But as your trusty guide, I'm here to illuminate the path through these shifting tides, offering perspective that could be your compass in a changing market. 🧭Median home prices, on the other hand, are blossoming like spring to $393,500—a 4.8% rise you can't ignore. Could this be the beacon of a booming market or a siren call for savvy strategy? I'm dissecting these dynamics region by region, from the bustling Northeast to the sun-kissed West. 🌏💹The Northeast is celebrating a sales uptick while the Midwest sees a modest decline. The South and West, they're riding the see-saw of the market with steeper drops, yet median prices are climbing across the board, painting a picture of enduring value beneath the fluctuations. 💰🔝Inventory's creeping up to 1.11 million units—a move that's stirring the pot of supply and demand. But with a 3.2 month supply, we're floating in the shallow end of available homes. Year-over-year, we're up 14.4%, but what tales do the closed deals of March tell us? 🏘️📈The stage is set:Single family homes are trading hands at $397,200 median, ever so slightly up.Condos and co-ops are not too far behind, making their mark with a median of $357,400. 🏢💲As we play detective with the buyer breakdown:First-time homebuyers are at 32% of the show.All-cash sales slide to 28%, giving financed buyers a leg up.Individual investors are grabbing 15% of the pie, leaving a slice for everyone. 🕵️‍♂️👨‍👩‍👧‍👦But let's not forget those enigmatic distressed sales, showing a slight fluctuation but holding steady enough to not ring any alarm bells... yet. 🔔#MortgageMarketsandMore #RealEstateUpdate #MarchSales #HomeTrends #MarketAnalysis🗺️ Sharing this episode is like lighting a torch for fellow travelers in the quest for home ownership. Let this be a part of their map. And after all these numbers and predictions, let's catch our breath, prep our plans, and charge into a refreshing weekend. I’ll be here Monday, ready with your mortgage rate update and more insights into the labyrinth of lending. Until next time, remember to keep your dreams grand and your negotiations savvy. Take care, and have a phenomenal weekend! 🌟🏖️Watch this episode on Youtube!Interested in getting Pre-Approved? Submit your Pre-Approval inquiry here!Interested in your Refinance options? Submit your Refinance inquiry here!Follow me on: FacebookInstagramLinkedInYouTube Peter D'Angelo | NMLS: 885309 | Branch Manager | Guaranteed Rate, Inc., NMLS*All information, topics, discussion is my own personal opinion and insight, not reflective of Guaranteed Rate, Inc. May contain market information for informational purposes only, not to be used as financial advice.
Rollercoater Rates, Reconsider Renovations
Rollercoater Rates, Reconsider Renovations
🎢🔨 Folks, strap in for a wild ride on the rollercoaster of rates and the big rethink on renovations! It's your trusty guide, Peter D'Angelo, steering through another episode of "Mortgage, Markets, and More" to kickstart your new week with a bang! 🚀🏠 So you've been eyeing the soaring highs and dizzying drops of the mortgage rate charts, and you might be wondering—what now? Well, I'm peeling back the curtain to reveal strategies that could be your golden ticket to home ownership, even in an up and down market. 🎫💡Here's the scoop on the rates:The 30-year fixed rate is perched at a towering 7.44% 📈The 30-year FHA is pacing at 6.92%, with jumbos climbing to 7.62% 🏗️Buckle up as the 15-year fixed rate and the adjustable rate mortgages are not serving any coasters at 6.85% and 7.41% respectively 🎢🔩Got renovation dreams and turnkey nightmares? I'm unlocking the enigma of renovation loans with my compass set firmly on opportunity. Your future abode may just be a fixer-upper away! 🔑🏚️I'm dishing out the pros and cons like a real estate maestro, so listen up:✨ Pros: Jump on the chance to customize your nest, tap into the potential value uptick, and don't forget—you could refi with gusto!🥦 Cons: Prepare for loftier interest rates, a bit of patience-testing timeline marathon, and hand-select contractors with the right groove for reno-loans.🛠️ Diving into the fine print of total acquisition costs, contingency reserves, and appraisal acrobatics, I'm here to decode it all. Whether you're a renovation rookie or a seasoned pro, this episode is your blueprint to navigating home buying amidst a symphony of hammering and sawing!#MortgageMarketsandMore #RenoLoans #RateRollercoaster #MortgageUpdate #HomeBuyingStrategies #RealEstateTips🪜 Ready to elevate your property prospects? Share this episode with a kindred spirit in the home hunt or an ally in the real estate realm. And stay tuned for this Friday's curtain lift on March's real estate dance number with existing home sales data! 🏠💃📊🎙️ Until our next mortgage rendezvous this Friday, carve out a fantastic week, keep your renovation vision sharp, and as ever—take good care! 🛠️👷‍♂️💖Watch this episode on Youtube!Interested in getting Pre-Approved? Submit your Pre-Approval inquiry here!Interested in your Refinance options? Submit your Refinance inquiry here!Follow me on: FacebookInstagramLinkedInYouTube Peter D'Angelo | NMLS: 885309 | Branch Manager | Guaranteed Rate, Inc., NMLS*All information, topics, discussion is my own personal opinion and insight, not reflective of Guaranteed Rate, Inc. May contain market information for informational purposes only, not to be used as financial advice.
The Inherent Value of a Buyer's Agent
The Inherent Value of a Buyer's Agent
🌟🏡 Hello, property pioneers! It's me, Peter D'Angelo, back again on "Mortgage, Markets, and More" as we sail into the weekend. Today, I'm packing this episode with insights on the unsung heroes of the home-buying journey: buyer's agents. 🦸‍♂️🔑👉 Whether you're a real estate professional seeking to sharpen your sword or a future homeowner looking to navigate the market maze, you'll find treasure in today's talk on "The Inherent Value of a Buyer's Agent." 💎🏰🏗️ Let's construct a timeline and roadmap to the future of real estate professionalism, with a special spotlight on the pending changes to buyer's agent compensation. Are you ready for change? Let's dive into the timeline from initial hearings to final motions and see how the industry's landscape is shifting. ⚖️🗓️💬 This one is crucial, friends: mastering the art of compensation conversation. It's a value showdown that could reshape your professional journey, and I'm here to guide you through it.🤝💼✨ But wait, there's more magic to unfold—your value proposition. It's not just a catchphrase; it's your belief system tied to your business. Today, I'll unveil my own belief-oriented approach and encourage you to ignite your unique spark in the market. 💥🧭🏆 Share real-life tales of triumph, like how I navigated a client bid to victory against a cash offer, thanks to a stellar buyer's agent. Discover the power of relationships and reputation in deal sealing! 🏅🤗🪙 And for the listing magicians: learn the art of cooperative compensation, laying the foundation for fairness and ease in the offer acceptance process. Balance the scales and witness the prophecies of your market mastery come to life! ⚖️✨🔮 Looking far into the horizon, I speak of the long game. Those who weather the storms of rate volatility will inherit the kingdom of real estate success. Plant seeds of trust, grow your business forest, and the future will be lush with opportunity. 🌲👑#MortgageMarketsandMore #BuyersAgent #RealEstatePro #HomeBuying #ValueProposition #ProfessionalGrowth🌈 As we dream of sunny skies and blossoming ventures, I send you off into the weekend filled with possibilities and anticipation for Monday's upcoming mortgage rate update. Share this episode in your professional circle, and let's jump into a splendid weekend! 🏖️🛡️See you on the flipside, folks, and as always—take good care. 🎙️💙Watch this episode on Youtube!Interested in getting Pre-Approved? Submit your Pre-Approval inquiry here!Interested in your Refinance options? Submit your Refinance inquiry here!Follow me on: FacebookInstagramLinkedInYouTube Peter D'Angelo | NMLS: 885309 | Branch Manager | Guaranteed Rate, Inc., NMLS*All information, topics, discussion is my own personal opinion and insight, not reflective of Guaranteed Rate, Inc. May contain market information for informational purposes only, not to be used as financial advice.
How To Navigate The Volatile Rate(s)
How To Navigate The Volatile Rate(s)
🚀🏡 Buckle up, homebuyers and real estate aficionados! 🎉 I'm your host, Peter D'Angelo, and we're diving deep into choppy market waters on this week's episode of "Mortgage, Markets, and More"! 🌊👉 Navigating the Volatile Rate(s) can be as thrilling as a roller coaster ride, but fear not—I've got the insider tips and strategies to keep your dreams of homeownership on track! 🎢🏠 Today's episode is a must-listen if you want to safeguard your buying power from the rip currents of interest rate volatility. 🛡️💰In this episode:✅ I break down the mystery of discount points—a.k.a. permanent buy downs—and how they might just be your golden ticket to a more affordable rate in this highly unpredictable climate. 🎟️✅ Learn about the different flavors of mortgage insurance—monthly, single premium, and split—and how choosing the right one could sweeten your monthly budget like never before. 🍭✅ Real talk on price ranges and the importance of having scenario-based discussions with your mortgage pro. Get ready to impress your real estate agent with scenarios that'll make their heads spin—in a good way! 💼🔄✅ Lastly, I explore adjustable rate mortgages (ARMs) and whether they could be the spice of life or the bitter herb in your mortgage recipe. ⚖️🌿And remember, folks, as we surf these unpredictable rate waves 🏄, keep those seller concessions in your back pocket because you just might have the negotiating edge soon! 💼🔨👋 Don't miss this action-packed episode—perfect for starting your week with momentum! For any questions or to share your thoughts, reach out to me. Let's ride this mortgage wave together! 🌟MortgageMarketsandMore #Homebuying #RealEstate #InterestRates #MortgageTips #Finance #Podcast #MondayMotivation⏰ Catch the full wave on Friday's episode as we chart the real estate trends and dissect some cool graphs—but for now, let's make the most of this ride! 📊🌐Share, subscribe, and stay savvy! And as always, let's make it a great week and take good care. 🎙️💼🎉Watch this episode on Youtube!Interested in getting Pre-Approved? Submit your Pre-Approval inquiry here!Interested in your Refinance options? Submit your Refinance inquiry here!Follow me on: FacebookInstagramLinkedInYouTube Peter D'Angelo | NMLS: 885309 | Branch Manager | Guaranteed Rate, Inc., NMLS*All information, topics, discussion is my own personal opinion and insight, not reflective of Guaranteed Rate, Inc. May contain market information for informational purposes only, not to be used as financial advice.
Where’d My Buying Power Go!? Hotter Inflation…
Where’d My Buying Power Go!? Hotter Inflation…
🔥🏠 Hey there, mortgage mavens and property enthusiasts! Peter D'Angelo here, and I'm bringing the heat on this sizzling Friday episode of "Mortgage, Markets, and More" titled "Where’d My Buying Power Go!? Hotter Inflation…" 🌶️💸🎙️ In today's mixed bag of market madness, I’m serving up a smorgasbord of real estate insights and the lowdown on mortgage rates—a recipe for empowered decision-making in this rocky financial terrain. 🧠📊👓 Peek into the crystal-less future of real estate values with me as I paint scenarios influenced by the dance of interest rates and buying power. Interest rates are stepping on the toes of property values, leading the dance toward uncharted territories. 🕺🏠Here's your helping of key ingredients from today's financial feast:🔑 Interest Rates: The puppet masters of property values, showing who holds the strings of your buying power.🔑 Distressed Sales: A slight uptick—just like a seasoning, that 0.1% can change the entire dish's flavor.🔑 Inflation: The heat that just won't simmer down, influencing our market menu's daily specials.🎢 Strap in as we glide through the mortgage rate rollercoaster, now with the 30-year fixed at a towering 7.34% and other rates following closely behind. Adjustable-rate mortgages? They're taking a wild ride of their own. 🎢⚡💡 Knowledge nugget: Understanding bonds and mortgage rates isn't just for the finance fanatics—it’s crucial for anyone dipping toes in the home-buying waters. I'm your lifeguard on duty, breaking it all down! 🏊‍♂️📉🛒 This weekend, before you hit the open houses, give a ring to your mortgage pro—make sure your budget fits snugly with the latest rate changes. Shopping for homes? More like shopping for interest rates! 📲🛍️#MortgageMarketsandMore #InterestRates #Inflation #RealEstateTrends #PropertyValues #FinancialInsights #FridayFacts📈 More hot-off-the-press tips and tricks coming your way on Monday. Until then, power up your weekend with a stir of mild optimism, a sprinkle of skepticism, and a whole lot of strategic planning! 💪😎🎉 Subscribe, share the wisdom, and don't forget to live large this weekend! And I’ll be right here, ready to guide you through another market mystery on Monday. Take care and stay informed! 🙌🎧 Watch this episode on Youtube!Interested in getting Pre-Approved? Submit your Pre-Approval inquiry here!Interested in your Refinance options? Submit your Refinance inquiry here!Follow me on: FacebookInstagramLinkedInYouTube Peter D'Angelo | NMLS: 885309 | Branch Manager | Guaranteed Rate, Inc., NMLS*All information, topics, discussion is my own personal opinion and insight, not reflective of Guaranteed Rate, Inc. May contain market information for informational purposes only, not to be used as financial advice.
Ponying Up For Down Payment
Ponying Up For Down Payment
🚀 Get ready to conquer the market with the latest episode of "Mortgage, Markets, and More" featuring your finance maven, Peter D'Angelo! 🏠💸This Monday we're navigating the rocky terrains of mortgage rates, connecting the dots between the elusive ten-year treasury bond and your 30-year fixed rate. 📈🔗 Rates are on the rise, but don't fret—we're dissecting the why, the how, and the when, prepping you for success in this economic rollercoaster. 🎢Discover why good news for the economy spells tough love for mortgage rates, with inflation playing hard to get under control. 💰🎯 But hold onto your hats, as Federal chairman Jerome Powell hints at potential rate cuts—timing is everything, and we've got all the insider info. ⏰👀Rates might be volatile, but we're diving into why consistent communication with your mortgage professional isn't a luxury—it's a must! 🗨️💼 Plus, we reveal the astonishing spike in average down payments. 🚀 Is 15% the new golden number? You'll find out!Whether you're a seasoned homebuyer or navigating the waves as a first-timer, we've got hot-off-the-press insights tailored just for you. 👩‍💼👨‍💼 Get the lowdown on cash purchases, the state of competition, and what this all means for equity and the wealth gap. 📊🏘️It's not all Doom and Gloom; Peter's parting message of hope and patience will leave you inspired and ready to face the market head-on. Remember, great things take time! 🌟🕰️So, curate your coffee, grab your headphones, and join us for a riveting session filled with expert analysis, actionable strategies, and a touch of optimism, all wrapped up in one dynamic episode! 🎧☕️👇 Don't forget!Like, subscribe, and reach out if you've got questions buzzing through your mind. Let's tackle this week with insights and clarity! 🌟#MortgageMonday #InterestRates #RealEstate #HomeBuying #FinancePodcast #MarketUpdate #EconomicInsights #InvestSmart #PatiencePays #PeterDAngelo🎙️ Tune in for a real estate update coming this Friday, and in the meantime, make it a remarkable week! 💫👋Watch this episode on Youtube!Interested in getting Pre-Approved? Submit your Pre-Approval inquiry here!Interested in your Refinance options? Submit your Refinance inquiry here!Follow me on: FacebookInstagramLinkedInYouTube Peter D'Angelo | NMLS: 885309 | Branch Manager | Guaranteed Rate, Inc., NMLS*All information, topics, discussion is my own personal opinion and insight, not reflective of Guaranteed Rate, Inc. May contain market information for informational purposes only, not to be used as financial advice.
NAR Settlement Q&A Update
NAR Settlement Q&A Update
🌟 Hey everyone, it's me, Peter D'Angelo, your trusty navigator through the seas of real estate and financing, back with another essential episode of "Mortgage, Markets, and More" titled "NAR Settlement Q and A Update"!✨🚀 As April showers us with opportunities and challenges alike, I'm here on this glorious Friday to shine a light on the twisty terrain ahead. We're tackling the buzzworthy topic of the National Association of Realtors Settlement and decrypting how it shakes things up for the real estate cosmos we're all part of! 🌐🔑🏡 If you're in the game—agents, buyers, and all market mavens—get ready to leap into a world of heightened clarity and preparedness:1️⃣ Understanding Buyer’s Agent Commissions: Brace yourselves! I'm detailing the nitty-gritty of how commission knowledge is power, and how we—the gatekeepers of the mortgage realm—will ensure every piece of the puzzle is in place. Contracts? Check. Buyer’s agency agreements? Double-check!2️⃣ Verifying Financial Fortitude: Funds, where art thou? The odyssey into asset verification gets a sleek turbocharge at Guaranteed Rate. I'm divulging our super slick methods that redefine smooth sailing for all involved parties. 🧐💰3️⃣ Impact on APR? Zero! Buckle in as I decode the APR enigma, ensuring that you know what's what when it comes to your mortgage temperature reading versus the real cost of financing—a critical distinction in the buyer agent commission equation.4️⃣ Qualified Mortgage Immunity: QM, a fortress of buyer protection, will not feel the tremors of commission fees. I'm dissecting the Dodd-Frank DNA to demonstrate that your passage to homeownership remains uncompromised. 🛡️🏠5️⃣ The VA and FHA Loan Landscape: Veterans, I salute your service and bring clarity to your VA loan commission questions. FHA followers, let's untangle the complexities of how the commission gets paid without bulking up your loan. 🎗️📜6️⃣ Seller Concessions & Credits Unveiled: Imagine a world where seller concessions could smooth your path to buyer agent bliss. I'm laying down the ground rules and limits like a magician revealing his secrets. 🤹‍♂️✨7️⃣ Caps, Calculations, and Strategies: Every loan type has its dance, and I'm here to teach you the steps, from FHA grooves to conventional moves, ensuring we all glide gracefully toward closing day. 💃🕺🔔 And remember, your curiosity is the compass that leads our journey forward! Reach out, send a signal through the vast digital sea—email, social media, DM—I'm here to chart the course with you on this voyage of discovery.🏁 That's a wrap on today's mission briefing, but the conversation never ends. Got questions about the settlement? Don't wander in the dark—ignite the beacon, and I'm at your service.Watch this episode on Youtube!Interested in getting Pre-Approved? Submit your Pre-Approval inquiry here!Interested in your Refinance options? Submit your Refinance inquiry here!Follow me on: FacebookInstagramLinkedInYouTube Peter D'Angelo | NMLS: 885309 | Branch Manager | Guaranteed Rate, Inc., NMLS*All information, topics, discussion is my own personal opinion and insight, not reflective of Guaranteed Rate, Inc. May contain market information for informational purposes only, not to be used as financial advice.
Let's See, Now We Got The PCE
Let's See, Now We Got The PCE
🚀🎙️ Hey, my fabulous finance aficionados! It's your dedicated guide through the maze of the market, Peter D'Angelo, and I'm thrilled to bring you the inside scoop on the latest episode of "Mortgage, Markets, and More" titled "Let's See, Now We Got The PCE"! 🌟💼💥 This Monday, I'm unpacking an INCREDIBLE update for all of you hungry for the freshest financial forecasts. I've got the mortgage rate rundown you've been craving, and we're diving headfirst into the exciting world of personal consumption expenditure (PCE)! 🏦📉📈 The digits are in, and the 30-year fixed rate mortgage is winking at us with a 6.91% average, but hold onto your hats because we've got even more to cover! FHA, jumbo, and adjustable-rate mortgages have made their moves, and I'm laying it all out, number by number, giving YOU the full picture! 🏠💲📊 But, my friends, the main dish is a delectable data dive into last Friday's PCE report. This is the juicy stat the Fed can't get enough of, and I'm serving it piping hot, right to your ears. We've got a month-over-month simmer at 0.33%, just a hair shy of the 0.4% estimate. And trust me, these tiny fractions could mean BIG changes for your wallet! 🤑🔍🧐 I'm talking core numbers, housing costs, and the nifty nuances that the Fed will scrupulously scrutinize come their meeting on May 1st. The economic scales are teetering, with every decimal point swinging the pendulum between stashing or splashing the cash. Are we sprinting towards that golden 2% inflation target, or is it more like a high-stakes game of limbo? 🎯🕺🏙️ And let's not forget housing! We're dissecting the digits, from existing sales data to the nitty-gritty on national housing costs. Rent or buy, the numbers don't lie, and I'm breaking it down so you'll know just what they're whispering about your future moves on the property chessboard. ♟️🏘️💸 Plus, I'm lifting the veil on personal income and spending trends, and shining a spotlight on the 3.6% savings rate, a figure that hasn't snuck this low since the winter of '22. What's the story behind the statistics? Is the American wallet feeling a tad too tight? I've got hypotheses, insights, and a whole lot more! 👛🔮✨ So, if you fancy yourself a bit of a mortgage maestro, a PCE pundit, or you're just ravenous for those crispy, crunchy real estate and market facts, you're IN THE RIGHT PLACE! "Let's See, Now We Got The PCE" is the next brilliant breadcrumb on your trail to triumph! 🧩🏆👉🎧 Hear me out in "Mortgage, Markets, and More" and let this episode kickstart your week with momentum and mastery like no other! Share it, absorb it, and don't forget to hit me up with your brilliant thoughts! 📲💬#InflationInvestigation #MortgageRateUpdate #PCEPowerPlay #FinanceFrontiers #MarketMeanderings #SavingsStatSurprise #EconomicEnthusiast #MondayMarketMinds 🚀💼💡👇 AWatch this episode on Youtube!Interested in getting Pre-Approved? Submit your Pre-Approval inquiry here!Interested in your Refinance options? Submit your Refinance inquiry here!Follow me on: FacebookInstagramLinkedInYouTube Peter D'Angelo | NMLS: 885309 | Branch Manager | Guaranteed Rate, Inc., NMLS*All information, topics, discussion is my own personal opinion and insight, not reflective of Guaranteed Rate, Inc. May contain market information for informational purposes only, not to be used as financial advice.
No More Existential Crisis for Existing Homes Sales? February Report Is IN!
No More Existential Crisis for Existing Homes Sales? February Report Is IN!
🎉🏠💹 Hey there! It's your favorite voice of real estate, and I've just cooked up a STELLAR new episode that's hotter than a housing market in July! "Mortgage, Markets, and More" invites YOU to tune in to our LATEST gem: "No More Existential Crisis for Existing Homes Sales? February Report Is IN!" 🚀🏡📊🤯📈 I’ve pulled out the magnifying glass to scrutinize February's existing home sales data, and let me tell you, the numbers are bursting with stories untold! We're looking at a phenomenal 4.38 million units SOLD—and that's just the start! 🌟 My deep dive reveals a tantalizing median price hike to $388,700 for single-family homes, and I'm buzzing with all the details! 💰👀🏙️ Condos and co-ops have their moment too, lighting up the scoreboard with around 410,000 units taking the stage. And oh, the prices—matching pace with the homes! 🌆 Regions across our great nation—the West, South, and Midwest—are dancing to an upbeat tune, with sales numbers hitting high notes! 🌍📊🏁 Hold up! Before you hit that pause button on your homebuying journey, I've got a strategy session just for you. Sitting on the fence could see you forfeiting up to 8% in property value gains over the next year. Trust me, I've got the lowdown! 😱🚫🏃🏦 I dissect the inventory dynamics, showcasing a robust 2.9 months' supply that you won't want to miss. And the grand finale? Average mortgage rates are playing hard to get, with a suspenseful 6.74% average to think over! 🤑📉💌 Eager for homebuying hacks or just thirsty for knowledge on where the market’s headed? Hit me up! With my insider tools and hard-earned insights, I’m here to help you chart a course to your future home victories! 🚀🔑👉🎧 So why wait? Join ME on "Mortgage, Markets, and More" for an episode that’s packed to the rafters with unbeatable content that'll push you through the property playing field like you own it! Share with your fellow home enthusiasts and reach out with your burning questions! 🎤📲#RealEstateRevelations #HomeSalesScoop #FutureFinanceForecast #MortgageMarketsMastermind #FebruaryFigures #PropertyPurchasePower #MarketMomentumMania 🎙️🌟💬Watch this episode on Youtube!Interested in getting Pre-Approved? Submit your Pre-Approval inquiry here!Interested in your Refinance options? Submit your Refinance inquiry here!Follow me on: FacebookInstagramLinkedInYouTube Peter D'Angelo | NMLS: 885309 | Branch Manager | Guaranteed Rate, Inc., NMLS*All information, topics, discussion is my own personal opinion and insight, not reflective of Guaranteed Rate, Inc. May contain market information for informational purposes only, not to be used as financial advice.
FED Holds and Plotting-Dot Plotting, That Is
FED Holds and Plotting-Dot Plotting, That Is
🎙️📈 Calling all market mavens, real estate enthusiasts, and financial freedom seekers! Get ready for another high-octane episode of "Mortgage, Markets, and More," where our host Peter D'Angelo dives deep into the aftermath of the Fed's latest move! 🎉💡In this fresh-off-the-press episode titled "FED Holds and Plotting-Dot Plotting, That Is," 🔥 Peter breaks down the tantalizing numbers of the current mortgage rates, giving you the 411 on what the reported 7.3% for 30-year fixed-rate mortgages might mean for your wallet. 💸🏠Navigate the nuances of the Federal Open Market Committee's game plan with Peter as he unpacks the significance of the Dot Plot and its implications on future rate cuts, and gain insights on the Fed's strategy for steering us toward that sweet spot of economic stability. 🎯💼Embrace the knowledge of the index-intrigue with SOFR ARMs and treasuries, and let Peter's market musings on Jerome Powell's commentary reveal how the delicate dance with inflation might soon lead to a "soft landing" for the economy. 🕺💹Don't miss out on this journey of jargon-busting and fiscal forecasting - it's a blueprint crafted to bolster your understanding of the financial forces at play! 🧠🌐Drop us your burning questions, share your thoughts, or even just a simple "Bravo!" and don't forget to share this episode with anyone dreaming of debt digits done differently! 🙌🔊Set sail into the week armed with empowered economic expertise - only on "Mortgage, Markets, and More" where we turn data-dense discussions into delightful dialogues. Your Friday rendezvous awaits to unpack the realtors' reality with the existing home sales deep-dive. 🏡📊Join us, and let's make this week awesome together! 🌟🤝#MortgageMarketsAndMore #FinancialForecast #FedDecision #MortgageRates #DotPlot #EconomicInsight #InterestRateUpdate #RealEstateTrends #JeromePowell #SoftLanding #EconomyWatch #InflationInsight 📊🏦👇Watch this episode on Youtube!Interested in getting Pre-Approved? Submit your Pre-Approval inquiry here!Interested in your Refinance options? Submit your Refinance inquiry here!Follow me on: FacebookInstagramLinkedInYouTube Peter D'Angelo | NMLS: 885309 | Branch Manager | Guaranteed Rate, Inc., NMLS*All information, topics, discussion is my own personal opinion and insight, not reflective of Guaranteed Rate, Inc. May contain market information for informational purposes only, not to be used as financial advice.
NAR Update and How Times Change...
NAR Update and How Times Change...
Dive into the dynamic world of real estate with the latest episode of "Mortgage, Markets, and More" titled "NAR Update and How Times Change..." Join host Peter D'Angelo for a deep dive into the transformative National Association of Realtors Settlement and its potential effects on the real estate landscape. Discover the proposed $418 million in damages, operational changes, and the radical shift towards July implementation that could alter the way homebuying has been conducted for decades.In this compelling episode, we explore the impact of the settlement, from shifting buyers' agent commission structures to how buyer loyalty might evolve with early exclusivity contracts. We also tackle the anticipated financial repercussions for buyers and sellers alike, coupled with expert predictions on how a third of traditional commission earnings might just vanish with the settlement's enforcement.Get a grip on the big picture as Peter breaks down the interplay of housing affordability, policy proposals, and surprising shifts in industry heavyweights like Zillow. We'll journey through time and numbers with a thought-provoking comparison between home prices and inflation since the 1960s and the stark contrast to today’s real estate market.Peter's expertise and insights promise valuable guidance, whether you're a first-time homebuyer navigating the treacherous waters of today's market or a real estate professional adapting to this evolving landscape. The discussion is rounded out with essential updates on mortgage rates and what the Federal Reserve's latest decisions mean for the future.Tune in for an episode that promises not only to educate but to empower you with the advanced knowledge needed to make informed decisions in a rapidly changing property market. Don't miss out on this crucial update—stream "NAR Update and How Times Change..." and stay ahead of the real estate game!Watch this episode on Youtube!Interested in getting Pre-Approved? Submit your Pre-Approval inquiry here!Interested in your Refinance options? Submit your Refinance inquiry here!Follow me on: FacebookInstagramLinkedInYouTube Peter D'Angelo | NMLS: 885309 | Branch Manager | Guaranteed Rate, Inc., NMLS*All information, topics, discussion is my own personal opinion and insight, not reflective of Guaranteed Rate, Inc. May contain market information for informational purposes only, not to be used as financial advice.
Rate Rollercoaster Continues...DTI-Wanna Qualify!
Rate Rollercoaster Continues...DTI-Wanna Qualify!
🎢🏡 Welcome back, marvelous mortgage seekers! I'm your host, Peter D'Angelo, ready to take you on another thrilling ride on the latest episode of "Mortgage, Markets, and More," titled "Rate Rollercoaster Continues...DTI-Wanna Qualify!" 🎉📉Hang onto your hats because we've had some ups and downs this week, and I'm here to share the loop-de-loops of our mortgage rate journey while also schooling you on the ABCs of DTI—that's Debt-To-Income for our new friends on this financial coaster. 🤓💰From sizzling survey stats to whispers of inflation, I've got the lowdown that can turn you into a mortgage qualification guru! Get the inside track on how your income, debts, and that magical DTI ratio can land you in the home of your dreams—or give you the knowledge to smartly adjust those home-owning aspirations. 🏠✨So tune in now, amp up your mortgage wisdom, and join the party of informed listeners who aren't afraid to face the twists and turns of the real estate market! 🎧 And of course, hit subscribe, send this episode zooming into the inboxes of your buddies, and stay tuned for our next sensational market update!Let's tackle this week with energy and brains to match—because when it comes to navigating the rate rollercoaster, knowledge is your superpower! 💪🧠 #DTIDeepDive #MortgageMania #RateRollercoasterWatch this episode on Youtube!Interested in getting Pre-Approved? Submit your Pre-Approval inquiry here!Interested in your Refinance options? Submit your Refinance inquiry here!Follow me on: FacebookInstagramLinkedInYouTube Peter D'Angelo | NMLS: 885309 | Branch Manager | Guaranteed Rate, Inc., NMLS*All information, topics, discussion is my own personal opinion and insight, not reflective of Guaranteed Rate, Inc. May contain market information for informational purposes only, not to be used as financial advice.
Settling Down: NAR Lawsuit Edition
Settling Down: NAR Lawsuit Edition
🌟🏠 Hey, hey, homebuyers and realty rockstars! Your friendly neighborhood host, Peter D'Angelo, is here with a sizzling scoop on the latest "Mortgage, Markets, and More" episode: "Settling Down: NAR Lawsuit Edition." 🏘️👨‍⚖️Buckle up as we're diving headfirst into the big-league developments shaking up the real estate realm! 📉💼 I've got the hot-off-the-press update on the landmark National Association of Realtors settlement that's got the industry buzzing and maybe a little baffled. With a colossal $418 million settlement on the line, the future of agent commissions is on everyone's minds!Wondering what it all means for your wallet, your home, and your hometown agent? 🤔💵 Listen in as I break it all down for you without the jargon – just pure, undiluted insights that could reshape the landscape of real estate as we know it.Hit play now, and don't forget to share this episode with everyone in your inner circle eager to navigate the next chapter in real estate with confidence and insider knowledge. 🎧🔥 Subscribe for more riveting updates, and let's make sense of these seismic shifts together! Until our next mortgage rate rendezvous, stay informed, stay excited, and stay tuned! 🌈🎙️ #RealEstateRevelations #MarketMovers #NARLawsuitLowdownWatch this episode on Youtube!Interested in getting Pre-Approved? Submit your Pre-Approval inquiry here!Interested in your Refinance options? Submit your Refinance inquiry here!Follow me on: FacebookInstagramLinkedInYouTube Peter D'Angelo | NMLS: 885309 | Branch Manager | Guaranteed Rate, Inc., NMLS*All information, topics, discussion is my own personal opinion and insight, not reflective of Guaranteed Rate, Inc. May contain market information for informational purposes only, not to be used as financial advice.
The View From The [Capitol] Hill
The View From The [Capitol] Hill
🌟🏛️ Good morning, fellow financiers and home hunters! It's your trusty guide, Peter D'Angelo, back with a brand-spankin'-new episode of "Mortgage, Markets, and More" entitled "The View From The [Capitol] Hill"! 📈🎙️I've got my eyes peeled and ears to the ground, bringing you a steaming-hot mortgage rate update straight from the heart of decision-making – yes, we're talking Capitol Hill, where big things are brewing for all of us dream home seekers and real estate gurus! 🏠💼📉🎉 Rates are dipping folks, and I'm here to spill the beans on why you should be tuned in and turned up! With whispers of interest rate cuts floating through Congress and our financial leaders hinting at a fizzling inflation target, the tides are turning, and I'm all here for it.So before you set sail on your week, make sure to catch this episode. I'm dishing out the economic inside scoop – simplified, demystified, and ready-to-use for your next big move. Let's crack the code together and navigate these fiscal waves with finesse! 🚀🌊Hit that subscribe button, share this intel with every market maverick you know, and float a comment my way if you've got those burning questions or crave more crunchy content! Let's ride this rollercoaster together – until Friday's real estate roundup, keep your heads high and your investing savvy sharper! 🔍📊 #MarketInsights #EconomyUncovered #RateWatchWatch this episode on Youtube!Interested in getting Pre-Approved? Submit your Pre-Approval inquiry here!Interested in your Refinance options? Submit your Refinance inquiry here!Follow me on: FacebookInstagramLinkedInYouTube Peter D'Angelo | NMLS: 885309 | Branch Manager | Guaranteed Rate, Inc., NMLS*All information, topics, discussion is my own personal opinion and insight, not reflective of Guaranteed Rate, Inc. May contain market information for informational purposes only, not to be used as financial advice.
Tech Innovations for Real Estate!
Tech Innovations for Real Estate!
🚀📱 Hey tech enthusiasts and real estate mavens! It's Peter D'Angelo coming at you with a cutting-edge episode of "Mortgage, Markets, and More," titled "Tech Innovations for Real Estate!" 🤖🏘️ Dive in as I geek out over the latest tech trends that are revolutionizing the real estate game – and you're invited to the digital deep dive!I'm unpacking how virtual tours have become the new dazzling darling of property showcases, the effortless elegance of e-signatures smoothing out transactions, and remote online notaries making closings a cyber breeze. 🌐✨ And for my fellow nerds, we're not stopping there! Let's talk AI, augmented reality, and blockchain – oh my! This episode is your golden ticket to the proptech playground where innovation meets investment. 🌟Whether you're in New Jersey, craving that competitive edge, or lounging in Florida, with more choices than beach days, these tech tidbits are sure to ignite your imagination and spark your strategy. 🔥🏖️ Hit play and join me on this journey where gadgets meet gables, and the future is now. Get ready to transform the way you buy, sell, and cherish homes with technology that takes your breath away! 🎧💼Smash that like button, share this visionary voyage with every tech-head and home hunter you know, and subscribe for more epic explorations at the intersection of mortgages and groundbreaking gadgets. Let's kick this weekend into high gear and stay tuned for more – because when it comes to tech and real estate, the possibilities are truly boundless! 🌈💥 #RealEstateRevolution #ProptechPowerup #TechTrendsUnleashedWatch this episode on Youtube!Interested in getting Pre-Approved? Submit your Pre-Approval inquiry here!Interested in your Refinance options? Submit your Refinance inquiry here!Follow me on: FacebookInstagramLinkedInYouTube Peter D'Angelo | NMLS: 885309 | Branch Manager | Guaranteed Rate, Inc., NMLS*All information, topics, discussion is my own personal opinion and insight, not reflective of Guaranteed Rate, Inc. May contain market information for informational purposes only, not to be used as financial advice.
Oh MI, MI! Voila! ...Volatility....
Oh MI, MI! Voila! ...Volatility....
🎉 Hey listeners! It's your go-to mortgage maestro, Peter D'Angelo, bringing a fresh and fiery episode of "Mortgage, Markets, and More" to your airwaves! Tune in to "Oh MI, MI! Voila! ...Volatility...." where I'm dishing out the latest market melodrama with those ever-tantalizing mortgage rates! 🏡📈🌷 As we leap into March with both feet, I'm all geared up to unravel the enigma of mortgage insurance (MI) with gusto – perfect for real estate pros and homebuyers alike! Dive in as I decode those digits from last week's rate round-up and offer up a slice of insight on why those numbers are doing the tango! 💃Whether it's the 7.1% twist of the 30-year fixed rate or the 6.6% shake of the 15-year fixed, I'm your trusty guide through this jungle of jive talkin' rates. And oh, let's not forget about the deep dive into MI that might just have you shouting 'Eureka' from your rooftop! 🕵️‍♂️🏠So grab your headphones and prepare for takeoff, because we're about to lift the veil on the mystery that is mortgage insurance and rock your financial world! 🚀🎧 Smash that like, share this gem with the world, and subscribe for more of my mortgage magic. Let's make this an awe-inspiring week and stay slick out there in the market maze! ✨ #MortgageMaestro #RateRave #MIMystiqueWatch this episode on Youtube!Interested in getting Pre-Approved? Submit your Pre-Approval inquiry here!Interested in your Refinance options? Submit your Refinance inquiry here!Follow me on: FacebookInstagramLinkedInYouTube Peter D'Angelo | NMLS: 885309 | Branch Manager | Guaranteed Rate, Inc., NMLS*All information, topics, discussion is my own personal opinion and insight, not reflective of Guaranteed Rate, Inc. May contain market information for informational purposes only, not to be used as financial advice.
The Holiday Hangover - January Real Estate Report
The Holiday Hangover - January Real Estate Report
🥳📈 Shake off that holiday sluggishness and get pumped for the latest scoop in "The Holiday Hangover - January Real Estate Report" on "Mortgage, Markets, and More" with me, Peter D'Angelo! 💥🏠We're slicing through January's chill with the National Association of Realtors' hottest sales data! 🔥 Whether you're planning a move this year or just love to monitor the market pulse, this episode is stacked with insights! 📊❄️Dive into the details of single-family homes, condos, co-ops, and the feverish median price climbs 📈. Plus, keep your ears perked for next week's insights on mortgage rates that could make or break your real estate dreams! 🎧💭RealEstateTrends #JanuarySales #PodcastAlert #MortgageMarketsAndMore👉 Don't hold back! Hit subscribe, share with a friend, and let's unwrap the starting stats of 2024 together! Here's to an insightful weekend and an even brighter home-hunting horizon! 🌟🔍Watch this episode on Youtube!Interested in getting Pre-Approved? Submit your Pre-Approval inquiry here!Interested in your Refinance options? Submit your Refinance inquiry here!Follow me on: FacebookInstagramLinkedInYouTube Peter D'Angelo | NMLS: 885309 | Branch Manager | Guaranteed Rate, Inc., NMLS*All information, topics, discussion is my own personal opinion and insight, not reflective of Guaranteed Rate, Inc. May contain market information for informational purposes only, not to be used as financial advice.